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Everything posted by Bleakend

  1. As someone who regularly does FB/Mordana/Controller and occasionally GoBB all my stuff, on all my toons, has lost 10% quality or more at times. It seems to depend on how many mobs are hitting me upon death. But after multiple deaths, i wish i had a screenshot, ive seen stuff take 10% quality reduction, sometimes twice in a row! lol.
  2. I was told that mobs like GoBB, at least if it was in live, and other cl 66's the chain summoning and summoning in general would fail constantly, it had a lower success rate than with say cl 50 mobs. But if it worked, then yeah, you'd get a mob 250k away from the nav point.
  3. PFFFT I'm gonna cloak right away lol
  4. Awwww that was painful man..... lol Not the first time thats happened.
  5. Yes, its Bleak, if theres any dev or anyone that wants to accompany I will happily show them how I do it. In spite of what I've been up to, surprisingly I am in favor of harder content! Lol Its all good bro, It had to stop sometime I guess. Its not even like I need to solo it lol, our guild as it is can take GoBB/Troller not to mention Fishbowl with great ease.
  6. It is possible to solo a fishbowl without a JT, albeit it is extremely difficult and requires a lot of patience. I guess that means the AI is broken, and just to verify that it is possible I've done it four times... solo, no JT or healing of any kind. I also do it without cloak buffs, and the cloak takes 3 seconds or longer.
  7. [url="http://www.alcyonecodesmith.com/enb/devs_on_drugs.shtml"]http://www.alcyonecodesmith.com/enb/devs_on_drugs.shtml[/url] hahahahahahaha I like this one. Shame the new classes were never in live.
  8. Meh, I think I'm done for awhile. Honestly can't wait for a wipe, new content, or something.... anything... lol. I'm on of those regulars that's gonna cut their losses, check back in every few months to see whats up. Until then, I dunno, maybe I'll head back to my real time strategy roots and hit up SC2 or D3 or something... just done it all seen it all... and like terrell mining is where its at for me mainly, and giving stuff away, but, like Terrell, most of what i mine gets vendored unless its something ancient.... As of now its over for me, I've had enough of the monotony.
  9. More like the poster woman for everything i ever was afraid of O.o.
  10. Aww man i have to create a log in to access it.. too lazy.
  11. Ill be keeping you in my prayers kyp.
  12. Server down again? Cant seem to access the site either. IIIIInteresting.
  13. Doesn't seem like anyone with powers is on. Or it was intentional for some fix. Or the sea is just a cruel mistress bent on making life a living hell for us handsome sailors.
  14. I guess i can let those 1200$ a night call girls i had locked up in my basement out.... at least for a while.
  15. Woot! Thanks Tienbau.. I dunno if you ever heard that song or not but here goes: Bau Bau... Beautifuuuul! Bau Bau! From the 80's?
  16. Baby, my shield matrix is always at 25%
  17. Baby, my shield matrix is always at 25%
  18. I'll go with Azwood on this one, slow and steady here, i can vaguely remember tienbau or kyp stating that they don't fully understand the code and are only working with small pieces of it (something to that effect correct me if im wrong), so yeah, if they put everything without carefully working out beforehand what it might do to client we could have a disarster on our keyboards!
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