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Everything posted by nimr0dbbow

  1. I'd favour lowering the Terran Mission XP to come into line with the rest. The rewards for missions will be what you put into it. The XP may be tempered from other rewards also.
  2. Although the Progen Trade routes to satisfy the Progeb Privateer primarily are yet to be properly added in the game.
  3. Lot easier to suggest devices that are TT only and add +4 cargo slots per device. Hmmm... is that Marco wispering in ear "We can't do that Byaaakkkkheeeeee"
  4. Oh if you do see Growlz in the game, She's my PW. Unfortunatly, she does not understand any word more than the fingers on her Right hand. Its a good job its not the left hand, that got blasted by a mane recently and the genemap was damaged... This does mean that any in game pm or question needs to be of words of 5 letters or less in order for a reply... Enjoy.
  5. Yep ;/ They are passive and the next content push should no longer exist. Btw a quick fix also to the Merius Militia mobs to stop that bottleneck too.
  6. I would have suggested for the Terran to give them a Bribe Skill: Use xxxx Credits. Target (another player) Mobs (a number equal to your skill level) hostile to you in the vicinity of the skill range have a chance to switch their aggro to the (another player). I suspect this would make the Terrans more despised than the Privateer at this point. I belive I just made Kyp laugh.
  7. Jarod, I think I can see complaints when I make the higher missions: "Be antisocial and pay; or be social and do the mission..." Remember, in live if in a group and one member killed the captain every member got their mission updated. That why it is so hard currently, to update you have to kill him.
  8. Shame you coudn't have a guild vault where people who joined the guild sacrificed the bottom row of their Station Vault to gift the guild 1 unit of Guild Vault (accessed through a NPC on certain stations). This would have 2 consequences. Guilds which failed to respect their members may end up loosing valuable guild vault spaces (as members leave, gaining their last row back, and causing 1 unit of guild vault to be lost - if full, so would whatever was stored in the last box. Guilds probably would be more active with their members; more engaged. It woudl be a two way communication. Or to put it another way; loose members at your peril, fail new recruits and suffer; high member guilds get more power from having greater capacity to store; but then they could face ruin from splits in guilds. Politics huh? Unfortunately, with this blue-sky idea I know I'm going to get coders go "no Byakheee we can't do that with the client!"
  9. Right there are a few misconceptions here. 1. Critical Targetting is a passive inherant Progen race skill just like Navigation is a Terran Skill. 2. Shields are the Progen Strength Build; Just like Terrans get Engines and Jenquai get Reactors ** ** Although oddly the Seeker gets Devices which to me seems a little, odd. 3. Engines are the Progen Weakness; Just like Terrans can't build Reactors and Jenquai can't build shields. 4. Recharge Shields is the Privateer's answer to the Terran's Hull Patch Skill and whatever the respective Jenquai one that probably buffs up reactors. Now a removal of the Recharge Shields would call for Hull Patch to be removed from the Terran Trader and the respective skill to be removed from the Jenquai Seeker. In fact, in the original documents only the Explorer classes were to have these 'healing' ablities; but it was discovered with no Terran Scout in the game, no hull patch would disadvantage the whole game as a whole so they tagged it on to the Terran Trader. 5. Build devices - again, this was intended to be an Explorer only skill, but as point 4, with no Terran Scout in the game the terrans needed a way to supply their own devices. Please note the Privateer does not get Build Devices. I bet the Seeker's would prefer Build Reactors over Build Devices. Possibly this would encourage refined resources --> component --> device build interchange. 6. Trade classes have a weapon / device load out in the middle of the Warrior and Explorer. The Terran Scout originally was intended to have 3 weapons and 6 devices. This is quite understandable for a hit-and-run hull-patch missile specialist. So when we look at the Progen loadout: Warrior: 6 Weapons / 3 Devices Privateer: 5 Weapons / 4 Devices Sentinel: 4 Weapons / 5 Devices It should become obvious the reason for the weapon / device 7. Progen Reactors needed to be built (just like there may be a need for Jenquai engine builders should they have any potential new engines that are Jenquai Only). Its a factor of the game that a trader will not be able to build something. 8. In order to put in a new skill (now Marco may have to reply to this) but it is my understanding (from Marco) that a new skill requires to sacrifice 2 existing skills. True the Privateer still has 2 skill slots to use up... 9. Progen were originally meant to be good at dismantling; one of the races good a building (probably terrans) and one race good at analyzing (logical minds hmmmm). Now this could give a situation where the Terran is useless at analyzing or dismantling but once a build is known very good at building it; a Jenquai good at analyzing but mediocre at building or dismantling; and a Progen getting most or all of the parts from a dismantle; but give them something to analyze and they'll get problems and building isn't that good either! Or as specified earlier: We are not looking to change stuff from live. Fortunately, this means that the Privateer will remain as is; in order to counter the TT. And by the same standard the TT and TS are very very lucky. i'm sure there will be difference of opinions here but the design documents were thought out by DEVs who came before I joined the project so there is no bias on my part. Applying the dismantle / analyze / build rules though could have some very interesting outcomes, expecially when Progen and Terran people continually fail to analyze; Terran and Jenaquai people continually fail to get parts back (or get such low quality back); and Jenquai and Progen people continually get builds 20% less than a Terran Trader. I expect some vocal replies, but my main thought is "you are opening a can of worms and a nerf bat for everyone if you continue critiscising this class"
  10. Powerdown:- In live when it was activate no mob would attack you (at high levels) I tended to PD when going AFK ! However that said, it makes a nice spying skill for spying missions should I put them in..
  11. All you need to do is to buy your hull then with credits. But of course you'd be after the bonus ... ... which woudn't become available if you brought your hull. ... and is subject to change anyway The HU missions from 50 onwards are there to test the player's resourcefullness. As you can always buy your hull, there will be 'obstacles' to overcome.
  12. CFB still currently drops from the mission line, assuming it is fully completed. CFB is added to a new mob on an ultra rare drop chance Once mondara are in the game, the need for CFB to be in a mission is reduced; and all Progen Hull Upgrade missions are likely to be changed. Other items may be more... apt. Soldier was listening to the musings of a mad Byakhee at the time... ----- A 100% mob dropped is preferable for any Sentinel or Privateer as it gives them the chance to analyze it then build their own. 200% only allows you to dismantle it if you already have it printed. And as it gets damaged, being able to dismantle it and rebuild it gives a Sentinel or Privateer the edge. The components that make it up also have to be player made too.
  13. Your level 135 hull upgrade hasn't updated because you need to do something. ----- CFB: Correct. The rewards on the missions is for people who do the missions in their entirity. With the CFB now having support for Privateers too, you will have missed out obtaining it this way. However, as it can be made by players who were successful in analyzing theirs, you should be able to obtain one on the market. Also, these missions (level 50 + ) are subject to change as they were not in live and have been entirely implemented by myself. Because in live you simply paid (above level 50) for your hull, I have to support you also paying for your hull. Missions have been added by myself to the Progen HU and bonus to fill a void for people who like doing missions. CFB currently requires you to do a mission and sub-missions to its' entirety; not 'chicken out' half way along when the NPC asks "have you had enough". Payment is the Terran way out, it isn't the Progen way!
  14. Not guilty! [Theres not often that I can honestly say that!] However, any major changes are likely to be announced by a Net-7 news reporter on behalf of a developer. If you missed a news broadcast, then, take care!
  15. ---------- >> Home << ----------
  16. As the client is a kind of advanced passworded compressed folder containing Images, Videos and Audio and instructions as to what to do when sending and receiving a response from the server, in Live WestWood had in place servers with everything on that needed people to play the game. The emulator and emualator server has this to recode, or how to prompt the client in the correct response and putting the content right. Everything you see on the emulator game has had to be added to the emulator stress server by the developers of the Emulator, from early days up to now (and beyond).
  17. pop roids are not in the game yet the chance each roid field will spawn one is though!
  18. Those are called 'corpses'
  19. Trade Routes yet to be seen: More Progen ones (via Mars for the quickest way, long route = Akerons Gate) to support the Progen Trader Class.
  20. Device required (expensive) to be equipped to remove the set amount of points - only one skill at a time The device had to be greater or equal to the level of the skill. Eg., to remove Self Destruct [5] you needed to equip a level 5+ device. Level 1-4 devices would not show up that skill in the display on the Sentinel. The higher the skill level then the higher the device level the Sentinel had to equip. This was the prime cost for Call Forward as those level 9 devices could be rather expensive. I don't remember there being any credit cost other than the device and whatever you may have charged the player. This did mean that Sentinels that had not advanced their Device to level 9 coudn't remove extremely high level skills. Level 5 could help some skills but ideally level 9 was a kind of 'universal device' so any one skill could have its' skill points returned. It only ever was 1 skill at a time. This could get expensive and you required to locate a Sentinel with suitable Device skills.
  21. I'm ok with constructive criticism but it is my understanding that some things are covered by the code of conduct: https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/forum-4/announcement-5-net-7-entertainment-earth-beyond-emulator-code-of-conduct/ Which everyone has agreed to, even retrospectively, when playing the emulator! Content: Content will continually be added and some changes added when the code is available. Developers range from myself (Content Developer) to a wide range of other designations. The emulator as it stands is not complete [14/01/2010], and amendments are made to the developer server then the developer server is copied over to the play server. Content developers are organised into teams. Jenquai. Progen. Terran. The other systems(incl Red Dragons etc), Items, etc... When content is added or changed it may be the Content Developer in that team has had a little time to spare to add it, or change it to what was envisaged but not able to be done with the old tools. This is a stress test. It is not an alpha as the content is not yet completed. Programming Developers are implementing coding and finding ways of making things happen. Server Developers are expanding the players numbers. All of this is change, and change is what the stress test is about. There have been two previous stress tests and at the end of every stress test accounts have in history been wiped. Players in this stress test should be aware as the emulator has yet to reach 'complete' [14/01/2010] then action occurs as soon as what has caused the problem is found. This happens more often than you realise, if its Content then a quick change to the developer server content using tools to restrict the interface, and then tested, will eventually be copied across to fix it, as all the content. It is my understanding that Programmer developers run their code changes on a programming test server/local before these are copied across, and change documented. If something severe happens and something may go wrong, then there are backups but these may be a couple of days out of date. In the circumstance you saw here, yes a rollback was done, and yes characters regressed. However, rollbacks are the next-to last resort after all other resources have been explored and after whatever caused the problem has been resolved. If this doesn't occur then it may happen again. Learn by experimentation. The final resort is a player wipe. Player wipes occur at the last resort. The emulator is under development, under change. It is for this reason that content will continually be added, over the last year a lot has been added with possibly only 2 instances I remember of there being the next-to or last resort.
  22. The only hulks that something will come out of are hulks that the content DEV in that zone physically added those items. This is no longer being done. Hulks couldn't be looted unless you had the prospect level for mining that level of hulk.
  23. Correct, but unfortunately if hull patch was removed from the TT and given to the TS, they'd be a whole world of hurt out there from the TT's
  24. Heads up. I've asked the Item Developers to modify the Crimson Force Barrier to have a skill to favour the Privateer. It already has one for the Warrior and one for the Sentinel. The Privateer being a new class deserves a skill also (The Shield Regeneration Skill has been suggested). [Progen Content DEV] ** Sometimes, I'm nice...
  25. Personally, I dislike macros, it almost seems to be 'cheating' but then again people play the game their way. If my areas of content discourage macroing then I feel I've done justice! I suppose theres always the possibility of spawning a CL 66 mane near miners, see who flees, who powerdowns, who cloaks and who just mines on oblivious to the very hungry mob coming towards them.., And i'll just reiterrate: "All Progen Missions with [Version ] are subject to change"
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