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Everything posted by Tyran

  1. I really don't like the idea of mining with a stopwatch for respawn. Would be nice if it was a bit of pick and mix on the respawn codes to make stuff unpredictable.
  2. the jen must be incapped for realism
  3. Or those without powerdown could click on nearest gate and press q The idea of filling your hold with explosives to do a kamikaze is funny but nothing more than that. It's ofcourse a bit silly that you need to have an alt nearby to carry the ammo or explosives. Because, if you are farming and you are near death you need to somehow switch your ammo for explosives on your alt before you die... There is zero tactical potential and thus no reason to upgrade it. If you were to make a mission that requires SD in order to obtain a very useful item that would be a shame, as people would upgrade self destruct for the item, not the skill. Problem with finding a replacement skill for self destruct would be that the PW is already complete enough without it
  4. To beat a dead horse, it's been said by devs on the old forum that the client would need to be modded eventually if a real lasting factor were to be made for this emu...but don't ask me how authoritative those devs are/were. So...under one condition should a space-borne cargo container exist: everyone is free to tractor it in
  5. Let's face it an activatable self destruct is silly and as it stands its actually a high damage and expensive + risky version of shield inversion... Also any skill that involved risk taking and losing shields is going to be impopular for late game players who would prefer to stay alive and play tactical rather than go for martyrdom (to keep equipment quality). This is why self destruct didnt work during live, and will definitely not work here. So Byakhee, please realize that the average late game player is not interesting in investing skillpoints into a "last resort" skill.
  6. *does a future sight* It is sometime in 2012 and the ENB-emulator is live for nearly a year. Many thousands of people play on multiple servers and most people have at least one level 150 and everyone is having a great time. But one day we all attempt to log in but the servers are offline...permanently. We then learn that the emulator is over and never coming back because of EA.... I may be being pessimistic here and all, but can you really tell me this is an impossible scenario?
  7. Would be sweet if you could turn it on and off in the graphics menu
  8. Seeker, please don't make so many options in a poll...it is torture to read that... My only take on this skill is to remove it entirely from the game as turning it into a feasible skill is as-good-as impossible. This is also why it was completely useless in live except for "shits 'n giggles". Despite this I'm sure it would be present in the emulator for novelty value...again.
  9. Most guilds have quiet enough chat already without officers having their own secret little talk place Also it can make for a difficult guild dynamic if you're a member and you are excluded from listening to what your officers talk to with each other. It can be useful for a member to "listen in" on what officers say. If you so want an officers chat have your officers use a private channel with password on it. As a final note, having this chat basically adds to splitting up a guild instead of bringing it together.
  10. Strangely low level hack worked on the lvl 66 earthcorps in Luna during live. You would keep hacking his two weapons and he'd follow you like a cute puppy. Because it was a low level hack it was castable once per second and it had a 100% success rate apparently. My guess would be it had no psi resist somehow
  11. Dear Stoop,I've not made a post in your guild forum, what would I do on a forum where the only point of discussion is the latest designer handbag Your "homosexual brother" story has a major flaw: Your guild recruitment thread asked for members, and my post clearly stated it is "My application". Therefore if your "brother" thought I was in your guild he GROSSLY misread the post - in which case his falling out with you is his own silly fault. Also it is very unlikely that someone falls out over something on a forum of a game that is not even live by someone who is a complete and total stranger to both of you. Therefore your story smells of cheese and whine
  12. How would you know whether I've got characters or not....unless ofcourse I'm on your friends list for some reason...stalker alert stalker alert Sorry are you the sensitive type?Nvm...you're Jenquai By asking that question are you implying you actually have a purpose here other than being a Jenpie whiner?
  13. Let there be no doubt about it level 9 was a blue as the OP says Would be ok if roids are recolored though, as long as there is a noticable difference between different levels Also...I wish there were more and higher level manes than there are right now, and that they warp in at you and have grav well skill
  14. To take this one step further (I'm SURE everyone would agree on this one more than anything): Have ammo (as well as other builds) be buildable without having to put the components in your inventory, so you can build while the components remain in your vault.
  15. Cherrypicking is a playstyle and by all means it is the "path of least resistance" for mining. And because it is by far the most effective and lucrative way of mining guess what - anyone who is not bound by "community morals" doesent give a toss how much whining happens on forums. In fact, with this amount of whining I would cherrypick more because some people seem to take this so seriously that I bet they would play their miner less because of it. Less miners flying about is only good for yourself Keep up the cherrypicking because it's obviously working
  16. Onoz yoo haz freunds wiv a secrut pwaystyle! hao wur yoo so ritch dooring live yoo be da only wan wiv munney den Credits was never an issue* If this emulator is going to be better than live which it likely will then bazillions of credits and 1000% inflation per month shouldnt happen
  17. Great idea, can't wait to have a PW with 6 lvl 9 ML's. Drop enrage and take Wormhole in it's place. Instead of Self-destruct I'll have cloak thank you, and drop gravity link for navigate. Since im the king of kiting i don't need shield sap anymore so ill have prospect instead
  18. Add build reactors to Terrans because you only want to play that race and still be able to make everything? Or is this thread to laugh at people who give a serious reply?
  19. I'm curious as to the reason why a GM would need to be able to generate items in the first place? Only real reason I could think of is to replace accidentally sold items. In this case having a popup window saying "are you sure you want to sell [name of item]" when you click to sell would be great. For equipment items only btw. Can someone that knows maybe explain this to us?
  20. Irrelevant, no extra buff can outweight scan blind as well as several of the other debuffs gained at level 9. And those extra buffs gained at level 9 all commonly occur on other equipment that you likely already have So for the PM items a lot and I daresay most are inferior to their level 9 counterparts If those two devices you named are the reason to get level 9 devices its kinda poorly which is the point of this post rly
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