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Everything posted by garblesoup

  1. Geez, what a whiner - and hiding behind a made-up name just to make your whine-post is soooo pathetic - next time ask your Mom if it's OK to do something like that, mmmmmKay? I was a guild-member in Live but am a solo player here in ST. I have had ZERO issues with the guilds named in this rant. I hear WoW calling your name.
  2. Apologies that this isn't directly EnB related but I know a number of folks here have played (or are still playing) EvE. This story just made me laugh out loud. I haven't played EvE in a long time and don't miss it at all . . . but here's where PvP and the PLEX scheme had a head-on collision and everyone (except ccp) lost. Hilarious. EVE player destroys over $1000 worth of game time
  3. Agreed! My concern (each time this comes up, how many is this one now?) is that any such effort to link donations to meaningful in-game benefits risks creating a 2-class system: those that can buy their way to improved gameplay capabilities and those that can't. That's not good in a non-commercial game. I'm much more ambivalent on the things that are less meaningful (eyeball poppers or something like that) but still fear it sets up a slippery slope.
  4. I agree whole-heartedly . . . but do we need a very special explanation for those those that steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that there are specific cultural differences between the people playing this game across the globe? I, personally, was quite surprised to find that some of our members were incapable of effectively using search engines and I now realize that my assumption that anyone playing this game was probably somewhat tech-savvy was not well founded. So my concern would be that such people would continue to have a difficult time without every thing being spelled out to them . . . slowly . . . so that they could understand these issues.
  5. Sorry, I apologize, it was wrong of me to assume you didn't have access to Google. I guess what I really should have written was some day you will be able to use it. My bad. First Hit HTH!
  6. Don't worry, someday Google will come to your country, too.
  7. Glad it's working for you now.
  8. There have been a few quirks as to various pre-req's on some of these TT skill missions, don't know where they stand these days. Just in case, though, make sure you have the $25K on hand that I think she wants and also get the Build Devices skill first.
  9. Great stuff, Merlin, thanks for all you've been doing.
  10. If so, I don't understand why you can't provide the requested link. My understanding is that is NOT the goal - the Team has set their sights much higher. If it is to be just like Live then won't we need to . . . * remove the TS, JT, and PT? * remove the field clearing bonus for mining? * remove the new sectors that were added? etc. So, I'm just asking, if you are certain that the Team has actually stated that the goal is to be just like Live - where can one find that statement?
  11. Really? I could have sworn I had read other posts by members of the Team that this was not actually the goal. Do you have a reference as to where this goal is stated that you could point us to?
  12. Riggghhhht . . . that's why the title of this thread is "How to hurt multi-boxing".
  13. I think it probably needs to be tested out with limited function for an extended period . . . so I would propose initially limiting it to the form of: /sendcreditsto Jarod and I'll let you all know how it works. In seriousness I'm not violently opposed to it but it does seem to be something that would mostly be for the convenience of multi-boxers, of which I am one, but I think I prefer the "you have to actually be there to trade anything" system currently in place. It's a slippery slope, IMO.
  14. I had that in the last century, too, but we called it "the telephone".
  15. I believe the suggestion was to reSEAT, not reSET. Remove the RAM sticks from their sockets and then re-install them.
  16. With the caveat that PM Longbow ammo is a PITA for some, due to the need for Athanor Adamantine AMF2 comps.
  17. Agreed. If there's a finite amount of development effort, and I assume (!!) there is, I'd rather see it devoted to other efforts. People using language contrary to the agreed upon standard, in public channels, should simply be dealt with on a case by case basis. An occasional slip is no biggy (IMO), it happens, it's really the people that for some reason insist that somehow it's their "right" to express themselves however they see fit that cause this to be an issue.
  18. Call it what you will - shield, life force, chi, mojo - when I use Shield Leech it depletes the "blue bar" . . . just as it did in Live.
  19. I'm intrigued by the idea and not throwing mud or anything . . . but knowing how people will naturally look for a loophole just wondering aloud what happens if rather then wait that 30 seconds for reload a player with appropriately buffed Equip Engineering just swaps another one in?
  20. Thanks for sharing all that info Avani - brings back great memories.
  21. Hmmm, I wanted to check the box that said "Is this a poll or an SAT test?" but didn't see it as an option. Honestly, I think people are getting a little overwrought with this. Some people don't like the changes . . . and have expressed that to the Team in multiple threads now (and usually in a positive, informative, manner). What I thought I read in response was that they are working on it and that there will be more changes coming to address some of those concerns. Is there something else that you wanted in response? A magic wand to be waved? A pony? How about a big group hug? I'm more than a little shocked to see the harshness some people are using in criticizing people that are volunteering time and effort to work on this. Constructive criticism is one thing . . . but, IMO, some people are going way too far. Let's try to keep things in perspective.
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