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N7 Reporter [N7R]
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Everything posted by Ryle

  1. Oh damn. Inb4 lots of chavez farming today. I know all of my toons are only neutral o.o But yeah, steps in the right direction. Diggin it. Saw the patch notes fixed the job terminal combat issue. Good one there. As well as fixing group stealth.
  2. Oh I see, thats kinda cool. Also on main page of the n-7 site, typo in the Terran Box. You list Enforcer, Seeker, Trader. Should be Scout =D
  3. So whats changin rolo, patch notes anywhere?
  4. Mmk. Point was, you dont wanna agree with me, hey thats cool as hell, everyones entitled to not agree. But to be a petty single out sort of person and triple downrate my posts just to be a passive aggressive and not even post why you dont agree? Not to mention pretty much everyone else in the thread agreed on most points, with a few detail exceptions. Yeah its cool, i like being slapped at by people that wont even say what the heck they have against me particularly, to me. On the most important point, yea theres too much stuff in the game, doesnt make me a hypocrite for wanting to balance it like it was in live. Ive called for the glut of items over 125 to be reduced to that, ive called for the drops to be nominalized, and dont BS me the drops out of bowl and bbg have been terrible percentages lately. Ive been to at least 10 raids this week where the highest drop percent was 106 on one item where there were at least 8-10 that were under 95. Not to mention the OCD raid that inspired this thread. The whole OCD mission plus raid yielded a 86 percent PL? Theres something wrong there. Wasnt even my raid and I see the gipped feeling that would give.
  5. Yep thats usually what happens. Last night was a legit crash tho
  6. Nice spam downvoting. Id be mighty curious who the baby is that cant take it up with me instead of being a petty little no-button. I like how I am singled out as well, look through the thread, there are people agreeing on most principles.
  7. My personal opposition to a total wipe is the damn level grind. I was and am wholly supportive of a vault/item/gear/component/loot/credit reset. If they did it today id smile. I dont care about items/build lists, stuff... what i care about is the time sink of regrinding back to 150. Then again I suppose a ST4 that lasted two years (actually longer than live gold even was), put us back into the deer in headlights of losing it all just like we did before. Take my FOTM, but gods sakes leave my experience bars alone.
  8. Ive never subscribed to the "it was obtainable before, its not now, too bad" mentality. Nor will I here, we will just disagree on that point. Besides it goes beyond "i want one too!!". Its an imbalance that should be corrected here. I mean unless I am mistaken that the idea is to be "like live" or something.
  9. The 2010 budget for foreign aid to nations that harbor enemies of the US was four times the NASA budget at its peak in the 90s, js. Nasa 1993: 1993 14,305 1.01% 14.3 billion In fiscal year 2010, the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid: Total economic and military assistance: $52.7 billion Total military assistance: $15.0 billion Total economic assistance: $37.7 billion of which, USAID assistance: $14.1 billion The vast majority of which (at least 80 percent) goes to countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and the like. We sent more money to Pakistan in 2010 than we did to Haiti after their disaster. Priorities? Not the meat and drink of the US government man.
  10. They also drop rarely off of the Einherjar combat job mobs. And the thorgil/thorvalds in Ragnarok.
  11. Yeah ive always wondered whats up with that "not 5 multiple" thing. Also, what about resetting all over 125s to 125. There are a lot of overpowered items out there that arent obtainable anymore (175% blackbeard gear, ego matrices, and what have you) that give players an unfair advantage now. I think in the interest of fairness that stuff needs to put down into the range it should be at. Non manu items never went over 125 in live and those were like 5 per server over the lifetime of the live game rare. Id say for lost quality, you should be able to get a non manu item back to 100, but never higher. Like if you had a 110 item, it got damaged down to 80, you could get it back to 100, but thats it. Id be for that.
  12. So per a chat in guild channel I was asked to make one of my... ahem... famous posts I guess. The general gist is its become quite common for most raid items to drop around 90 percent quality. Usually in live youd see 100-105 as being sort of the middle ground and anything higher or lower was increasingly rare. Lately the target percent seems to be more around 90-95 with lower being far more common than higher. My suggestion would be, unless this is some kinda really unlucky streak of late, to put the median back at the 100-105 range we remember from live play.
  13. Curious Shaddex, I looked into that site youre linked to, and there is one there for PW, did you want something entirely new?
  14. Well my take on the whole "it needs to stay like live" is that we didnt have easy fishbowl and paramis looting like we do now, back then. I mean even the triplet drones in BBW are being exceptionally generous. Only in antares will you find a bunch of unlooted corpses or spaced antennae just because no one really wanted to loot the corpse. Just stack it up and sell it off, this one item per hold slot thing never made sense as it was.
  15. [quote name='Xulei' timestamp='1345248779' post='61892'] How about picking up Llamas from one station, prisoners from another and then delivering them all to a third location for the "Running of the llamas"! Location site could also tie this into the gambling scene where folks can bet on winners: very low profit on llamas, better for prisoner number x [/quote] Id like to have some of what hes having.
  16. Antares 1 has been (under construction) for over 10 years now, perhaps its time for the hard worker construction workers to install a build terminal in the station. Just a wall kiosk or what have you. Also. Now that we have stacking level 9 loot in fishbowl, BBW, paramis and the like, isnt it about time the antennae and other voltoi drops stack like other bio loot? Its just an unneeded hassle leftover from live. What say you?
  17. I like this, takes some of the cookie cutter out. All for it.
  18. I had heard a while ago that they had planned to fix this stuff, but nothing since. I was curious if those fixes were still pending or if this login issue (which has only been recent) is because of them?
  19. also *location typo in title
  20. Far as im concerned the spawn times are so atrocious i cant imagine camping them anymore We (static) sat the saiseki nav for a combined 24 hours+ before it spawned. i was there myself for 12 of it its like *zombieface* Too much sit idle for my blood, and its not like you can do anything else with all the JDs sitting there (and we know theres people lurking), the thing dies faster than the warder.
  21. Yeah Reon got what I was saying. Im not trying to come off as ungrateful or impatient, I am just pointing out what I, and some others ive discussed it with, have seen as some of the "big" problems moving forward. As much as I would love to see fantastic new content, id love moreso for whats listed in addition to whatever anyone else can post up I may have forgotten, as being far more important to the game right now. I know its a volunteer project and has no actual budget, i just wanted to highlight some of these outstanding ones I hope no ones overlooked or forgotten about. Some are pretty game breaking for a lot of classes and so on. And yeah Zack, Galaxies was a bloody mess, even with a huge budget they never sorted it out, and it was 8 years not 5 lololol, so even worse! The problem with SWG was that the devs woudnt do what you just did, acknowledge there are problems at all. I dont expect, nor does anyone i know, some overnight crunch fix, but at least some addressing each push gets us closer to polish.
  22. I speak for no-one but myself, however I am including feedback I have gathered from others over the last few months being back. Believe it or not, not all is negative or anything like that, but I have been meaning to make this topic for some time. As a gamer for the last 15 years, I have played many many games. Some were short lived, some I played for over 8 years. MMOs in general have always flourished best when a good community feedback system is in place that the development staff acknowledges and works towards satisfying. So here is the (humble?) opinion of an experienced MMO gamer in regards to this stage of the Emulator project. First off I would like to say that for the most part, I think development and just getting base systems into play has been fantastic. The game is playable, engaging, and in many ways we really can re-create our experiences from our live memories as nostalgia. All the props in the world to the Devs for getting us this far. However with all good things, there is always that honest feedback, and I am of the opinion that even somewhat negative feedback can be encouraging and constructive. Id like to start with player skill bugs. Over the last few months I have noticed a lot of gripe and issue with player skills not being in, being broken, or otherwise not functioning as they "should(tm)." I have seen a lot of things go unchecked/fixed for months and I feel that before anything moves forward the things that are grossly broken should be the top priority for development. IE: Jenquai skills like Cloak bugs (both the combat one and the group stealth one), the afterburn skill already in use bug, the combat trance failure to apply coming out of warp, compulsory contemplation, general bugs we all know about and see on a daily basis. I know there are dozens more that are out there, but for sake of brevity I will just post those few that came to me off the top of my head. Another major issue would be the CTD/Blackhole issue thats been rampant for quite some time. At risk of assuming or whatnot, but if its this widespread across multiple operating systems and configurations, I have to gather that there is something wrong server side. Handoffs, hangups, locations failing to update, skills not shutting off, whatever it is, its a major detractor. Especially when you crash out of game and cant get back in (sometimes restarting the computer works, some times it doesnt, sometimes it takes a full reinstall of the game for some people, sometimes its just as easy as control alt delete and ending the client.exe task). Id hope that some serious time would be given to tracking down the causes of this issue and at least trying to find a solution that would repair it for the majority of us that suffer from it. Another often voiced concern I see with people are broken equipment buffs. You know them, critical targeting, HDC, and the like that for whatever reason dont seem to work at all. Some work a little bit, some work even a little too good (see navigation), but a good deal of them do not work at all. Maybe its time to take a serious look at the broken buffs in the database one by one and sort out the issues. A big one recently (indeed in the last week or so) have been the drama/anger over timed static spawns. When you have 1 rare item that drops off of 1 mob in 1 place, and its on a timer, people tend to figure out when to log in a toon they have camped there, shoot it, and take up the 1 rare drop, thus denying others the chance of even coming across it one time. Weve seen this with the Warder, Sagat, now the MPP, and numerous other unique drops over the years. Granted its been a relatively new gripe out there, but a lot of people are very dissatisfied with how MPP/AV was deployed. I have personally spent 2 weeks @ 2-4 hours a day hunting for this spawn and never found it, I know many others have as well, when we have had reports and now posts that "someone" found it and has successfully camped it from the rest of us for the last 2 weeks straight. This should be a red flag. If anything it should be the kinda critter that can spawn anywhere, anytime, and never the same place twice. Spirit of actual exploration maybe? I dunno. Raids. Ok this one is a mixed bag. Raids are too easy, raid loot is too prevalent in the system (everyone has everything 5 times over, yadda), while at the same time 1/2 of the original raids from live arent even in yet (Vrix/DT being the main ones). Its the typical "ho hum another cube of the leech no one wants, space it, someone might come and pick it up someday" combined with the imbalance of activated (FB/Oni/AV) vs Timed (Troller/GoBB/Warder/RD Base) vs. Static (Mordana). I feel all raids should be 1-2 groups, activated, and not on timers. Ive seen a lot of this sentiment, so I hope its at least considered. Game economy/lack thereof. Quite frankly the credit is wholly worthless. As long as you have enough to buy components from a vendor youre pretty much golden. Like the raid issue, theres simply too much accumulated stuff out there that people just give it all away for lack of anything else to do with it. Its gotten to the point where everyone has 2-8 or even more toons with full capped raid + uber best PM stuff gear with still more sitting in vaults for the next wave of alts. No one pays creds for anything, its a barter system "Black Caster for aa" or something similar. Im sure there are many other issues people may have, but those are the big ones I have seen or personally feel are most relevant at this time. Again, I say that all in all the EMU is a great game and usually quite a bit of fun, I mean why else would we keep coming back. I am by no means being ungrateful or intending insult, more I am hoping to see things get even better and thing these are some of the first places to look. I hope the rest of the community joins me in putting out there how they feel, and I thank you for reading this essay. =D
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