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Everything posted by Zinlu

  1. Sarcasm? No. Family-friendly? Yes Edit: Just wanted to add that ya might be surprised at the number of single-digit aged players there are.
  2. I don't like the way EA does business, so no. I have much more confidence in our group, for love of the game or for learning. This is one instance where the "why" isn't as important.
  3. Usually run windowed on my computer so I can use the second monitor for Databases, Teamspeak, Trillian, MechLab, etc. My computer doesn't like alt-tabbing from fullscreen or that''s what I would use. The Wife runs hers fullscreen, and our guest computer runs fullscreen.
  4. Welcome! Here's hoping you have an easy install (all 4 of mine were ) and lots of fun in game. There's quite a few things changed from Live, but most of those make it even better.
  5. I have nothing against anyone that smokes a lil on the side. Last I checked though it's illegal in most places, allowing talk about it on public channels would make the EMulator liable on legal terms I think. Best to keep it to yourself from now on. Just my opinion
  6. Thank you for the heads up, Blattu. Shy and I send our best wishes to him (and to y'all , the rest of his family). We'll be keeping you all in our thoughts. Zinlu and Shyatt
  7. Ok so then a lot of folks will still dualbox a trader anyway, the only difference would be they do it specifically for the higher level trade goods. So should traders and explorers not get to fight? I personally see no good reason why *anyone* can't take needed (or wanted) supplies from one station to another and make money/trade exp. Who exactly was it that "intended" trade runs to be a Trader-only thing?
  8. Wassap girlie girl! You best be a friendin me!

  9. Mordanite is mineable in Endriago, near the Glowing/Blazing Manes. Follow the Nav path west around the planet.
  10. Sweet! I love those sigs, Seeker.
  11. Dunno if I was supposed to get an item award, but (other than that)I did my level 75 Privateer HU last night with no problems. I haven't tried any other missions with her, so I can't speak on any of those.
  12. Shy and I live in Macon, Georgia. My mom, Quantri, is just up the road in Juliette. We're about an hour and a half south of Atlanta, GA.
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