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Everything posted by bondct

  1. I could be off base here... but I think if you look at the attached map... the way its setup now makes more sense... plus... if there are warp gates ro jump gates.... then rhyme orreason as to where they connect kinda lose value dont they? this website http://www.enbx.com/maps.htm has the best collection of maps from live that I have found...
  2. considering that you can run 3 copies of enb on the same iphone pc at the same time... I would just assume not lose 48 slots... making a few extra accounts of storage alts is not a big deal...
  3. ok let me make sure I understand what you are saying... you have a stand alone pc (amd athlon 64... guessing dual core am2 slot 2,5 ghz??? with 3 gb ram and win7 64 bit ultimate as the os) and you have 2 monitors connected to it using a radeon x1300/x1550 vid card (is that 256mb ram or 512?)? On this pc on the main screen you run Starcraft2, World of Warcraft and Half Life2 at any resolution (any I assume is 1440 x 900 or better?) and standard ingame vid settings or less (obviously its not max with that card)... but when you try to login to EnB on your primary monitor it will crash 99% of the time... is all that correct? my apologies if I misread your post... for what its worth with the info as I presently read it... I run enb on win7 64bit and do not use any compatiblity modes and I did not even check off run as administrator... it just runs... although I have the opposite problem of you... about 1% of the time when I type my password in at the login screen it will ctd... but I have more of a gaming system as well... just off the top of my head... and this is kinda moot if you run wow the way you say... but uncheck the compatibility mode and admin and turn off windows aero if your card can even handle that and see if you get better luck logging in... also you may want to try and match your desktop resolution to the ingame resolution you want to use...
  4. now that is a rockin idea... i like that even better... as you may not always want to build what you built b4... but you always want to build what you got the comps for... please do that
  5. used to be when you hit help it took you to the forum... but then you were stuck there... so for awhile... I put a link to google.com in my forum sig... so I could access google from in game... the problem was that while you could click links... there was no way to type what you wanted to do...
  6. ok not an enb subject... well not really... but here we go... over the past few days I started to get a popup when I rebooted and just every once in awhile to back up an encrpytion key for bit locker... I have had Win7 Pro installed for at least 8 months now and never saw this... so anyway... I start doing all kinds a research on this... and the best I can come up with is it looks like my pc thinks that 2 things are worthy of bitlocker... it listed my user name for my pc... and the local.net7.org certificate... well too close... I just told bitlocker to keep reminding me upon bootup and then I got seaky on its butt and went into windows services and disabled bitlocker anyway... anyone know anything about bitlocker or have used it... I know its some kind of full volume drive encryption... but is it necessary...
  7. I lose track with all these cherry picker posts and threads over the years... but you know if you just gave a clear bonus on a per roid basis... this whole subject would be gone for good... cuz then if a person cherry picked and didnt clear... that would be a gift to the next miner who has to take less ores outta a roid for the bonus... personally while leveling... I will never cherry pick... but once I hit el50 or if I need certain ores for a build or mission I will always cherry pick just what I need... and screw you and your mother (unless your progen) if you are gonna toss a popper at me cuz I just needed ammo ores and thats all I took... fix the real problem... if there were no clear bonus on a per field level then this argument is moot... although I guess it would still exsist... cuz in reality... the reason people hate cherry pickers is cuz I took the ore you wanted and left you with junk... awwwwwww /cry /edit maybe I should stop cherry picking the boss/named mobs as well during combat... hmmm
  8. I am not sure if your question was really answered so here it goes... it is possible to get levels past 150 but your toon will always show as being L150... for each level above 150 you get an extra skill point that you can use to raise the rest of your skills as getting to 150 does not max out your toons skills
  9. now thats a good idea... and since Ts builds reactors now... its a win win
  10. problem with that is I doubt people would read it... however... it might be in the best interest (something the dev team can decide) if when donation posts came up to just delete it and send the op a msg?
  11. at this point in the game... I am not even sure if anyone is putting points into it either... I mean how much damage is anyone taking with all these wimpy mobs... so its kinda a non-issue i guess...
  12. /bump... is this a loooonnnnggggg term wish or sumtin that cant be done or what? just a few word answer plz
  13. unless you got the standard network card... alienware pc's come with a "killer" (brand name) network card... I am not an expert on these cards... but they are like mini computers with 400mhz processors in them and 128mb ram (heh more powerful than the pc I started playing enb with in live)... they bypass windows normal networking stack and do the whole thing themseleves freeing up system resources... you should also have a dashboard software tool that you can monitor and control what the card does... what I am suggesting is that your card is sending data faster than the router can transmit causing your high latency... if you reduce the upload speed of your network card using the dashboard tool maybe that would improve your connection to the server... the reason your laptop plays the game fine even on wireless is that your laptop is so much more powerful resource wise than enb requires... your alienware is so overwhelmingly powerful in comparision to what resources that enb needs that it doesnt even know its turned on, the lights in your case use more power than enb another suggestion just for kicks... go out and grab a $10 network card and toss it in your pc and connect to that when you play enb... or if you want I can send you one free... ------------------------------ on a side note... I wonder what game the network card thinks its playing... i'm gonna go out on a limb here... the killer card is supposed to detect what game your playing and allocate resources accordingly... so are you playing earth and beyond(client.exe)... or are you playing Net7Proxy.exe?
  14. really? I have never had enb in compat mode ever and I run graphics set to max... I dont run vista... but I do run win7 64 bit and winxp sp3... I guess I could stick a fork in my vid card and try to make some vid problems
  15. what screen resolution are you running enb at? log into game and set the video settings back to auto and logout and run enb config at just for argument sake 1024x768 and when its done hit ok... I think that the config tool is supposed to set the game to settings that your computer can handle, as it measures your poly budget... if that makes the problem go away, then you can increase res and settings from there... oh also try using windowed mode rather than full screen... /edit in rereading the original post... sumtin just came to me... I had that video card... its the one that takes 2 power connectors and uses up 2 slots... get a new vid card... I mean you can try what I said above and get more life... but what you are describing is the slow death that my card had...
  16. few suggestions... try turning off windows aero mode and also make sure that your windows desktop is at least as large as the screen res you want to run enb in... and instead of full screen mode... try windowed mode... If the game runs in 800x600 without winxpsp2 compat mode... then turn that off imo and just make sure you are running as admin... which it sounds like you are
  17. well if you have a new alienware pc... then you probably have a xeno or 2100 net card... so it was just my thought that perhaps your net card was sending data to your router faster than the router could forward it out... causing a bottleneck and making you more susceptible to the problem your experiencing... it was just a thought... and on those cards you can control manually the up and down speeds through software... I am assuming that warping would create greater sync issues as the client tries to see everything your passing... cdel what i meant about enb was and Im a little rusty on this... was that back in the day if you didnt control the max rate that a client could connect to the server at... then people close to the server with broadband would get an amazing connection and people further from the server (and especially those on dialup) would get whats leftover and always be about 2 seconds behind you in game time... so in combat 2 seconds behind is death... so my thought was that if enb controlled the max rate... so to speak... then it wouldnt matter if you had a 5 mbps connection or a 50 mbps connect... cuz the game is onlg gonna give you what its set at the max to give out... and Im sure enb must do this... I was just wondering what the rate was...
  18. so you pay $100-150 a month for internet service for one computer... since you said you plug directly into your router... and when you play enb that is all you are using your internet for is enb??? and your not running a server? dont take this the wrong way... im just curious... I am also curious as to how much of that speed actually translates back and forth to the game (a dev question)... back in the day when I used to run game servers we used to control the client connections so everyone could have a piece... oh you also didnt say what kind of netcard you have installed in your pc? if you are getting between 25-35 then what does your plan call for... I know verizon has a 25/25 and a 50/25 but they could have other plans... oh and one thing you may want to try is to dial down your net cards output to the router... if your card is sending out data faster than your router can handle it that will cause high latency
  19. what is ur upload speed... that is really the measure of a service... sounds like you are bottle necking somewhere... probably on the send to server side? what network card are you using?
  20. I am really liking this idea... cant tell you how many times I didnt use a certain buff cuz I didnt feel like equipping the device...
  21. while the op's question was answered... this does bring up an idea... I suppose that any ship "could" mine... since prospect is a player skill and its the player that is mining and not actually the ship??? does that sound correct...
  22. i think if anything we need to talk about some serious taking away from the PT... as it is now... PT is the most OP class in the game... if it werent for the fact that they are progen and not terran... I would have 3 of them all at L150 and make a guild called "The Three Privateers" Only my 3 toons would be in it and we would go from raid boss to raid boss farming it and restricting other groups from having a chance at it... because we could... oh and they do have a defining skill... its called OP and if you also think about it... they dont need more skills... no class really does (except for the TS that needs Build Reactor)... cuz each class has at least 2-3 skills that are so useless that all they do is suck up bandwidth when we have to scroll past them...
  23. bondct

    Mob AI

    if I were taking that much damage I would just hit q and not stop till I was totally outta there and not return till i was 100% healed and bufffed... but from a game perspective if mobs warped out everytime they were about to die... that woulda kinda just sux... how would you ever get xp or level... and on the reverse if mobs always called up a group of allies everytime they were gettin beat on... then how do support classes level combat... they would be required to find warrior support... now in a raid situation all bets are off and you have to form whatever group of classes is required to kill the mobs... but in a nonraid situation do we really want to make suppport classes depenendant on warriors just to pull off a few rounds?
  24. bondct

    Mob AI

    I dont think the mob should ever run away unless there is a mob combat strategy attached to it... a fleeing mob is a dead mob... which is what we wanted anyway... so really let them all turn and run... especially the ones that use projectiles and beams ...easy pickings... and tbh I dont like strats based on mob flee... for example the run and call for help or the run and spawn 3 more mobs... cuz to a warrior or a healer thats just gravy... but to everyone else its just a lost kill or a kill and lost loot on what should have been easy xp... note when I say run away I mean the full impulse get outta dodge run in a straight line until you reset cuz you are tethered run... the short tactical retreat use a skill then turn and fire is ok
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