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Everything posted by kjeron

  1. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1303267698' post='39487'] well to be fair it only means that you can powerdown/cloak slightly more quickly than before. Or is there still a way to move powered down? Could you give me an example please? [/quote] You can activate the skills as long as your engine is 'off', while you are decelerrating to a stop. Which means you can move while powered-down until you run out of momentum. Mostly abusable by the current bug to come out of warp at warp speed, where you could power down while moving 5k+ thrust, and while on planets, where base speed is doubled, and you can reach up to 2k thrust easily. Once you've come to a stop, you are stuck there without ending powerdown. Easiest example I could think of is doing this to get to the center of a grav well while powered down, such as GoBB/Controller's grav well. Dont know how useful it is right now, but could also interfere with any future content located in gravwells/planets.
  2. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1303197689' post='39373'] ok ... I have made a few improvements to warp and prospecting. Should make mining a bit less stressful! Just restarted the server with the changes, log in and see if it helps. [/quote] Working much better now, no delay to start mining after warp. I have noticed that in addition to mining, both L1&2 cloak and powerdown also used the same rules for whether the ship was 'moving', would it be possible to seperate and return them to the previous PITA system, while keeping mining on this new system? Powerdown could be exploited for advantages as it is now (moving while powered-down), cloak is irrelavent since noone uses L1/2 after they have combat cloak which can be used while moving anyway. Or have Powerdown bring the ship to a stop, the same way activating the prospect beam does.
  3. [attachment=963:emufaction.gif] - Updated faction map for the current state of the Emulator - The faction killed drops at a 2:1 ratio compared to the other factions it changes. - Killing your own faction overides the normal adjustments, trading your faction for Red Dragon faction at a 1:1 ratio, but no other factions change. - Group faction currently does not work, only the first person to damage the mob, in the group that gets the kill, will get the faction gain/loss. - Mordana faction is implemented, but not shown on the faction panel, currently impractical to determine adjustments to Mordana faction. [s] - Have been unable to locate any Hyperia factioned mobs, currently unable to see how killing them affects other factions.[/s] Found some L0 Target of Opportunity Hyperian, perfect for testing purposes. [s] - Unknown faction is only affected by v'rix jobs atm.[/s] V'rix jobs removed from game atm. - The two Moto factions, Progen Combine and Terran Alliance, are exclusive to each other and do not affect any other factions. - Added Terran Psi faction, sneaky psi's don't even spawn within sector boundaries, had to use a Telescopium and a few tricks to get them. - The ?????? faction doesn't match any from live, and may just be a bugged mob - L8 Red Dragon Freighter's in Primus. - Current Minimum faction needed to use a gate/station: -1999 - Mob Targeting Color: Green > +2000 > Yellow > -499 > Red Faction adjustment by MobLevel: L0-L10: +/- 1 L11-L60: +/- 3 to 13, formula:(Level+5)/5, rounded down L63: +/- 15 L65: +/- 25 L66: +/- 50 Faction adjustment by JobLevel: L50: +5 L75: +7 L105: +10 L135: +12 L150: +15
  4. Tyran: Scan Blind 30% only takes 30% off the base scan range of a ship, and is additive with [Scan Boost(Activated)25%], resulting in 95% base scan. It doesnt reduce the increase provided by the buffs [Scan Boost(Equip)] or [Scan Range-BOOST!(Activated)], or the Scan Skill. At most it will drop 1.5k scanrange for the explorers classes, and less for everyone else. My JD can reach 34.5k scan range with every stacking buff/skill, equiping an item with scan blind 30% only decreases that to 33.5k, a 1k loss. It uses the same formula as every other buff Ive tested: [ base * ( 1 + sum of stacking % buffs ) + sum of stacking non% buffs ] [ 3.5k * ( 1 + .25 ) + 6.4k + 21k + 2.75k[sup]1[/sup] ]= 34.525k, display rounds to 34.5k. [ 3.5k * ( 1 + .25 - .30 ) + 6.4k + 21k + 2.75k[sup]1[/sup] ]= 33.475k, display rounds to 33.5k. Total loss: 1.05k, or 30% of 3.5k(base). [sup]1[/sup]Note: Scan skill is giving .25k more than it should at each level, L1 is giving 1.25k, up through L7 at 2.75k, it should be 1k-2.5k. Riia: The Cat's Paw L5's description of buffs/debuffs doesnt match its actuall buffs/debuffs, while the L6 version does have the debuff listed in the description, and is the only device to switch debuffs between L5/6, if it is going to keep this debuff, may it atleast have the description updated to match?
  5. Debuffs come in two main forms: Most L3-9 production lines of devices have a debuff found on the L5, L6, and L9 version. They are there to offset the addition positive buff they recieve at these levels. If you dont think the addition buff is worth it, then you can skip them altogether and just use L3-4 and L7-8 builds. L3-4: One positive buff. L5-6: Two positive, one negative buff. L7-8: Two positive buffs. L9: Three positive buffs, one negative buff. A lot of vendor-sold, Race-proficient equipment comes with a debuff throughout the whole production line. Terran-manufactured Missile Launchers and Engines, Progen-manufactured Projectile Launchers and Shields, and Jenquai-manufactured Beams and Reactors. They all have a postive buff as well, and better stats than the vendor-sold equivalents without debuffs. This is the balance, their are alternatives, but it if you want the highest dps weapon, it will cost you a debuff. Loot-only equivalents drop the debuffs but keep the superior stats, insuring they are always the better choice. The few exceptions would be the GETco-manufactured plasma beams, which also have a debuff - they are better than jenquai-manuf. beams after all, and the progen-manufactured shields, which have 2 debuffs instead of one, and a debuff on a loot-only (Lexington line). Just like positve buffs, debuffs of the same name do not stack, so you can use multiple equipment with the same debuff without additional suffering. What makes a debuff horrible is opinion only, they all have a relatively small adjustment, easily overcome by a positive buff, if not ignorable, and some can even be put to use to your benefit. -Edit for spelling.
  6. Your not alone, my JE Kjero and my PS KjeroPS, both same account, have had this occur by you and another person. Patch 320 happened after the first one, before the second time, so I dont think it had anything to do with it. None of the toons on that account have been able to stay ingame too long with the client crashing, proxy finishes and closes afterwards.
  7. [quote name='Tyran' timestamp='1301336235' post='37533'] Kenu, You are the Jenquai zen master... Why are you letting Jenquai shields be so lame? Do you have an inferiority complex? [/quote] Don't blame him, Nishido cant manufacture anything worthwhile. Blacksun, Tada-O, Infiniticorp, Mordana and Organics will provide better than any Shields Nishido can offer you. I dont even know how Nishido stays in business with the worthless junk they sell, the JT probably shouldnt have Build Weapons either. If you want some good beams you buy Blacksun, GETco, Mordana or Organic, not Nishido. Jenquai would get better results asking GETco to extend the Lion and Mastiff line of Beams up to L9, than they would trying to get Nishido to design a single plasma beam. The DP/GE may say Nishido, but we all know the Mordana really designed them, at best all Nishido did was lend them the facilites to manufacture them. Maybe we should see what kind of shield and weapons Sundari could design...
  8. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1301357754' post='37557'] Sounds like you got connection problems! Are you on wireless with someone working a microwave oven nearby, that can be a problem. I'm about as far away from the server as you can get geographically, on what's recognised as the worst internet in the 1st world (Australia) and I don't see connection issues like this. When I warp to an asteroid I usually stop just before it. [/quote] I'm sure these arent connection issues, Ive managed to reproduce all of them once I realized what was happening: ~Irriducible one second delay between activating/deactivating warp, NOT Warp Charge/Cooldown, but a seperate delay that prevents spamming warp on/off to float items. I know this exists, because I abuse this at most grav-wells, because it's what causes: ~Come out of warp still going warp speed, slowing down at normal deceleration rate. It's not the delay itself that causes it, but because it shares the same state of 'unable to warp' as trying to warp while targeting something that is too close for warp, or trying to warp while targeting yourself, both of which will also trigger it. However, just being in warp-cooldown does not trigger it. Its done by double clicking warp, while already in warp, and unable to re-enter warp. You instead are left thrusting at whatever speed you were warping at, while decelerating at the normal rate. Obviously, its great for getting past Grav-wells, if you have enough starting speed to make it through, and currently the only way, until L7 Navigate is fully implemented. ~Come out of warp upto 6k or more past our target(roid). This has become much more of a problem after the minimum warp distance was lowered to 1k, it would appear the game is having problems warping such small distances without overshooting the target. Back when the minimun warp distance was 4k/5k, I would only pass the target by 1-2k max, not upwards of 6-7k max. The distance might be related to warp speed, and maybe why there was a warp cap in Live, just a guess though. ~Passing the target(roid) and manually ending warp only to see my ship do a 180 and warp the other way. Hitting warp at the moment warp ends, will cause you to re-enter warp bypassing the warp cooldown. This existed back in ST3 as well, and was far easier to execute, but now it occurs almost exclusively without trying, or wanting, it to happen. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1301357754' post='37557'] I do agree with the complete stop thing being a bit too sensitive at the moment - I only just changed that to fix a bug where you'd be completely static and still get the 'you must stop to mine' message. I'll try to get the sensitivity reduced a bit as it can be a bit annoying. Having a dud connection doesn't help the issue either. [/quote] Thank you, good to know another bug was being fixed in the process though.
  9. [quote name='Tyran' timestamp='1301335207' post='37530'] The current round robin, if I'm not mistaken, gives you the entire corpse. Again not favourable because some corpses can be too good while others are too bad. This is because the corpses can drop a lot of items at once, or only one. While in the long run (weeks?) this may be fair, in a short time (playing with random group) this can be rather imbalanced. If every single item of a corpse was assigned randomly both normal mobs and bosses would be a lot fairer. [/quote] It is already possible for multiple people to loot the same corpse at the same time, although it is through a bug, why not implement it to be normal, with the individual loot in a mob divided by round-robin, starting with a random group member on every coprse. You couldnt control which order drops show up on a mob, or which group member it starts assigning loot to, so no way to exploit it. Corpses would still need a group-ownership timer that doesnt expire when the corpse is opened so only group members could loot the corpse and not just anyone nearby.
  10. Prospecting has become a nightmare for me. I dont do it for a relaxing time, I do it to stripmine fields as fast as possible for exp and cash, which has become rediculously difficult with all the changes to warp since ST3: ~Come out of warp upto 6k or more past our target(roid). ~Passing the target(roid) and manually ending warp only to see my ship do a 180 and warp the other way. ~Come out of warp still going warp speed, slowing down at normal deceleration rate. ~One second delay after exiting warp until it says we're no longer moving. - comfirmed with L1/2 cloak, which now also says still moving for one second after exiting warp. ~Irriducible one second delay between activating/deactivating warp, NOT Warp Charge/Cooldown, but a seperate delay that prevents spamming warp on/off to float items. ~With 1k thrust on a JE/TS, coming to a stop to mine isnt practical without using warp to stop, now that its been updated to how it was in Live where we have to come to a complete stop before being able to prospect.
  11. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1301246320' post='37319'] Eventually yes, I believe it was a hack meant to force an exploit into submission whereas people had learned a way to make themselves invincible. I will have it checked out. [/quote] This should maybe be extended to buffs/skills as well. Not sure how, but I have logged in cloaked on my Jenquai toons a couple of times, and it was a real cloak status, not just a fake icon for cloak as used to happen with non-jenquai toons.
  12. kjeron

    200% Ores

    There are atleast a few non-component builds that take refined ores that could benefit from this. I like Yuritau's idea about critical comp building. Have ores be auto-200% when refined, and have each 200% ore give a chance build two comps instead of one, with all ores at 200% being an automatic two comps. Would have to make sure its limited to just compenents though, wouldnt want a refined ore allowing someone a chance to get two equipment built for the few non-comps that use a refined ore. Ammo-comp ore is almost all unrefined, so the components most needed in vast quantities wouldnt be affected, not sure if thats a good or bad thing though.
  13. Update: Whatever happened fixed itself, except all my toons are logging in incapaciated without debt.
  14. All 3 of my accounts are hanging at the galaxy map after choosing my toon, began happening immediatly after one of them crashed while in Antares. Afer closing the Net7Proxy window, the game returns to account login, at which point I can still log in and choose my toons, something ive never been able to do before, always used to say 'lost connection' or something like that and kick me back to desktop. No change with/without Packet Optimization.
  15. Sulani Highport isnt accessible to players. The MX Surge Stitcher can be obtained either by: 1. Find a comp builder and have them make you one: 1 Adamantine, 1 Hafnium, 1 Mirandium, all refined. 2. Rip it from the following loot-only equipment: ~ Insatiable Blood L6 device - Hung Kwan Initiate Red Dragon (L46) - Cooper, Grissom, Aragoth Prime, Inverness? ~ Petit-Grand Dhambier L6 reactor - 7th Circle Chavez Enforcer (L35) - Ragnarok ~ Waterloo VI L6 shield - Renegade Progen Decurion (L35) - Endriago, Lagarto ~ Hunting Falcon L6 engine - Captain Jay Crunch (L35) - Moto
  16. That's not how its functioning on the play server right now, looting any corpse, yours or someone elses, has a chance to break cloak. If the chance to break cloak only occured on corpses you didnt own that wouldnt be so bad. My guess is that once you open the corpse, it no longer belongs to you, others cant loot it because you have it open, but you no longer own it the moment you open it, so even your own corpses are looted as though you didnt own them.
  17. It has one of those already, 24 seconds between uses.
  18. About Energy Leech, while all but the L1 version 'Energy Drain' will return energy too you, once any of them have been used on a mob, none of them will return energy when used again on that same mob, even after said mob dies and respawns. I tried docking/reloggin my toon, still didnt drain any energy from it. Either its permanent, requiring a server reboot, or just a very long timer, either way it should be reset when a mob dies anyway.
  19. kjeron

    Psi Shield

    My only concern would be the group panel, would it be displayed there as well, or would group members see your real shields? Not just JD's, but how would other classes feel about their shields being replaced with the Psi-Shield values whenever its cast on them? Cloak already screws up the shield display on the group panel, usually causing it to show it always full or always empty, this may make it even worse.
  20. I would assume its being added together for 95%, same as other percetage based buffs: Reduced Warp Cost, Weapon Turbo's, Enhance Weapons + Weapon SkillLvl, Equipment Engineering, and Reduced Ship Signature are all stacked that way. I doubt there are consequences for >100% reduced warp charge, as the JT's group bonus gives just that. Unless they purposely made it only give +2%, which I assume it gives more than that, as there is noticable difference with it.
  21. Vendor Bought: 1 EMP, 2 Energy Orange Kirin EMP Laser M9 (EMP) Orange Dragon Laser M9 (Energy) Purple Dragon Laser M9 (Energy) Normal Mob/Boss Loot-only Manufacturable: 1 EMP, 1 Energy Golden Kirin EMP Laser San (EMP) Golden Dragon Laser San (Energy) Normal Mob/Boss Loot-only Non-Manufacturable: 1 Plasma, 1 EMP, 1 Energy Eye of the Fang Fiend (Plasma) Chystaline Beam (EMP) Prototype B 9 (Energy) Raid Boss Loot-only Manufacturable: 5 Plasma (2 JD only), 1 Energy Defender's Pride Plasma Laser M9 (Plasma)(Warrior-Only) Emerald Devastator (Plasma)(Warrior-Only) Devastating Gaze (Plasma) Eye of Destruction (Plasma) Pitbull Sr. (Plasma) Ghost's Edge Energy Laser M9 (Energy) Raid Boss Loot-only Non-Manufacturable: 2 Plasma, 2 Energy Eye of the Dark One (Plasma) Glare of Devastation (Plasma) Black Streak (Energy) Tractor-Repulsor (Energy) Hulk: 1 Plasma, 1 Energy Prototype P 9 (Plasma) Prototype B 9 (Energy) Not in Game: 1M1HS1NG2R (Plasma)(JE Only)-Manuf. Asperity of the Master (Energy) Cutlass of the Valiant (Energy) - Limited time offer, no longer drop. Distortion Array (Plasma)(JE Only)-Manuf. Gaze of Amah (Plasma)(JE Only)-Manuf. Made to Live (Plasma)-Manuf. Magnified Solar Energy Channeler (Energy) Primus Beam (Plasma) Prototype DM Force Emitter (Energy)-Manuf. Sun Focus 2000 (Energy)-Manuf. Never gonna be in game: Gate turrent Defense Laser (Plasma) Vendor Bought: 1 EMP, 2 Energy Normal Mob/Boss Loot-only Manufacturable: 1 EMP, 1 Energy Normal Mob/Boss Loot-only Non-Manufacturable: 1 Plasma, 1 EMP, 1 Energy Raid Boss Loot-only Manufacturable: 5 Plasma (2 JD only), 1 Energy Raid Boss Loot-only Non-Manufacturable: 2 Plasma, 2 Energy Hulk: 1 Plasma, 1 Energy Total: 9 Plasma, 8 Energy, 3 EMP Plasma still leads, but most, including all manufacturable, are Raid-only, which means your stuck with energy or keeping your L8's until after you've done a few raids. Off Topic +1
  22. It did at one point, not sure if it still does, but if you just want to hunt mordana for fun or faction, the spawn at Rakio nav is just a normal group, no progession, no raid.
  23. Disruptor V2.0, at the Controller's spawn location, and its always dropped from it, for all of ST4 atleast. Do a sector search of BBW or a mob search for Disruptor and it will show up there too. Edit - It now shows the 'Hidden Drops' listing. Edit#2 - The sector and Mob searches list drops for mobs, though since early last december, it hasn't been 100% accurate. I always thought the item drops would have been removed when the 'hidden drops' was implemented, but for some reason it never was. Would be nice if the Mob search listed all sectors it spawns in, and the sector search lists just what mobs spawn there. Edit#3 - Cutlass of the Valiant 9 (L9) now shows the 'hidden drops', but I was told it has been removed, and indeed havent seen any since. Is the DB listing old info, as we were told the info would be delayed somewhat behind the Live server changes, or is something else causing it? Just an example, but not the only item like this.
  24. A printable Theodosius Alpha L5 must be ripped from the L6 by another player who already has the whole line printed, or ripped 3 times from the Theodosius Delta L8, which drops from L52 Progen Septareme in Moto, at 'scarce' drop rate. Maybe not the best reactor to have it check for.
  25. Chimaera's Dread Scourge L9 Eye of the Dark One L9 Looted each of these today, so I know they still drop from what previously dropped them.
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