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Everything posted by bondct

  1. your da best merl... oh and I dont know what Whoopy Twang is... but damn im gettin excited
  2. i think that... oh never mind...
  3. bondct

    Got lag?

    Hi Morte... I know you have had huge problems that no one has been able to figure out and with the money you spent/spend on your system and internet I feel for ya... but seriously... please anyone who reads this... DO NOT... DO NOT... turn off your firewall or antivirus... EVER... and if you need to in order to work on your pc... then disconnect from the internet first... from my personal experience (your mileage may vary™) of professionally fixing computers the number one way that people get there machine screwed up is by turning off firewalls and antivirus... trust me... enb runs on iphone and now droid and ipad (kindle and nook coming soon™) and if the only way you can get enb to run is by turning those things off... there is like a 99.9% chance the problem is you and not the game... i see people lose all their files on a daily basis (cuz who backs up?) due to virus, maleware, etc, etc, etc... now I know that no one ever listens to this rant of mine... so formatting your dead pc is $200 plus any charges for attempting to recover your data, plus any parts/software (I wont reinstall your hacked copy of windows), shipping and handl:)g
  4. so then plus or minus 10k is the cap on faction? and you cant goto sumtin like say -34k hateed with chavez?
  5. i blame Dell... did you ever try getting an extra net card from somewhere... I mean its just a wild guess... but if you have one laying around that you dont have to pay for... what the heck... u been having trble for a bit now...
  6. mine was a long time ago... and I could have always gotten lucky too... it did seem a little too easy...
  7. i realize you want it back and hopefully you can get it returned to you... but then again... his respawn timer is only 20 min... he is not usually heavily camped (pretty much not camped at all)... and its a high percentage drop... usually can get one in 3-6 kills...
  8. you would be amazed at how many pc's that I go to repair (even work pc's) are so bogged down with nonsense from porn sites... from my experience (your mileage may vary) porn sites are way up there on the list of how people screw up their pc... and of course they always deny it... lol oh and in my travels... and ull get a kick outta this... I have seen porn sites based on The Sims... people are strange to say the least...
  9. lrn2use your computer and IE is da best... imo anything else is for amateurs... although admitedly... you do need a 2nd pc running FF to view porn on... gotta give FF props on porn viewing and not screwing up your machine... but is not being able to hit random porn sites that live to attack your pc really an IE downfall?
  10. IE8 no problems here to report... maybe you guys should catch up with technology, learn how to use a real browser, and stop using inferior browsers
  11. actually what might be a L7-9 field is just an 8-9 field as its most likely that the ammo ores are gone at L7... so I guess we didnt mess it up that bad after all now where is that damn maid to clean out the rest of the field for me... ... ... and lets get something straight once again... everybody EVERYBODY cherry-picks at one time or another... and anyone that doesnt is a liar... ok here is another idea... make all ores of a certain level sell at vendor either raw or refined for the exact same amount of credits... so this way the "serious" miners who are just in it to mine will always get the same xp and credits... how does that sound...
  12. cant we change the graphic on the booth to have the level number on it? I know we spoke about redoing stations in the past...
  13. sweet... now all we need is a citrix server and we no longer will have to login to windows to play enb or search the net... or chat... or...
  14. copy... I was just responding to slayer asking what I was seeing in game... but tbh i didnt even ask him which server... maybe he meant the ptr?
  15. i went to the intergalactic net terminal at omp and clicked every help button option... and although some of them will show me the enb-emulator home page... none of them have an option to type in url's... and at the intergalactic net terminal when u open that you cant see ingame chat...
  16. I get to 150 one level at a time
  17. I could not see it last night... and all I can see right now is our Corporate Firewall saying, "YOU WILL NOT PLAY ENB ON MY TIME!" but I will check when I get home later
  18. /blush OMG what was I thinking... damn copy and paste
  19. ok i know your not finished yet... cuz the place to type a url in is not there and such... but it is also possible for us to still be able to see ingame chat at same time we are surfing the web?
  20. http://google.com http://www.earthandbeyond.ca http://enbarsenal.com http://enbdatabase.net-7.org http://libraryofthumbs.com http://net-7.org http://www.enbx.com
  21. maybe we could take an idea from COH and from our guild bases build guild gates that only your guildies could use... so we could build gates to the controller, the fishbowl, the rd base , the TS reactor building workshop, etc... now we are talking...
  22. I noticed a new post on the Web Development PUBLIC Discussion board listed in View New Content... but i cant access it... is there some other kinda public here I am not aware of? am I not a Citizen cuz I haven't served in the mobile infantry yet? just wondering...
  23. well just to have some fun with this... isnt pluto no longer a planet? and tbh I really feel bad for Pluto... I mean all those years of planet status and then one day BAM! now your nothing... personally... I still call Pluto a planet and always will good point about bh tyran... 99.999% of the trip is just getting to the system after that its just a matter of minutes (light minutes)... to travel between the planets...
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