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Everything posted by Bleakend

  1. Rewarded for hard work? I LOVE killing named mobs hundreds of times a week to have the item I'm after not drop at all! I LOVE LOVE LOVE camping a mob on an insane spawn timer just, at a crucial moment in the time frame the chances of it spawning at highly likely, a dev logs on randomly and goes "PATCH TIME!" woohoo man I really love that. I love this game. All sarcasm aside, its been really frustrating lately. But ya know, things have their way of working out, one way or the other....
  3. Also this is not the first time that someone was trying to log into my account, second time in fact, I guess they didn't succeed in booting me though...
  4. Was given a warning in game that someone was trying to log into my account, shortly thereafter I was booted from the game and now am unable to log back in with the new password I created...   Uhhh.... help?!
  5. Looks like we need to find a new server. LMFAO
  7. The three you mentioned are already in/ there was a Halloween/Christmas/ and Valentines day events that took place this past year. As for a thanksgiving event, that would be awesome. But yeah, its in there, sans thanksgiving.
  8. I remember when I was running with just a few friends of mine we would build devices for the FB and run a "sort of" public raid on it. There was 4 of us, a JD/TE/PW/PP, we could have to ask in market constantly for a TT and anyone else who would like to help, although we didn't do it auction style, it worked out OK most of the time and usually everyone had fun. We generally would get requests to "reserve" loot from whatever healer or whoever else joined us, and we did so as long as nobody needed whatever item was asked for. In any case, it seems like a majority of the server population is part of one of the three guilds. I dunno if thats because everyone sees us everywhere or the times we are logged on or whatever other reason you can think of. The point is that there just might not be enough people on to run a "semi public" or public raid on the FB/Mordana/RD base. We were doing this FB stuff 8 months ago and the most we ever got was one or two people willing to join us. Maybe when we get 500 players on average, but until then it will be difficult to do.
  9. Could rebuild the whole game with the information, problem is piecing together two years worth of posts.
  10. Sounds like a plan! Would certainly spice things up and make the game more enjoyable/rewarding.
  11. So I called her and she hung up on me, I called back and hung up on her!
  12. [img]http://i.minus.com/ibB7Rk.gif[/img]
  13. I play this because I couldn't make Masters leaque in Starcraft
  14. I play this because I couldn't make Masters leaque in Starcraft
  15. That would be nice, to announce GoBB in market or some other public channel and have 10-20 people show up for it, at least on free for all days. I've tried that before though, used to announce it in market all the time back in November-January, and nobody showed up. Perhaps that will become an option when we have an average of 300-500 players on the server on any given day but at this point theres not enough. Before I joined the guild I'm in I had been looking hard for a at least 11 other people to do GoBB with, pick up style, but thats hard to come by. Two full groups can take out GoBB, the composition I think would best is : 3 TT's, 2 PW's (experienced drivers who can effectively lead each group), 2 JD's (for summon/ scan blind/ debuff), TS (for level 9 gorgons for the PW impact ammo/ hull patch), JS (reactor opt/shield recharge), 2 TE's, and a JE at the bare minimum. Its pretty hard to find at least 12-15 people to make friends with and do a raid like this with. In fact I think i've only ever seen, at least in the last 8 months, one or two pick up groups for GoBB, ever. I have seen people multibox it successfully though, and of course solo it, but I think in light of the fact its extremely difficult to get together the group required to it, at least PUG style, people wind up multiboxing/soloing it for this reason.
  16. Ain't no cakewalk, took us awhile, at times when I've been totally alone its taken up to 2 hours (provided no groups were around to swoop in, but its all good). But I see your point Sleven, I personally have never done GoBB with two full groups. Its only ever been me and a few friends up until I joined a larger guild. Sure, we could take controller, that was awesome when we learned we could do that, but GoBB, faaaaahgeddaboudit. I see where your coming from though, if I came from a big guild that had the capacity to do GoBB with 2 or even 3 groups and then I saw what I was doing I'd be disheartened, in a way its kind of like spitting in the face of the people who worked hard, figured out the proper tactics, and mustered up the player count to take it down and then died a whole buncha times trying to bringing it down in the process of fine tuning the timing, damage, and heals as well as getting everyone to know exactly their role in the situation and when exactly to act on that. I know a thing or two about planning raids/ getting everyone together/ settling disputes/ etc etc... It ain't easy, but soloing GoBB isn't either, I know what I'm doing with regard to how the game mechanics work currently (they're broke lol) along with the timing/effort it takes to bring it down mono e mono. At the end of the day though, I don't think I should be able to do it, and yes it does bring down the whole event a notch or two or twelve. Its still ridiculous to me that I'm even able to do it hahah. Its like finding alot of money. You know should turn it in but that dusty old bank account could use a punch in the kisser. Its way more fun to do things in a group also more rewarding, I'd like to see this fixed, to get it fully functioning where GoBB can heal himself/minions and vice versa/ use hacking effectively along with summon and recharge shields at such a fast rate that it would be impossible to solo and a hands down, flat out, increase on his shields/ minions shields. By like 3 mil or so, give him 12 mil shields/ and the 65's 5 mil. Thatd make it interesting. we could all hit it up with 4 groups and crash the sector hard over and over and over again until no one wants to even do it any more lol.
  17. You should see my unit rave action! lol
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXwNhXmM8f4 Time for the Party Core!
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