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Everything posted by Mimir

  1. I realize that high level content is a bit scarce at the moment, so high level players are bound to get bored. I on the other hand shelve the 150 toons and start new ones to keep my interest in the game fresh. Boredom could be the reason I have been seeing “Impossible” to me toons fly into hulk fields snatch a single hulk and warp away. Either boredom or just being nasty cherry picking is getting out of hand. As a lower level TS the field bonus is a welcome boost to my XP, and I am not saying that I should get every field to myself (although this would be nice). I was chatting with another player today and an idea was born that may help. Is it possible to set the field clear bonus to 50-51% if field is cleared(same as combat kill credit?) This would still make clearing fields worth more and assure the re-spawn, and not leave a single hulk/roid in play to prevent the spawn.
  2. That did it thanks much... Oh...I noticed that the test routine in EnB Config draws up the forgotten race ships, very cool stuff.
  3. This is what I see with either a CTRL or ALT right-click.
  4. Nope no go, but I did find if I play around with: Cascade Windows, Show Windows Stacked, and Show Windows Side by Side the EnB window does move around, but still no direct control over the move.
  5. Win 7 and will try that now...thanks much
  6. Did anyone ever get the window to move from the default location? Alt-Tab will exit the game window... but whenever I try to right-click in the top bar it reverts to the game cursor.
  7. I don't think I said that lucrative loot should be put into low level mobs or mobs that it didn't make sense, all I was saying that if someone changes something as drastic as putting ALL ammo comps (you know what weapons I refer) into the FB with a plan that is not and seems that will not be completed...or at best case put off indefinitely, and then this dev takes a leave, something should be done to roll this back to the way it was before this plan was put into play. Maybe the new Dev would rather start at the point it was prior to the way it is currently? “It is always with the best intentions that the worst work is done.” - Oscar Wilde If you follow the daily saga of the Progen missions it seems to go from bad to worse to even worse. I only suggested the Progen missions get on par with the other races until they are in a more stable state.
  8. I'm pretty sure the answer is no...
  9. I was thinking more of the contents, but I like the idea of them showing up at random locations... you clear the field and on respawn they are in a different location...NICE!
  10. Again, the server hardware is pretty new and good specs as I remember. I'm thinking the lag issues are more software (server side)rather than hardware.
  11. I would hope that the contents of hulks are random...but I don't think they are at the moment.
  12. Mobs seem to be fixed. I went to Cooper and not one Ten-Gu did the "neener neener I can shoot you but you can't shoot me" Very nice... Thank you !
  13. I’m not writing this to start a flame war nor tell anyone what to do in the direction of the rebirth of EnB. I am writing because for the last month or so I have seen long time (relative to the Sunrise Server) returnees start to drift away. I also find myself wanting to be in game less and less, and for this reason I want to post these suggestions for maybe getting back my interest as well as possibly getting the interest back for those who have left. First off if there is any way to quickly get the mob behavior under control. Not the new and improved AI, but how the mob behavior was at the start of ST4 and the end of ST3. The new style could still be worked on at the PTR server. I am not sure if the mobs being able to fire on players from great distances and the player not able to shoot back is part of the new AI or not but this is an aggravation that seems to not getting any better. The second is the Dev working on mob loot, I have not seen him in game in quite a while and I think that the Manes dropping only a level II and sometimes a level I drop needs to be addressed. I have Googled EnB Mob drops and found some fan sites that have some pretty accurate dbs of what mobs dropped from close to Sunset. Third is the Fish Bowl being the only location in the stress test of getting some comps for both ammo and weapon construction. Until the player base gets larger (enough to handle frequent raids, is there a possibility of either cheating a bit and put the drops for these supplies back into the Ten-Gu in Cooper? I know it sort of is a contradiction of the second suggestion but I just don’t see that the move of these comps has generated the desired “team work” it was touted for as for the reason for this move. Forth, Progen missions, I know Byakhee is working hard on these missions but there seems to be a bleed over from the PTR server and live, some of the parts that don’t work have made their way to the play server and neither server work. This is IMO un-necessary confusion for players trying to play a Progen. I would suggest that the missions be pulled from the play (live) server until they are at the least in some stage to be tested. I love the game, I love being able to play the forgotten races, but I miss playing my PW. I know high level content is being worked on but in the meanwhile being able to hunt and have decent loot, and mobs that did not hit me from 40 - 60k away would be a great help in making it fun again for my PW. Finally if the powers that be could send out an email to the players who have registered and left and requested an exit survey, perhaps that would be the best possible way to see if the current direction is the way we should be headed. Thanks again for all your hard work and bringing the game back.
  14. I think one of the GMs said the token missions are borked atm. I could be wrong but............
  15. And speaking of weird objects...I have all but the lvl 5 Mah-jongg tiles. Is there a mission to trade those in? If so where? and will trade extras of 1-4 and 6-9 for a 5.
  16. LOL Riddick is going to be ONE TRAVELING MAN!!! And thanks much
  17. I submitted a ticket on this but this morning it dawned on me that a possibility for the slowly increasing lag could be attributed to the job mobs. As it stands as of this morning everywhere I look I see Riddick mobs in no particular level and no particular location. If un-killed mobs are causing the lag perhaps some code could be added that the mobs do one of the following. A. Go poof if the user logs off (for whatever reason) B. The mobs do not materialize until the user gets to that sector / Nav C. Users are allowed only 6 mobs until those 6 have been cleared up. (call for any and all to kill the mobs) D. Institute my idea of an NPC to list mobs/locations of rouge (player abandoned mobs) for bounty hunters ( the original reward stands) E. Anyone found abusing the job terminals gets banned.
  18. While I agree that having the jobs working is GREAT, more jobs or more general missions would be nice. ---------- Edit --------------- Had a thought as I pushed the Save button... How about adding additional jobs (that are not level or race/class specific) at the terminals that have none now. These could be mini missions for gear, ores, credits (aye, credits not really needed atm.)
  19. What place? where? me being the 76th miner there wont make that much difference
  20. Mimir


    I think CDel said something about playing on his iPod as well. Thinking he may be running VNC?
  21. "Ok fine, starting tommorrow I will start changing the hulks! If you are going to be this narrow minded then so be it. I will not debate this any longer and if you want to openly say you are going to cherry pick then I will make it so cherry picking is not possible! Each sector will have 1 and only 1 hulk in it, Go ahead and cherry pick it all you want to Mr Tyran! Merlin" A couple of thoughts on the hulks. First; if a hulk field is guarded by something, I may try to get the best item from that field as I can before getting dead. (Get in...pull and get out... Come back in a few and try to ninja more) Call it cherry picking if you will, but the xp dept is not worth pulling countless level 6 hulks for level 1 material. This may be a db issue but it seems to me the vast majority of hulks have mostly vendor stuff. Second, if a field is un-guarded I will clear it (If I can find them all). Third, I'm just a bit confused why there is so much effort on trying to get people from not cherry picking? If a roid field has been picked I usually move on and return to it at some future time. This may just be my style of play. Please don't take this wrong as I am sure that the vast majority of players like what you have done on the hulks and roid fields. But your reacting like this for the posts of one player is to me a tad over the top...Yes? LOL Just ban him...suspend him... or if you feel terribly vindictive delete his toon... Don't change what you have done because of one player's play style.
  22. /agree It is insane that on a class' intro mission you need to call for help to complete. My suggestion is to play another character (start a different class) until the progen missions get out of the "flux" state.
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