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Everything posted by Mattsacre

  1. Little late..but here goes. Lets not get all logical or anything :) Beams are a certain frequency of light, light tends to disperse over long distances, it takes the light from the sun approx. 8 minutes to get to earth and is "dispersed", if it didn't we would all be riddled with holes. When you fire a beam it is near instantanious dmg, but SHOULD disperse over distance..that is the price paid for that weapon type.   Missles are packages of dmg propeled by excelerants, they thrust towards target increasing in velocity as they expel their fuel (due to lower and lower mass) they make slight course corrections during flight, they have longer range than projectile becuase they have time to correct trajectory. If they run out of fuel prior to striking target, and target moves from previous trajectory they miss, in this game that is their "range" fuel gone..miss.   Projectiles are bullets plain and simple, they are aimed and travel towards target until striking and expelling their dmg, they don't make course corrections during travel time, but becuase they don't have to carry fuel like a missle they have low mass, I.E. they travel much faster, but have to be much closer since they lose velosity rapidly.   So were in there is a beam being able to "travel" X amount of distance and not disperse? A beam like that is like a bat, all energy at set range, no drop off, that isn't logical and isn't truly functioning correctly. A missle has a travel time and greater miss rate, a projectile has a travel time, a slightly less miss rate than missle, but becuase its a much greater ROF dmg levels out from the greater total misses.   From simple logic and game dynamics a beam MUST have a lower dmg at long range, it is its "fail" rate that other weapon types have and the price paid for its use. For it not to have a dispersal penalty you are going to have to give ML & PL instant dmg and less miss/fail rate...not going to happen and would be silly.   Just saying...
  2. Well live there was a attunement set of missions, you as a PS/PW had to make a decision as to wether you was going to support Vinda/Cassius or Marcus/Khan/Mmenon, at the end of the missions depending on what path you took you got a decent boost to Sabine or Centriata, there is infighting going on in the republic. Now with Collegia in (PP) there has to be a 3rd faction struggling for their share of power. Aggripa (the Npc formerly known as Franks and class leader) is in a Collegia station, and he is assigning you tasks that are for collegia interests..giving you collegia rep.   Why would Aggripa not be wanting Collegia faction? He dislikes Sabine to a certain extent, Vinda sees Collegia as a impediment to her climb to power, and works against him within her sphere of expertise. Agrippa content is strengthening progen interests, but do they need to strengthen Sabine interests needlessly? You can belong to a certain political party and not agree with every policy they promote, same with Agrippa/Sabine/Centriata. There are numerous missions (some repeatable) for you to gain Agrippa rep to "atune" to Collegia over Sabine (or not) as you wish, it is the nature of the beast I'm afraid.
  3. Yes and no, private chats you had to join each time you logged on, and a code string could be set by the "owner" of the private chat to limit access. as the "owner" left then the next senior person in chat would be allocated ownership unless the previous owner assigned it before leaving.   So you had to actively join a private chat, manually entering every time you logged on, most times in the case of auctions etc. they would post the code and the private chat #X so all could join if they wish, but others not wanting auction wouldn't have to contend with large market chat scroll.   What manfred seems to be asking for (correct me if wrong manny) to have a new channel that you lock in called "friends" not unlike market or OOC, that you have a preselected friends list, that has automatic access when logging in, without having to actively join like a private chat, and those friends also are entered into the chat without some manual selection each time.
  4. What they tried for about 1 week, and it failed hard core was like the transfer bar. Pull the amount from x to y location and press "shift" and the amount bar shows when transfering, they tried that in the terminals and all it caused were CTDs and over charges of credits and lost items etc etc.   There was discusion of possible quantity field input emplimentation,  but it was determined that the client wouldn't handle it, that it would take a major engine overhaul to do it...and that wasn't an option, just like the guild lounge/station requests.   They DID manage to increase the vault size, when it went live it had a much smaller vault...it stopped at where you now currently scroll down. They DID manage to increase stack sizes of a few things, but hit a hard code for some things like comp stacks, the string code for that capped at 254, so they made it a round numer of 240 and left it at that. They DID manage a work around on stack sizes on a few things by contorting things like the mineral compression device that JE/PS could get from the MCP content. That took the existing unrefined stack limit, and let you use the device and call a stack of refined @ 300, so really didn't have coding changed for that, just redefined refined stack size.
  5. <evil dev grin> Oooo, there's an idea, maybe a critical failure chance could be added to incap you as well? </evil dev grin>   You add that, and you won't be getting any JS's from my toons. :unsure: ..and will truely lower the incentive for other JSers to take the risk of mob death to JS you, then run the additional risk the of a failed JS incapping them, why bother at that point?...enjoy the tow :)
  6. Don't remember the weapon or weapon skill being the crit modifier on the mob. True, the skill had the Dmg modifier +%, not the crit.   As one of the few L8 beam using PS's live (usually 4 pitbull jr. or 3 pit jr. and a soulbeam), I never saw a difference in crit chances on the occasions when I mounted lower lvl beams that had much faster ROF to farm with, or between L9 PL vs. L8 beams crit hits. PS have crit passive and had a threshold of crits, but I never saw a different number of crits becuase of weapon levels.
  7. LOL, right! I forgot that until you reminded me..that was like the "you are on your own kid, but here is a parting gift, for being a good listener.....Love Megan" function.   Besides missing the tutorial and Megan, the other thing I wish they would drop back in, would be the group shrine functioning...that was a good lesson on how to group and gave a decent L2 reactor to noobs to carry on with.
  8. I've had "friends" try to "friend" me on facebook when they are anything but a "friend"...our "relationship" would be dubious at best :) Your idea is sound, just needs a confirm function from the other side, perhaps in the interim you can use a private channel to fill that function. They "subscribe" in effect to a private channel, so by doing so they are confirming their desire to join or not.
  9. Not trying to beat a dead horse or anything...   I wonder if there would be a work-around possible via the mail or account vaulting system? The account vault already shows which toons have the recipe when you click an item before you drag it to trade slot...it also shows which toons have it in the builder list on DB. Maybe a additional button under trade items button could be added..if the toon you are trading from had the recipe (via the builder check string) and you had the parts in your vault, you pull the parts from vault and drop in trade slot, hit the button and it trades the built ammo instead of the parts.   This of course couldn't be something with a quality check or nontradeable like agrippa stuff etc, so ammo or ores only.   If not account vault then maybe another option button on the mail item, it takes a,b,c comps and transfers completed item instead.   Just a thought.
  10. Becuase it's Collegia sponsoring it? And Arx Emporos and Nostrand Vor are Collegia bases? Any more than Vinda would want Sabine rep and Endriago base and planet is sabine.....   You do know that storyline has Sabine and Collegia at odds with another right? Thats Vinda (and here brat Cassius's) doing. She is making a play for power in the empire and has via storyline done some dispicable things to grab said power, of which sabotaging centriata/collegia interests is but a small part.
  11. I think you are confusing EVE with EnB. EVE's cyberbeing computer did that when you exited the last gate of your journey. EnB didn't *except* during the tutorial! Thats when Megan talked to you each phase of your training. (I miss the tutorial by the way, and lovely Megan's voice.)
  12. Actually that would be elegant solution on the JS and kind of be storylineish to boot, put JS negotiate back up to 7. Storyline, infinicorp and progen hate RD, jenny hate them the least and there is suppost to be some backdoor storyline about RD trading through the jenny. So the RD would want to have a competitive edge on infinicorp and the reason infini hates them so much, they undercutting them and interfering with their trade lanes. So RD wants better negotiators to represent them..JS.   About the PP, I think they need some combat utility skill, but pairing it with their trade role and the spirit of privateer...I still say like another post I had, they need to be a better looter, they increase odds on better loot drop or higher quality gear from corpse..and at higher levels increase a groups odds as well, so peep would want them along, other nonprogens seem to think PP are OP in the combat area (not really..they giving up a lot in builds to get that combat ability), so to quell them make the comabt ability not agressive.   Hopefully they will think up a 135 skill for everyone to match PS/JE and any left over SP inbalances can be tweeked that way over all the classes, that can be the PPs more agressive combat skill.   Terrel is right, TS and JS have too many L5 skill and too few L7 bounce them up to L7 and balance the SP discrepency through that.   About the Pakk's idea on PP being able to rip in space, don;t even know if thats doable, but I see some problems. 1.faction effecting rip odds, in space how do you figure the faction +/- buff? 2.odds, how many PP are going to rip something in space if they can't increase their odds on rips via gear abd overrides, where you going to plug in the override, if the gear is valuable why would they forgo a override? 3.costs, since terminals cost money to use, and all you are offering is reactor juice to use in space, for the low level rips, who is going to use the terminals...and the credit sink it suppost to be? 4.The uppper end of the skill, if you are going to let them rip even if they don't have the print...I can guaran--freak-n-tee that nonPP are going to go into a frothing fit over that one.   There are more I'm sure, but as before, the rip skill boost is suppost to be progen wide, why boost it further through skills? Go something more privateerish not chopshopish...something along the lines of "boarding" or "booty". Privateers are quasi-legal pirates, a government gives them marque to loot their enemies, allowing the government to atrite the enemy and still have the ability to denigh it's them doing it.   If you want chopshop in storyline, have all the traders at some level of faction have ability to use RD or Chavez illicit terminals. Personally the only time I would dump a single SP in a dismantle skill would be after very other skill was maxxed.
  13. I don't 'member as a player taking 0 becuase of resists, I do remember mobs that took 0 however for certain dmg types, like the mobs on arduinne planet that actually healed from plasma and a named chavez that took 0 from plasma. Onlt 0's as a player we took was becuase of actual miss. The resists had a absolute complete 1 for 1 resist up to 50 and then a deminished return over 50. I.E. at 50 you resisted 50% of a certain dmg type, any resist you got over 50 was halved so you had to stack 60 to get 55%. If I remember right, that made you only be with all the right buffs and gear top out at true 72% resist.   I do remember the agro envelope (the range at which a mob would autoattack) did decrease the more you were over thier OL compared to yours. Mobs would be less and less likely to entiate combat with you, without hostile action on your part the more over thier level you gained, this was great for miners etc. to avoid the "annoyance" factor of low lvl mobs when mining for build ores etc. This did preclude factioned mobs however, their scan range was their agro range when they hated you as a faction. They would persist in annoying if there was a faction hate unless they were a mob with a escape AI like chavez that ran when you killed them to a certain level or some of the player class npc.   I too, remember the crits had a higher occurance when you were a sugnificant level over the mobs, as you explain it, it sounds logical but never did parse the numbers to see. Seems also that if that was that way the miss skill/resist would modify as it should to mob OL, I remember with my PS if I hit menace on a mob -10 level to me I almost never missed, and mobs at my level there was about a 60% hit rate with a miss rate dropping 10% per level approx. with a no less than 10% hit rate no matter how more it was over me. Example: my PS without his menace buffer seemed to have a 20% hit rate on 55-56 volts, and never had a better than 10% on the L60 volt, when I plugged in the menace buff the 58s seemed to have a 20% hit rate.   When I had my JE guilder along, he would fit a PSI debuffer and a chimera and I'd forgo the basalisk/chem ammo and make it plasma, with his psi debuff, my manace chances went to about 50% as well as the grav link, we combined, plowed through those buggers much faster than many full groups could, and we would do that, especially if fellow guilders were having problems with KSers, some of them would be stunned that a PS/JE combo could KS them back.
  14. actually there was a thread somewere...can't find it readily, but there was intent that the 3 races would have a terminal area of advantage..the progen were going to have a dismantle advantage...better odds of crits and rips. The jen were to get better odds of anny and the terran were to get lower costs via negotiate and increased (faster learn curve) of build quality.   don't know if they still intend that, if so pakk's idea isn't so far off, the trader of the progen, with his idea, would have it in the terminals that the other traders have in their respective area of the terminals.   And no, I didn't know the PP were getting to build the cygnus now, someone slip up there? Or did they drop it out of the jenny only category? If it was intended maybe its to offset the overwelming devices disparity towards jenny, I know that PP don't build devices, but have you ever run through the DB and seen just how much stuff is progen only and how much was jenny only? The progen in reality get for less choice when it comes to devices, reactors and engines, they do get more in shields...but then thats so progen isn't it?   How about weaps? Have you ever looked at how many beam choices there are at each level for jenny? Now look at how many PL choices there are at each level, I think you might be a bit suprised. When it comes to recipe gathering (and the boost to build skill and anny) who comes out ahead? The terran, they get to choose from all the terran and a good part of both the other races, next up is jenny, and progen head up the last....so you begrudge them the skill to rip a little better? Pfft thats so non-overpowering how can you measure it?
  15. SiSL...since when do PP have it overjenny on reactors? They get to anny and build PROGEN and TERRAN reactors, not jenny. Jenny get to anny and build JENQUIA and TERRAN reactors, not progen. Whats so out of parity there?   As to other gear, they can't anny or build progen restricted stuff, jenquai can't anny or build jenny resricted stuff...that isn't out fo parity either...hmmmm.   Guess I'm not seeing your complaint..oh wait..agrippa...o.k. thats OPTIONAL content added by progen Dev, JE are going to get OPTIONAL content as well, it's up to the JennyDevs to drop that in, feel free to give them your ideas so they can empliment it.
  16. You don't understand how it was being exploited? Player A has 5 accounts and logs on and creates 4 new toons on 4. He then (most likely) logs on his JE (or any toon he wants a lot of EL) and groups the whole lot of them. Then using the new skill flies the whole group (only having to hit the gate key with the "real" toon) at each gate, quickly get EL for a full group, he is giving a universe tour with only his toons. After gaining the EL from noob toons to the real toon, they scrap the 4 new toons and creates 4 whole new temporary toons, and repeats the process.   Rinse/repeat and your at 150 in no time.   So they want to preclude anyone from that asshat type of behaviour and have made a 1 IP rule to stop it until they can figure out a work around....got it now?   *lol while I was typing this ozone was posting :)   Ozone, they may or may not have seen what might happen, as in all things you hope for the best and would love folks to act mature and honorably, as you point out there are ALWAYS exploiters...if it CAN be done, someone WILL do it, no matter how dishonest it is.   And even the best of us at times have myopic problems, you are so busy doing some new and cool thing and want to get it out there that you don't think just how bad it can we twisted by others. As brilliant as Einstein was, he really didn't understand just how bad a Abomb was going to be, until he saw it in action, he was caught up in the intellectual challenge not the application, and others were shocked by his reaction of sadness and tears at the test, when just how destructive it was, finally dawned on him.
  17. WAI...it's enraging...YOU! :) Now go get biorepressed with some booze  :)
  18. So basicly the JS don't do what they are suppost to do--heal, they are religated to battery duty, well good news then, they will only be 8th chosen class in raid, right above 9th PS!   PP will be 6th chosen..since they will be allowed to heal, having a L9 shield, but hey better not shoot or use menace, since adding that to the already healagro insanity will ensure their death. Actually 6th and 7th will be toss up between PP and TS, depends just how bad the #2 chosen TT is at hull patching or if the TE is tanking due to PW shortages.   Good thing for JD though , they will never be less than 3rd choice, since it's them that is going to be doing the actual killing of the boss/mob, the TE/PW will be spending all their time trying to save the healers, not killing the boss/mobs, the JD can cloak and dagger or dagger and tele all they need while the others burn.   Good news for the JE also, they are going to be no less than #4, with JS and battery skills, and the debuffs..they are going to be the explorer of choice so any group of 6 even with double upped healers/warrior they are going to always get a group even squeeking in as the 6th.   That about sum it up for everyone? Healagro now realignes everyones chances of a group, if you are a PS or JS get used to solo action..you need not apply. Don't feel bad, at least you aren't going to get the XP debt and equipment dings the TT/TE/PW/PPare going to get..( of course that means you aren't getting raid gear either....but you can't have everything can you?)
  19. *squint..twitch..shudder* K lets see the extent of my "multibox" experience.....the most I have EVER multied is 3....1 was sitting in F7 building and xfer as needed..that was so rare to have 3 that its near neglegible. So most times when I multi its 2 toons. So I alt tab between those 2 toons, what do I do most often with 2 toons? 1 usually is a JE taxi, or a groupleader providing warp drag boost to slower toon. If not that, then 1 is doing some farming  and other doing a mission etc. So simply put, rarely are they together except JE WHing.   So now the Devs provide what seems a cool feature, the ability for me to drag a toon a few gates, on the rare occasion that they are together, without 4x alt tabbing rather only 2 alt tabbing each and every gate..sweet!   So before I get to even try that new wizbang feature, some turds, with the eye on exploiting anything they can, for a shortcut to XP, have to go and blow it for rest of us. Since my 2 toons are obviously on the same comp and IP,  I have to continue with the 4x alt. tabs each gate.   So yea, I'm bummed, and I'm going to gripe about it...it's my God given right to grouse! :) Get of my grass you whippersnappers!!! Slackers....all slackers..whats with kids these day?!?   B)
  20. There always has to be some chucklehead that has to push the limits and ruin it for others don't there?   The old maxum still holds true: if it can be done, it will be done, some jackass will always do so.   I didn't even get to multigate yet :) since Ive been leveling low level vault toons to L30 for a week...and now I can't bummer.   Is there anyway to maybe track exploiters rather that "fix" it?   If you were one of those turds doing that exploit, (you know who you are) you are less than pond scum, we finally got a cool utility outside Old Live (tm) limits, and you got to go and ruin it for everyone...jerk.
  21. What I meant was they incouraged you to start another "independant" site. You have basicly, through the forums, provided a link to another site. At any time they can modify the forum and discard that link. Your google page is dependant on members seeing the link here, clicking it, and inputting or exporting info to the google page. It isn't really independent if it requires folks to access it through a link from a closable thread.   If they are actually encouraging this way of doing things (it's dependant on their goodwill), perhaps seek a pinning so it don't get lost in a possibly ever expanding and losable thread.   Think Enbarsenal, or cygni61 or any outside fanpage. They aren't dependant on the forums as much as your good idea is.   As to my wiki thing, google drive doesn't function quite like it does. Wiki can be contributed to by all true, and on confirmation of information can be hard set by people with permissions, consider them "moderators", if patently false information is entered, the moderator can toss it out and block it from being put in again by malicous contributors. If you had a fansite of course, you would have complete control over it all, giving contributor permissions or not, excluding any you wished, altering it as you felt etc. But then thats a bunch of work as well, most often thankless work :)
  22. Here is the problem with area heal vs. agro and tank. A tank may do lets say 40k dmg to a mob over a period of time. The healer hits area heal with the tank as target. The tank lets say gets 30k shield back....so if you just went 1 to 1, the tank should keep agro..but the dmg from the tank was dmg over time and the heal was a "spike" heal. At some point that dmg over time is segmented and the dmg done 30 sec ago isn't as angering as the heal 5 sec ago. There is some mystery algorithm that considers dmg vs time and agro isn't as pressing as dmg/heal current.   Now the second problem with area heal. The Tank was the target of the heal and got 30k back, bet EVERYONE within range of that heal got a lesser heal, lets assume 15k for the moment. So you had a group of 6? thats 30k+(5*15k)= 105k worth of heal to compare towards that tanks 40k worth of dmg over time. Given the current heal agro dynamics is it any wonder the mob turns on the healer and won't be be distracted? Thats 105k of agro that a tank has to overcome somehow in a short time frame..and if the healer is getting killed it only gets worse if they heal again, they will NEVER lose agro until the mob is dead.   Want to make it worse? that was just the healers group that was calculated into the formula, the area heal, heals everyone within range....in or out of the group..what if another player or group of players was with in range of the heal? All that agro, under the current heal agro insanity, is poured onto the healers little head, how is a tank to counter that? Yes there is suppost to be enrage and other skills to regain agro..but is a one time hit of enrage( and other agro skills) equal to that 105k+ of heal...not at this time its not. And forget it if the healer heals for a second shot.
  23. Like so you could anny a PMed item or some raid drop? Or so you could improve it? Don't quite understand...   Maybe a rare drop override item that lets you improve some non-manu thats got dinged up? Elaborate please.
  24. I too did a lot of the kiting of volts etc. I wasn't saying never kite and be able to sit and never move :)   The method I always used was kite the mob from max range and thrust back, if they were a fast mob hopefully by time they got close enough to shoot I had them well down in shields and could then stop and gain the CT buffs back. If they were a slow mob, then I could stop and start as needed.   Don't forget, there are other things in there beside resists from CT....like accuracy and crit and shield recharge rate and reactor recharge rate. The last 2 was always crutal to a PW farming, they got a faster recovery between each kill, if they planted it between each mob kill.   Back to my point, the previously good places for PW killable mobs are now former good places due to inconsistant AI behaviour. AI with insane thrust from previous iterations, AI with unbalanced call for help ranges, AI with unrational scan ranges, AI with pairing/grouping out of parity to their levels.   Becuase PWs damage style (a constant flow of bullets) is dependant on them staying with in range to do it, and they are usually moderately visable if not highly, they are locked in to initiating combat a certain way, they current AI is making it very difficult to find suffucient mobs that a PW can do.   The situation only frustrates the PW when they see JD being able to( due to their multiple ways if initiating combat)  continue taking those mobs, that PW now are denighed, or even because of new AI, take mobs that previously JD could only rarely do. It only fuels the conspiracy theorists claim of Jenny bias when they are locked out and others aren't.
  25. I think (if i understand it) what SiSL is asking for is a "hard target" designation ability, a way to predesignate a target that goes to that target when you perform a skill/function.   example (if i'm reading it right): You are the groups primary tank healer...you preselect as so, every time you hit heal it detargets the mob and retargets you on the tank, from the tanks panel you can then reselect tanks target. If you were the off-healer, you preselected the targets that were your heal responsibility, excluding those that aren't yours, so that you didnt get them in your target auto switch retarget for heal, you would select the redirect  target hiarchy in order of importance.   There is indeed that little crosshair button to target your targets target, but also can say its a tiny little button at times, especially in the heat of battle and in multigrouped situations.:)   I also think SiSL expanded on wanting it to be able to preselect on mobs as well.   example: you are primary group buffer, but when you hit a skill thats a debuff, it retargets automaticly to your preselected target to debuff mob.   There once again is the tiny button to target mob through your beneficial buff targets......   I don't know if what (I think) SiSL is asking for, or even if others want it (some might call that lazy) but I would desire something that other MMO have, ways to resize group member target panes so that tiny button can become a big button for us bumble fingered folks.   And another thing (I doubt doable due to client limits) addable and removeable target panes, so in a raid you can add more target panes to help you keep an eye on other raid members and be able to throw in the odd heal/buff to other groups when you see them going down, perhaps at least support their healer or JS'er so they can get back on their feet. It is very difficult in a target rich, raid environment, or multigrouped setting to target on specific player/mob targets to do your job at times.....   I guess what SiSL is asking for (and on some I concur) is more group targeting utility. I realize client can't be altered...just a item on a wish list.
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