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Everything posted by Mimir

  1. As I remember it there was a gate out. I remember falling asleep while in a group hunting in cooper, I think the group lead fell asleep as well. The next thing I remember was waking up and inside the full on FB raid If we are going to do this right and try to bring back the glory days of FBs past. I think we should get ALOT of player input as how they remember a FB. I noticed Kyp said something about pre full on FB raid. Is that what we are shooting for here? Oh...the exit gate, if you took the gate out there was no getting back into the raid. If you towed same...you were done as well.
  2. Well... thank you but I think that was the date the phoenix arose from the ashes of the Great Site Crash of 09.
  3. http://damageinc.cryptic.com/Missions/
  4. The Ten-gu has a strong hold over Cooper sector and fight aggressively any pilots that come to close. Occasionally they try to come through the gate with an even stronger force, indicated by the little Ten-gu Harvester, commonly called Harvey among the players. This was one of the Epic encounters in the game. It later evolved into an even bigger encounter when the players got the opportunity to travel and fight the Ten-gu in their homeworld (a fishbowl as it turn out). The players must defeat all the old adversaries known from the old epic (that was triggered when attacking Harvey) and several new ones (Kish-Nethresh, Nesshix The Hand with their minions respectively) and last the players were matched against the biggest fish in the game: Aren'Zael the Master and all his minions. The "Fishbowl" raid was done in what the players detected as an "unknown galaxy", the Ten-gu Homeworld, which took the form of a gigantic bowl of water (or similar liquid). There was a clear surface where light came in and refracted in the waves of the water (or whatever liquid it was) which greatly improved the image of this alien world. However most of the players was too busy fighting for their life to enjoy the scenery.
  5. I guess this is what threw me... We really need to call this something else Posted 08 December 2010 - 05:16 PM Grendwal, on 08 December 2010 - 11:41 AM, said: I don't think any part of the FB sector should be solo-able. When we're done with it, it won't be, of that I can assure you. Kyp ---
  6. To get into where we are calling the FB now required a rod, reel, and bait (feather). This triggered the gate to open and suck in every player that was close. There was a cheap version that was triggered by killing Harvey. This would cause a flood of fish to pour out of the same gate. This I think is what is mostly going on by players actually entering the gate.
  7. I don't agree that Cooper (the whole sector) be made so tough that only groups can go there. I often went to cooper (150 PS) in live solo... to mine and sometime take on the solo Ten-Gu. I was also able to hunt the RD there solo. The FB as it is now is a sad excuse for what it at one time was. My best memories of EnB were the FBs. And the Grav link the fish do now is just not right, live was NOT like this. Being able to go in whenever one wants to is just sad, as it was one of the best epics in any game I have played. If we can't get it back as it was in live, at least change the name, because it is not "The Fish Bowl"
  8. Ok, thanks much, I will give that a go.
  9. It was working the other day with issues with xfering ammo from one character to the other. (xfer window would not close). At least I could launch both. I have not tried to use two computers again yet.
  10. Is it just me or has multiple separate accounts same computer been disallowed?
  11. I'm not sure why you feel you have to pop back in to rub it in. I think you got the support you were looking for from the Devs. I still think that Lack of use on my part does NOT mean ownership on your part.
  12. Ok, I agree there should be no punishment for it but.... a barrage of Pumkin chucker on the offending party seems in order. And if one opens a kill and can't get to it for whatever reason does that allow others to loot it? I often in an area that I don't want to loot a kill open it then close it. I thought that released the owner rights on that kill. It still would be "nice" to ask if it is Ok to loot other's kills.
  13. I have to weigh in here and say just because the system allows something does not always mean it is AOK! If that were the case I want the exploit bugs I reported put back in the system let me do it and I want to exploit them again. I think while we are testing all things should be reported: looting someone else’s kills is almost as bad as kill stealing imo.
  14. Thank you, I have not forgotten any of you who have volunteered to test this for us. We should be ready to release a test sometime early this coming week. I will contact you via PMs.
  15. I'm pretty sure we have all F'd up now and then... too bad a bad moment gets jumped on "screen capped" and posted. I remember a lot of players coming in and just being total jerks, to the point of getting CTD as soon as they came back in. These individuals are now Devs, and or valuable or welcomed community members. People who throw stones shouldn’t live in glass houses.
  16. Wow, it's crap like this out of context that pisses me off... Don't post parts of a conversation and think it tells anything other than you got pissed off, and want to make trouble. I hope these get deleted.
  17. It’s the weekend dudes and dudettes , sort of goes hand in hand with maintenance . or it could be a catastrophic crash and we will have to wait for the dev to get back from his/her skiing trip in the Alps. Either way, chill it will all be back up soon Oh and it is December after all... maybe we are getting the update/content push?
  18. LOL ........I thought we were all humans? though some more than others. Let's try to stick with one and see where it goes. But... I suggest we have an advocate section added to the self help area, that way he/she need not be on 24/7 there will be a "paper trail" of some if not all of the requests.
  19. These were fun, I agree they were not in live, but they were fun. I only ever found the one and I did look for others. The one I found, I found because I was free warping away from a mob that had my lil PS down into the reactor. This ball o goodness was not on the beaten path but way out in the outback. I know you said that the mobs had not been messed with in the latest update, but they are definitely decreased across the board. If possible could you check on this and find out why? In live it was never a problem to get dead, anywhere! With these new “improved”? mob levels I have to really try to get dead, like take a bio break while warping to a middle nav, in some unexplored sector. Many changes are going on and it seems that the chief is just finding out what the Indians have been doing.
  20. First Magoo said he didn’t have time, I don’t think it is a nominate and then vote sort of thing. What I see is if someone feels they have what it takes to do the job, they need to step up and ask for it. Second why are we getting all kinds of suggestions on how we all think it should be done, I’m pretty amazed and thankful that the offer for one player advocate was even put on the table. Let’s see how the idea plays out with the original idea and go from there…remember “baby steps”. Note: this was placed here because Mai would be a great advocate, but Mai would want it…so how about it Mai?
  21. Here is the link to the forum topic in question. Aug. 3rd 2010 https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/2863-julys-orelist-posting/page__p__22072__fromsearch__1#entry22072 And you don't read the forums? So all my great ideas, funny posts, complaints, praises, and outright whining is not even getting to the powers that be?
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