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Everything posted by bondct

  1. i know i will regret posting this... but... if I am going to get arsed... I really think I want to be blinded first... ESPECIALLY... knowing the length of some of the NPC's missions...
  2. bondct


    well i didnt say getting rid of it would solve the problem... but obviously you need a functional virus protection suite... there are really only so many different solutions to this problem so just to recap (and there is no special order here try these any order you like)... 1. click help then inv-300 2. check the local cert box and try logging in 3. uninstall the launcher and delete the folder c:\Net7, then download a new launcher and reinstall 4. goto this link https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/714-install-enb-from-scratch-instructions-rev-7222010/ and follow all the instructions from scratch (you do not need to reinstall enb though)... and dont skip steps... as in make sure you have all the microsoft patch and update items... 5. Make sure you right click the launcher shortcut and click on Run as Administrator, as there is a difference between being an administrator of your pc and running a program as administrator 6. if you can remember the last time that you were able to login... you can try doing a System Restore to a time before then
  3. bondct


    just a thought... get new virus protection rather than turn it off??? seriously though... if what you got cant be configured try sumtin different then... hell even microsoft security essentials is better than nothing (tbh I use that)...
  4. /bump anything on this? is this something that can be easily done or is this a real omg item you want what?! item...
  5. I realize I will get accused of being lazy here... but I would like to see this idea on an account level... so I dont have to goto my ore alt to get the ores in the first place
  6. or how about instanced spawns... you go in with just your group... but then thats another game... personally I like instanced raids... can we do instanced?... although the challenge of dueling it out with another big guild or teaming up with another guild was part of the fun of enb as well... making and breaking alliances... wouldnt want to remove that completely... but imo this thread has gotten a little derailed... from the topic... and imo removing guilds is not a good idea and does not solve anything that the op was looking for except to remove guild tags from the game...
  7. first of all, and I have been meaning to say this for sometime now... Jamosite... I LOVE your drifting pic in your sig... lmao everytime I see it... I cant help but watch it... as for the OP... lets get a few things straight... 1. you cant punish all guilds because of a few... 2. People that macro and bot are going to macro and bot and dont need a guild to do it 3. Join Static Keep in mind that most guilds are not like that... and on a side note... if you want to rant... you really need to do it on your main account and not make a new one... take it from a veteran forum whore here... you will get no respect or acknowledgement by posting anonomously... (hell its the internet for Chirst sake where most peoples balls are as big as water tanks already... your identity is already pretty well hidden and no one is coming to your house over a rant)
  8. i always got my conf emails but if you need any help let me know... I do a lot of work with email systems...
  9. imo AA's were miner incentives to improve their game... and I think with all the work Merl is doing AA's may just be obsolete... so unless they are just super easy to code... we may have better things coming down the pike? just my .02
  10. keep in mind that if something has a 5% drop rate... that does not mean that every 100 YOU KILL will get 5 drops... that means that 5% is the average... you could be the unlucky one...
  11. every once in awhile windows gets confused and give that message... make sure you are fully logged into one session before you start the next one... and dont be in such a rush to click through everything give the prompts a second before you click the next thing... whenever you feel you want to click somethingg, breath first then click... do not duplicate the directory or anything else... if you can run one session then the game and launcher is working perfectly as designed...
  12. make sure you are running as admin...meaning not that you are logged in as admin... but when you run the game you tell it to run as admin
  13. I actually like the terran skin... it reminds me of making reactors on my TS ...
  14. well just start selling hellbore ammo outside of qar and that would resolve it... is there anything else inside qar worthwhile?
  15. bondct


    perhaps your launcher is too old to update... try deleting it and following the instructions on the tech support forum to reinstall (minus the game install part)...
  16. so do we all have to open tickets to get faction fixed? why not just put all faction back to where it was... ok well can you reset Reya's rd faction back to where it was so she can get back into QAR to buy hellbore ammo...
  17. bondct


    did you try clicking Help > INV-300 that attempts to install the cert... when was the last time you logged in sucessfully? or is this your first time
  18. nah this is better cuz now instead of being lazy, you can not do it on purpose and be spiteful
  19. the new forum skins are nice... but just an fyi... that the main earth and beyond skin broke in the process
  20. did you have to be logged in at the crash to lose stuff? I mighta lost my mind well that and the obvious rd rep that everyone else lost... plus I think I lost 3 hellbores, the recipe to amah's pain along with the comps to make about 7 of them... oh and my TS lost the skill Build Reactors so open a ticket? oh and is the forum broken or is it just me... seems like a buncha icons are missing???
  21. /signed... I approve this message
  22. screeenshot? what are the specs of your ... laptop or iphone that you play on? what screen resolution are you playing at... at some non standard resolutions the game has a hard time assembling the textures... first run the enb config tool set it to the res you want and after the test runs click on the ok button or whatever it says on the button i forget... then try going into the Graphic options in game put them on manual and turn up all of them to max except for gamma control... if you are still having glitches then rinse and repeat but set the resolution to 1024 x 768... if you still have problems then you need a new vid card...
  23. definitely a setup job... there is no way that a person is that stupid... unless this 1200$ was a drop in the bucket for him... and in that case he prob has at least a few thousand more in cards... more likely imo it was part of a bet... but you xxx that you cant get from here to there with a hold of xxx
  24. join static... we have nightly groups that go on killing sprees across the galaxy...
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