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About Sparksvonrou

  • Birthday 06/15/1953

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  1. Sorry for the huge delay getting back here to update. Work.... Thank you so much for the file. I was able to unzip it and put it where it goes. Then I reinstalled the client and also the client patch. At that point the launcher took me into the game but I had to reset my screen resolutions using config. Login takes two tries always. Now my main character, Sparksvonrou JE, has a weird thing going on. Has anyone seen or dealt with this before? It was from when I first logged in after the rebuild. When ever my own ship should be visible, such as switching from warp to stopped, gating, and other places: I now see a round green and yellow ball instead of the ship. It appears to have upside down inverted writing that is rotating around inside this ball. I had to change my view to first person and then I went and turned off the docking camera and that seemed to make that work but it is elsewhere. More important, my beams (JE) now no longer show up on the action bar. They are there. If I hover the mouse over them, I see the characteristics. One of the devices, Chimera's Fell Rile, also is not visible on the action bar or in the equipment page. It also is actually there and works, but just no Icon for it visible. The Large Bogeril Solar Sail engine also is not visible but working. The background behind the ship picture in the equipment page also has a green background with inverted writing rotating inside. I havent tried to battle anything but that is next. Help again please! And thanks again Kyp for the file. I should fire up the desktop and try running from it. Thanks Sparks
  2. Ok I see the file you sent. But can you please email it to my email address. I can't access it from Google or the web browser. Thanks so so much!
  3. Yes because I have tried deleting the file but the Updater doesn't fix it. Ok I agree and wanted sometime ago to just replace the file. The million dollar question is..... Where do I get the correct file. I am downloading directly from the Downloads on Net-7.org but apparently that doesn't have the correct file???? Confused. It should no? Can you email it to me maybe? Thanks Sparksvonrou
  4. Latest downloads installed. Removed and reinstalled. Game will not run. Flag pops up saying "Incompatible version of Net7proxy" Crashes then. Can someone knowledgeable please help me get back in game. Regards Sparksvonrou
  5. It was not minimized. It is running as administrator. After several erases and re-downloads, the launcher is now running. BUT no game. It finds the game just fine. Says it did the update. When I click on the start game, it now says the wrong version of net7proxy and crashes. I have tried what I know and read and nothing fixes it. Deleting it as suggested causes it to then say that file is missing. No update will replace it except reinstalling from the main download in which case the original error is back saying wrong version. Please.... can someone help me get back in the game??? Thanks
  6. I have the latest downloads from the website. Installation went fine. Now when I start the Launcher, it runs (as visible in Task Manager) but is not visible. Help needed sorting out what is up. Thanks Sparks
  7. Thank you so very much for all the work!!
  8. You only need to post once in the server status thread,  every time someone posts,  everyone gets notified , that there is a new post.  As I have multiple computers and a cell phone with forums access,  I get 10  notifications for each post.  this time of day  the Server Dev May be asleep  as he is in central Europe  and its early morning there,  as soon as he is awake and able to he will look at the server.  If there is more than a server restart needed it will take a bit till the server comes back up, the last long down time was due to the server farm lost some hard drives to failures, and had to troubleshoot down to the drive  and replace the same and do backup restores  before we were able to play again,  Patience is required  with these issues.  Thank you.  Also I can not restart or do server work  I'm not knowledgeable in that area.  


    Woodstock HGM

  9. It was suggested by Woody that I post here. I had a toon last week that incurred debt. I played another toon but found that the debt reduction algorithm did not work as it should. It took 5 days for the debt to be eliminated. Isn't the rate supposed to be about 9.6% per hour? I have never had debt over 24 hours at my level. Eventually that was eliminated. Then another toon (Claudiawe) incurred debt yesterday. Today 24 hours later that debt has not been reduced at all. None. Zero. This issue seemed to start about the time there was a big problem. Many people ended up waking up in strange places far from where they were. I don't believe the Jump Start removed debt as it should have either. This alt had higher debt at lvl 60 than my other toon at lvl 86. My ticket response was that the GM can not alter Debt functions. I am sure this is some kind of bug. But I have already reported it and been turned down. So if a Developer could look at this please, it would be appreciated. Regards Sparksvonrou
  10. I have done that. Still will not run. What I don't understand is totally deleting it all and reinstalling from the downloads, it still reports the same Issues. Was running perfect a couple months ago. There have been no equipment changes. Sparksvonrou
  11. Yes. I use the launcher every time. I will check the paths and insure the run as administrator. (How to do that clicking play from inside launcher??) I will revert as soon as I get a chance to try to play again, probably tomorrow. Thanks Sparksvonrou
  12. Need help. Is anyone still monitoring this ?? How do I repair this issue with the Net-7proxy? I even deleted the entire Net-7 folder and reinstalled from the unified installed. Every time I start from the launcher it says that error. Thanks Sparksvonrou
  13. Disregard.... after accidently leaving it set for some time, suddenly it started an is running. I'll see if it restarts better next time. Thanks for reading.
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