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Everything posted by Mimir

  1. Oh Noooooooooo getting the Inv-300 error.
  2. LOL well the Mark Fuhrman was in reference to the OJ trials, I'm sure you heard "If the glove don't fit you must acquit" line? If not I'm sure a google of Mark Fuhrman or OJ will get you the whole story.
  3. I'm not sure but I think it may have been "THE N" word. The one that Mark Fuhrman was so fond of? Oh and that "C" word will get you more than just a suspension in most US companies. It is considered harassment and will get you a one way ticket to the front door. So if these were kids, I look at it as a valuable lesson in curbing ones tongue in social settings. And if they were adults they should know better.
  4. Count me in as it seems almost every step of the level 75 HU has required the intervention of a GM. I would like to complete this mission so if possible Byakhee please do drop in as there a number of PWs/PS in this same mission limbo soup.
  5. Incase nobody reported this yet…most mobs are not spawning, missions are not getting done and are backing up, Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. We need a restart:(
  6. no worries, I thought it was this IE8 yet again that was causing me fits.
  7. Is this a "For Your eyes only" forum? As I can't view it?
  8. Sheeeeeeeeeeesh! I was a PW...mobs got tougher loot was changed, I thought no worries I’ll play a PS. Now...the field bonus is being messed with. I know it is said that this is not really designed to force grouping, but from where I am sitting it sure does look like it. As I said in another post solo play days are coming to an end, first for combat now to mining. Soon I can see needing a full group of level 150s to open a trade dialog with the npc to sell what meager loot/ores you obtain.
  9. yup inv-300 error as well. Any chance it has to do with the ptr server? I was on there for a bit.
  10. I really do hate to see someone get their feelings hurt, especially you for all the effort you have done on these missions. I think for the most part EVERYONE really does like what you have done. I think with a very few modifications the missions/quests could be the best part of the EMU. 1. Tell the player what the reward is. (use a variable so it can change without re-coding ) 2. If the player can fail the mission let them know this up front. 3. If the mission was failed what is the recourse for the player? If the failure on that mission is game over for that mission tell the player this at the start of the mission. 4. If there are choices involved in the mission make sure the player is able to make an intelligent decision. If you can’t fit how the decision tree will change the outcome of the player’s choices in the talk tree make sure that information is obtainable in another location. 5. And last but not least if you throw a misleading step into the mix make sure that it is not devastating to the outcome of that mission. Curve balls are fun, but if it wastes a lot of time, they just aggravate the player.
  11. Dang that one looks great too.. and a quest to boot.
  12. Huh? The “whisper” was a tongue in cheek reference to an under the table bribe. I read and reread the whisper and couldn’t find anything even remotely offensive. I understand that different cultures observe humor very differently, so if it something that offends you and yours please elaborate how this upset you so I may refrain from upsetting you in the future. Oh and 1953 ... you do the math.
  13. I was just thinking that maybe the missions are not worth the effort. I had been very vocal about players doing them, all of them so they may get that reward. But the reward may change, the missions are in flux, the choices you make today may take a different path tomorrow or in an hour, or next push. My PW paid for the lvl 50 and 75 mission, did the 100 and 135 but found out that too bad so sad the rules had changed mid stream. And I was able to buy the CFB, the BB, and even got my hands on the ammo samples. So the aggrevation, the bug reports that were told to deaf ears made no difference in the end. Sheeesh I'm gonna just go have fun LOL a lvl 84 should NOT have this much trouble getting a lvl 50 HU.
  14. I just finished installing EnB on a Dell Mini 10v. Sweeeet! Is there any way to transfer one of my characters to the new account I just had set up? Please? I remember Tienbau saying that it could be done if enough requested it. Well this is my request. *whispers* if a donation would help expidite this request tell me how much.
  15. I am trying hard to be a good player and not complain but......... everything that has just been said/requested, and just pointed out by Avani has been said before. Do a search...I think the crypticness (is that a word?) HAS to be taken out of these missions. For example something as simple as the Text block saying you may choose two of four... what two do I pick? what happens if I pick A and C rather than C and D? I was scared even to select the descriptions of the mission as I thought I was selecting the missions at that point. (Previous post) I have been documenting the HU missions with screen grabs at every step of the way. But it could be the wrong steps/choices...guess I will find out when I get a bit farther along. If I selected wisely or flipped the coin and hit a winner I will post. If I screwed the pooch and selected badly well... maybe I can post those as what not to do but I will not be a happy camper.
  16. Actually the Reaver is the only weapon I think is dropped outside the FB (that I use) All the other weapons I use I went into the FB with a group to get. The problem is grouping just for the ammo with the limited play time, number of players at my play times, or any number of reasons, is the issue IMHO. I see your point and agree about the weapons, pull them all from the loot table outside the FB but please reconsider the ammo drops being at least an infrequent (if you must) drop in cooper outside of the FB.
  17. Please keep on point. Explore XP Power leveling = Ok Trade XP Power leveling = Ok Combat XP Power leveling = Not Ok and is not only frowned on, but the slightest request on chat to be combat power leveled is met with a general "boo hiss" from the users at large. -------------- The question was: Why two of the three seem to be acceptable while the third is not? ---------------
  18. The more important point is that YOU as in Dev not just you, had the Level 53 Terror maws drop ammo comps. These were not boss mobs, and even in live I remember level 150 PWs being able to handle single and even multiple level 53 mobs. I don’t think any of the posts in here said anything about boss mobs or wanting to solo them. Unless the terror maw is considered a minion of the Boss then I guess it could be a Boss mob or mobette. The removal of the ammo comps from these mobs really has nothing to do with being too tough or not. The only reason was to get more groups into the FB which in itself isnt even close to being what it was in live. Please remember being just like live went out the window with the introduction of the forgotten races. Even the purest among us I think welcome these changes.
  19. But I guess you still don't get it...solo play is being programmed out.. This is not live, and you have a chance to make it enjoyable for all types of players. From the ones who love to group to those who like to pop in and play a bit and pop out. I see more and more the direction going to group this and group that, or don't play.
  20. So I guess my time playing solo is soon to be at end.
  21. I asked this in chat the other day but I don’t think I got an answer to my question. I put it in the following way, Is it considered Ok to lead and solicit players on tours to advance the explore level for all the participants? Is it also Ok for a lower level to tag along with a higher level player to loot multiple kills (this advances the Trade level of the lower level player)? Now comes the real question: Why then is it so looked down on, even to the extent that there has been code written into the server to prevent the gaining or “power leveling” the combat aspect of a lower player?
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