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A.. touchy subject

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First off, I know this is my first post on these forums, so with that, I should say... Hi!

Who am I? Nobody special, really, just an old fan who still has the cardboard box with the CD in it, from when he bought E&B right after release, and who's extremely grateful you lot are reviving this great game. Many thanks do ye devs out there!

Now that we have that introduction out of the way... on with the reason I'm jabbering here.

A short while ago, I got myself a touch-screen monitor and while most games have some SERIOUS issues with touch screens, to my great surprise, I've found that the E&B interface is actually pretty awesome for this.

Now, do note that this is with Windows7, as other versions may not have proper support for this, and E&B seems to use its mode of input (thankfully), as shown by its right-click mode (press and hold).

So.. the reason I'm actually posting this here is because I had already made the following video and a fellow E&B fan (known around here as Mneme) suggested posting it.

So, yeah.. clicking the image below will take you to a video(I couldn't find a way to embed it ATM, sorry) of me mumbling, and mucking about on the touch screen in E&B (and bit of website) in case anyone may find it interesting. :)

Facebook linky (need to log in to FB to see):


or the edited youtube link, as it won't allow me to upload more than 10minutes of video...


Oh and yes, that's XP debt I'm paying off - this poor Combat lvl 4 Explorer got killed by a lvl40-something while exploring, a short while before recording this. :(


Edit 2:

Okay, I'm dumb and forgot that you need to be logged into FB to see FB videos.. uploaded to youtube now and edited the post - thanks for the patience :)

Edited by FeddEx Express
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@Tyran - Numiah2 is correct, you tap the screen and hold - you can see the circle forming around your finger. Release before it's complete and it considers it a left click, wait until it's done and it's a right-click. let it fill and then drag to right-click and drag (see walking/flying around)

This looks neat for casual gameplay, but would suffer in a twitchy situtation.

Fun nonetheless.

Yeah that's true. I found that if you gotta act quick, it's often not accurate/fast enough. You can see me accidentally remove selection from an enemy once or twice too, and as the cursor remains in place after you click something, tool tips sometimes come up and block your view. Occasionally it's also unclear as to when it registers as a click, or when it just moved the cursor over to a location. May just be something to get used to, but I found it surprising to see an older game work so well with something it wasn't actually made for. :)

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E&B is remarkably solid on Windows 7 in general, in my experience anyway. I don't really think ANY game is "made for" a touchscreen. I am quite interested in how Starsiege would work on it though...

Apparently RUSE, an RTS game soon to be released (I haven't checked in a while) is supposed to be made with touch screens in mind. One of the few though. Hardly any until recently (unless you count some cellphone games).

Support in SS I'd have to check. I remember you had a lot of settings to bind and set up control, so it may do okay, but it really depends on how sensitivity is handled. Basically, if it's assuming mouse movement in a particular direction (as opposed to absolute X/Y values on the screen), it'll most likely be horrible and inferior to mouse or trackball.

Oddly enough, following/leading targets has so far been more difficult on the touchscreen than with the mouse. Not entirely sure why.

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