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Everything posted by bondct

  1. can i have your stuff? maybe once a month I get a similiar problem and a 2nd login always works... this is really and end-user problem imho... and not knowing the machine... but repairing computers for a living... I have a better than 90% chance of assuming the worse and being right (not to say you cant be the 10%)... but most of the time this is /random end-user machine issue
  2. copy... thnx... btw doesnt have to be interactive... just a map will do
  3. do you have any zone maps of the new sectors
  4. can we pin this also i think server is down
  5. build engines is a waste, totally redundant and not needed in the game... and I cant help but feeling they are gonna be really wimpy and unloved end game with L8 shields... they need to bring more to the party than hull patch and js.. I want to say that their navigate should increase group speed... but that is more of a small group farming skill than a raid skill...
  6. I used to think this too... but now I feel that lets really just blow through the low levels, the cost to gear up and getting pm stuff is just too high for playing low levels to be worth it, especially with a small user base... I mean if the game were presently 100% up to speed to where we were at sunset and you made us all brand new L150's at a snap of a finger we would have 2 years of content to play through between faction, gearing up, maxing out skill points, learning recipes, guilding up, etc, etc... and in those 2 years is plenty of time to make new content... I would almost say just keep the 2x xp and cap it at around 110 instead of 75... that would give us approx L6 of everything before we switch over to normal xp.
  7. Thank you now I can stop going crazy trying to get it to work
  8. /bump anyone care to respond... I mean at least with a this is or isnt coded... bueller? Bueller?
  9. seriously... it also auto cast so the second u come in range your auto hit with it... like the mobs sole purpose in life is to gravlink you...
  10. ill ck out the guide... but tags (which are not working btw) is not what I am talking about... I am referring to ranks... edit... it also looks like we now have 7 or so ranks where the original enb only had 5???
  11. as of this afternoon i can see the forum no prob... blame verizon dns
  12. Hi... does anyone recall the / commands to change the guild rank names and while your at it what each rank level does again... cant seem to find the info... thnx
  13. I dont recall too much being there anyway... its easy to make a wiki... but if there is no real purpose for it oh well...
  14. I am gtting these random crashes as well...
  15. I live in NY and I cannot connect to this forum... However, if I reroute my connection using my VPN through my Memphis server I can obviously connect... just an fyi... maybe this is a self-resolving dns propagation issue ...
  16. Pointing out the obvious one mystery at a time

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