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N7 Reporter [N7R]
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Everything posted by Ryle

  1. I find my new guild rank to be amusing. Check my sig. Im supposed to be Lieutenant, on the sig site it says "Deputy GM"
  2. You should file a ticket with a GM to have them advance you. I believe it was mentioned in that thread.
  3. Awesomesauce. Thats what this game needs, massive incoming newbie players. This game is old, very very old. Like it predates even WoW, so realize youre coming into a much simpler time, but a lot of the game mechanics you see in newer games were pioneered in games like this one. Its gotta say something about the replay value tho, if the emulator of it has endured for a decade after the game shut down with a fairly constant die hard population base. There arent thousands of us, but this has always been the tightest MMO community I have ever known.
  4. Specifically the 135s and 150s This morning I was testing XP over time for the jobs out of F7 and Prasad. a 135 Combat job takes my PP at OL 142 (CL 48) about 30-60 seconds to kill, yielding 6250 Combat XP and 1250 Explore XP (plus the trivial 400-500 XP for killing the mob 6cls under my own) a 150 Combat job takes my PP about 2 1/2 minutes to kill (almost 5 for a minotaur fighter) and yields 7500 combat XP and 1500 Explore XP (and about 1500 from killing the mobs 3-5 levels over my own) In a nutshell, it makes no sense to do a 150 Combat Job unless youre farming components off of the gazers. In terms of XP gain over time, you actually level almost twice as fast at the lower level jobs. I propose bumping the XP payout for a 150 combat job to 12000 (same as the satellite explore jobs) with a 10000/2000 split Combat over Explore. This will offset the increased time of grinding with a more appropriate reward for the effort. Thoughts on this?
  5. https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/tracker/issue-389-yin-yang-for-the-soul/
  6. Ryle

    New E&b Map

    Youve got neptune twice but otherwise thats pretty sweet. Like mega sweet.
  7. Thats good news Rolo. I hope you guys can come through, with no hitches. I know we are dying to get going on the new stuff. *brofist*
  8. As usual ill be the loudmouth that asks, everything still looking good for a July 23rd beta launch? =D Havent seen anything since this post and some of my peoples are anxious, as well as i ^^
  9. So, with the influx of returning players, probably stirred up with the Beta announcement, I have noticed a lot of unguilded players floating around. BM is always looking for people. Our only three rules are 1. Have fun, 2. Help other players advance, 3. There can be no other rules. Shoot me a tell in game, or any other guild officer and we will tag you up, there is also a signing bonus and we encourage you to bring all of your alts and friends as well. We have been getting a little more active as of late, and we have builders/helpers for almost every profession and item. Some really rare stuff we are still working on getting, but the vast majority we can do collectively. Most of us also have alts we are constantly leveling, we are not just an end-game guild here, we play at all levels of the game. Sound good? We want you!
  10. login, hit up newplayers chat, youll get all the help you need.
  11. no login issues for me on any account as of this post
  12. http://www.net-7.org/index.php login with your forum account. register a game account under it. iirc you can have up to 9 game accounts under 1 forum account
  13. Yeah im all for added functionality honestly. I know the UI is limited in what they can do with it, but man, there is so much functionality to fix/add as it is. A big one that stands out to me is the /who commands and so on, and the part where you see everyone logging in and out, that honestly drives me nuts. Id like to be able to log in invisible at times, so i can grind in peace without being asked for help or chit chat. sometimes even i just wanna be left alone, lol
  14. Honestly sounds to me like a UAC problem. DId he run the original config in admin mode as well? Sounds to me like some of the game files are not running with admin permissions.
  15. Im sure rolo is well sleeping by now, its like midnight over there. Needs moar Tienbau.
  16. [quote name='alurra' timestamp='1342042633' post='60339'] I am just curious, I don't do PvP, it's not my style. But why would you not get quality loss or XP debt from PvP? What would be the 'danger' of playing that or even the 'fun factor' in that if you know that even if you loose, it won't affect you adversely? I would think if you were going to take the chance of going toe to toe with another player it should affect you the same way it would affect you if you go toe to toe with something in the environment. If I take my JE into the fishbowl or into BBW, I know I run the risk of dying and loosing quality as well as gaining debt, shouldn't it be the same if I take the risk to go PvP? Again, I'm just curious why all the statements about no losses no debts. [/quote] Replay value. You can and will die dozens of times in PvP in a very short amount of time. It would be like being a TT was in a live fishbowl, all the time. 2mil+ xp debt and you might as well never equip any of your good gear, ever. Besides, there is no tangible reward to pvp, players dont drop uber loots and so forth. The only thing you win is seeing them blow up. If you add in insult to injury with no reward, no one would do it. PvP for the sake of PvP, but dont wreck your stuff doing it. They made that mistake with EvE, if you die you lose it all, and we know all the negative reviews the replay value on that game gets.
  17. Dak, maybe it would be a good idea to just lock the old one and start a fresh one. Its utterly massive lol.
  18. Yeah I agree Terrell on both points. Seperate terminals and PvE smuggling with NPC/Mobs trying to kill you en route or arrival at destination. I love the idea of blended missions, combat and trade for example.
  19. I concur, this is a good idea. When Danica is on a roll, she gets xp reports from like 10-20 roids ago and they are still flytexting 5 minutes after i stop. You see the same thing with satellite jobs and combat (like mass killing chavez with nova, thats just lulzy how long those flytexts go when you kill a few hundred in a half hour, they are still going an hour later)
  20. Hm, I think a lot of where I am trying to come from with this... isnt so much removing items as making the less desirable on par. Every day you see about 20 posts in newplayers/market asking the same question (whats the best item x for level y for profession z) and its always the same thing. Example: Draco 5 for JE at reactor tech 5. Why? Because its the one with the highest cap/recharge and has that equippable reactor recharge buff. Every other reactor is "less useful" save the unicorn/kracken for warp buffing. The goal is to take out some of the min/max, know what I mean? Give some serious template/build setups instead of the same cookie cutter everyone uses because its the "one best way to get it all with no downside" and so on.
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