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Everything posted by r8rsfans75

  1. I would rather have a hulk that contains nothing but goes poof rather then finding a lvl 2 item in a lvl 7 or 8 hulk. Two bonuses there. 1. You don't have to bother cluttering your hold with useless crap just so you can clear the field. 2. Cherry pickers won't leave a dozen or more hulks around that have nothing but lvl 2 garbage in them.
  2. I second the nomination of Magoo, if Magoo is interested. If not, then I nominate Jam who usually has a unique view on things
  3. Another case of a very small portion of the community ruining the game for everyone else. Besides, if this is the way that someone wants to level themselves to 150, more power to them, there is a lot to do in the game on the way to 150 that I prefer doing. Missing out on the field clear bonus because of a macro miner is not going to ruin my day. The economy is already messed up beyond repair, nerfing the roids now is not going to change the fact that people out there already have over a billion credits.
  4. The song is, has been, and always will be awesome. The Beavis voice is a classic. The exploration guide is excellent, I may actually run a tour now using that guide (although reading it really makes me miss the maelstroms, where did I put that %$#@ key)
  5. Well then you do a progen mission...oh wait...stuck on that too.
  6. Same here, I tried talking to both Memnon's (the one on Primus planet and the one in Arx Tiberius who is doing shots) and both are default talk trees.
  7. 9,283,700 to build one stack of ammo. I want a refund
  8. Well not just Byakhee I'm also trying to understand exactly what Matt's issue is currently. From what I have read, Matt has taken his BPOMT to Var and got the Capture the Cargo mission. He has completed the mission, Var give him his Symbol of Loyalty. From what I read in one of Byakhee's posts, you are supposed to be able to turn the Symbol of Loyalty into Gatekeep Memnon to get another mission that rewards you with BB samples. It sounds like that is what Matt is stuck on, Memnon is not giving him this mission.
  9. Ok I am trying to understand the issue here as I will be attempting this mission soon. It sounds to me like the Capture the Cargo mission 7.1 that Byakhee is describing is a mission that Matt has been able to complete and get his Symbol of Loyalty. So now is the issue that Matt is not able to get the BB mission? Am I missing something else?
  10. That almost sounds like more new content. Could there actually be a new content push coming soon as opposed to bug fix pushes?
  11. In the emu, I don't think I have ever asked for a fee for anything that I have given away. The real value to me is the xp I gained for trading. I never ran a miner or a builder in live, but I would imagine that would be a different story as the economy wasn't as loose as it is here.
  12. I just wanted to point out that some suggestions do get implemented in this game. It is much better trying to grind out these last few levels to 150 now that I have only one jump from F7 or Prasad to complete the combat jobs.
  13. Mimir, I had your back during that whole photoshop thing. Anyway I am eligible for my phone upgrade in January and I will be going to an Android and I would be happy to help test for this.
  14. I'm usually not one to point out grammatical/spelling/word usage errors because I'm sure I've made a few of my own on these boards, but this one kinda made me chuckle. I'm glad that now that you are back playing, you don't have to abstain anymore. Sometimes people just don't understand how important this game really is.
  15. I have mixed feelings about this. I like the idea of having an aggro mob on a field to clear out any macro miners, but most non-max level miners are usually mining way above their current CL. So while the mob that is protecting the field is keeping the macro miner away, it is also keeping me (non macro miner) away because I'm mining 6,7 fields but my 2 lvl 3 beams would not be anywhere near enough to take down the 30+ mob that would probalby be used to protect it.
  16. That is very true and there usually is at least a few people on who have a max level toon (and our guild usually maintains a collection of ores and comps for), but in the instance where nobody is available to provide what I need, I like to have that ability to provide for myself. And also have the ability to provide for others.
  17. I just want to mention how glad I am to see this post. As other can probably attest to there have been instances in the past where an action similar to this has been taken without warning. I have no problem giving up my 34 UAA now that I know they will be useless in the future. In all honesty, anything you have right now will be useless in the future when the games goes to beta/live, but it is nice to have someone come out and say "Hey, we are doing this" +1 Kenu
  18. If someone is looking into this I want to add the following spawn point also. In Glenn, there is a group of Chavez that should be spawning north of nav glenn 6 near some Chavez station (can't remember the name). However, these Chavez actually are spawning about 20k east of the Sirius gate and fly west until they reach the station. Since everyone is on a faction grind kick, you can usually follow a trail of corpse's from the station all the way to the gate. (Sorry if I gave up someone's favorite Chavez camping spot, but this is what I used to get my RD faction to -1987)
  19. Excellent Spinaltap reference. Wanted to make sure this didn't go unnoticed.
  20. Why does it always seem to be on a Saturday, I just got my RD faction below 2000.
  21. LOL I was talking about this with a toon in game the other day and we came up with CTB. Crash To Byakhee, its what happens when you are doing a progen mission and get stuck and need a GM to fix. Just kidding B, please don't wipe my progens
  22. A little off-topic but I thought I would ask. Who are the active devs, GM's, admin, etc right now? Or is that list pretty variable? A few people who have been MIA on the boards in a while like David, Suricata, Merlin, (I think I saw a post from Byakhee a couple weeks ago), anyone else I'm missing?
  23. First of all +1000 for working in some more spawns, that will be greatly appreciated. Secondly, could you clarify the 3 days to get RD faction? Is that 3 days at 8 hours a day? 4 hours a day? Did you do this test before the gates were factioned again? Similar to what Fuulish was saying, I'm in central time zone and the time of day that I am able to get on is usually about the busiest time of the server (180 - 200+ toons logged in). And Chavez is the only way to go if DT is going to be brought on as a factioned gate. I know of EC being another option (the spawn with the 12's and 27's has been camped pretty regularly lately also), and your own class, but I am not aware of any other mobs that give RD faction.
  24. Is anybody that has the ability to make any of the suggested changes reading this and would care to drop a comment?
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