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Everything posted by Tyran

  1. I'm sorry but I did not invent logic. This strategy is like water running down the stream. It will not climb hillsides or move upstream to get to the sea. Instead it will take the shortest path and does not care about cutting through everything. People won't be mass leaving due to it, rather they will play miners less and warriors and traders more. I'm sure the devs could make cherry picking unattractive in many ways if they wanted. There have been a lot of suggestions in the past but obviously there is a closeted cherry picker on the dev team...
  2. Well, this is still a game so there is a level of competitiveness involved. I'm afraid to have to say the attitude has evolved from being the most effective player... This is a bit silly when you think of it. A bit like a very very pretty voluptuous woman being beaten on for eating 25 pizzas an hour... She can't help that it's in her nature and opportunity...
  3. You don't understand,Part of the fun/reason of cherry picking is to spoil other people's mining joy. This results in whoever is annoyed by cherrypicking to want to mine less. And then you have less competitors - so more ores to yourself. You could call it a dirty tactic if you like. Even though you are the ore dev I don't think you realize this... And calling it rude is only going to make cherry picking more fun. Because what that translates to in our tiny cherry picking brains is: 'keep up the good work'. Why do you have hulk fields in the first place? This was not really in live was it?
  4. Does this mean you could fly up to a roid containing an AA (!!!) and it despawns in your face? In which case it would be nice if roids only despawn if players are further than X distance (perhaps 15k?) away.
  5. I'm curious.By what math did you calculate that there is 3 times more ore than is needed? I ask because if your maths is good as your spelling - we may need a recount
  6. I am curious, what is this Neeed for superior ammo? Sure, a lot of launchers do not have vendor bought ammo so it must be manufactured - that much is understandable. But Archos ammo!? Why not just buy from the vendor? The extra time taken to kill the mobs is more than negated by the time saved not having to find ammo ores. The only real reasons to have superior ammo is if someone wants to have some KS-ing fun with you, or if you are doing a raid with few people.
  7. Tyran


    PvP sucked in the arena, we all know. There is just a shear lack of use for tactics and it seemed to only be about 'who has the biggest guns'. The devs of this emulator are capable of great things, but with PvP, I doubt anyone can make something of that. This is because the mechanics are fairly shallow in EnB. It's just target, then auto-fire and unleash your few skills. Now, how to improve on this? Try PvPvE It goes like this, imagine the map being something like this for 4 teams: To start at the main objects: Bases have hitpoints and can be destroyed, they are protected by turrets. While the base is still up, it will spawn MOBs and players will be respawned if they die. Mini-bases are control points guarded by turrets and can be destroyed like bases. They function as a protection line for your base. MOBs are spawned at the bases every 30 seconds or so and move at impulse speed across their path. Each base spawns three groups that take a seperate lane each. A group could consist of three warrior ships and one trader (healer) ship. When more than 50% damage by a player is done to a MOB when it dies, it creates a lootable wreckage. Capital ships are spawned once every 10 minutes in one random lane together with a wave and are a higher level than normal. Capital ships could have long range weapons with moderate damage but high hitpoints. Waves with capital ships are especially effective at pushing. The point of them is to create a wedge in the opposing lines. Resource points contain ore fields with many ores, if a player mines these he will keep them after the game. Also, the occasional upgrade roid appears which can be important for victory. Resource points could have a gravity well covering them so as not to make miners impossible to kill. Upgrade roids contain upgrades for your MOBs. You need to deliver an upgrade to your base for it to take effect. Effects could be a slight increase to damage and hitpoints, or perhaps an extra skill. Mining upgrade roids could take a while, maybe 20 seconds or so. While mining these roids, nearby MOBs of the other teams will focus on the miner in particular. If a miner becomes incapacitated while holding upgrades in his hold - they are lost. But mined ores are not. How to play? The map is a square and could be 25k by 25k and is instanced just like the arena. Your goal is to destroy the bases of the other teams. Tactics and teamplay, being in the right place at the right time, having a particular lineup of professions etc. will play an important part in this style of combat. As the waves of mobs of each side meet they will fight each other. Each class can help their mobs push the lane in a different way, mainly like this: Tradesmen heal friendly mobs Warriors help friendly mobs with killing Explorers upgrade friendly mobs Ofcourse, all races can buff their mobs with devices and skills as well. The amount of players on each team can be anything really. Also the number of teams could vary from what is shown. How long would a match last? It depends on a lot of factors but 45 minutes could be a nice average duration - not too short and not too long. What reward could the victor get? Something along the lines of redeemable points that can be used to get items from a rewards NPC perhaps? The teams that are 2nd, 3rd and 4th would also get a reduced number of points per match so that players don't fight for no reason. Now, this idea is just an idea as per usual. I also wanted to throw this out because PvPvE just adds an extra dimension to the play that could also appeal to those who normally do not like PvP. PS: Yes, elements have been ripped from DotA because that is arguably the best pvpve game about
  8. My eyes are getting watery with the thoughts of joy when a player finds out their mission mob is CL 150. Think this suggestion gives ADDED incentive to hit mission mobs
  9. If you bother with an auction house for added income, which is anti-enb at any rate, why place it in guild stations? And if 'very very large guilds' would only have it this means one thing: You want turbo-huge guilds who already own all the spawns to get even richer... GFG
  10. This has been suggested many a time and is good, but only if there are certain limitations making pvp not all about having the biggest guns. I'm curious and wonder if a DEV can answer this - can PVP teams be made larger than 6 players? I mean does the client allow 12 vs 12 for example? Because if it doesnt, guild PVP is probably not going to happen.
  11. A lot of people like enb because you explore things by yourself because they are unknown. If all missions were handed on a platter some of that magic would be taken away. A better solution for getting people more involved with missions would be: - Rewarding players decent enough for the time spent finding and completing - Not making them mind bogglingly cryptic And not just some missions, all need to be worth it.
  12. You need another person to help you. You could ask random people, but there are some who run off with your things. I lost a 105% quality copper scale like that once
  13. Ofcourse hanging in stations happened, especially in F7 because builders were around. But if it is privacy what you want by locking out others from your station, why go to this length. Most stations are dead places anyway as once every century a new player drops by to pick up a mission. Why do you need a station with your guild name on it? Also, guild stations seem to be something for larger guilds. I mean the stupidly large guilds where the members don't really know each other. I say this because midgety guilds will just have deserted stations. If you think that just having a station with your guild's name is enough reason to implement guild stations then it is doubtful at best. You can drink cups of tea in any station...
  14. The meet, greet and engage in negotiations - is that really a reason to go to the guild station? I mean, that can be done through private tells and guild chat.Sure you may want to meet 'face to face' some time, but once youve seen each other thats all there is to it. No real point to meeting and greeting in person anymore. It's just too much of a hassle to travel that distance. The auction house idea so far sounds like the only reason close to motivating anyone to visit a guild station. But only barely...
  15. This sucks, Just how will it be implemented, guilds can place their station anywhere? If that is the case then cooper will be one very busy place. Or if you can inhabit existing stations but in another instance...ummm, why the fack would you? One of the most useless things about this is the travel times of EnB. There is simply no 'I'll see you there right away'. Travelling in ENB takes too much time, so why go to a dedicated guild hall if you can go to VT for example which is arguably the quickest meeting point anywhere. Next question, why would you want a guild hall and what does it offer that a normal station doesnt? Exclusive membership? Yeah maybe if you like empty stations this will be nice for you. But you could also go to Chernovog station for the same effect. For vendors? Unless you are getting all components from L1-L9 then F7 is all that a builder needs as joves is 2 gates away... Not sure where the animo for this is from...
  16. Off the top of my head the only real use for hack would be in a raid where everyone is stationary and millions of hacks are going off to freeze every mob into nothingness... So it is a limited skill for terrans, if you play the 'long range missile boat style' properly, like terrans are meant to, then it just has very little use. Why didnt jenquai get hack instead, aren't they all geeks?
  17. Awww you poor baby, no Mordana yet for you
  18. Prob not a popular thing to ask but: Weren't a small percentage of ruined hulks duds? This would be like the popper roids but without the monster.
  19. This is brilliant.Just hope the drops database won't reveal all either - for the same reason ofcourse.
  20. This could have an adverse effect: If there is a time between the despawning of the roid and the respawning - this method could be used for effective field clearing as you would only cherry pick roids for the whole field to collapse. But if there is no time between the despawning and respawning, you could use this mechanic to effectively despawn roids that do not contain favourable ores. So it will probably create more cherry picking than ever.
  21. Talking about porn is punishable by galactic law. (insert carebear police emoticon) But really, wtf are you doing hitting random sites? Unless ofcourse, monsieur has pathological fetishes
  22. You may be freewarping faster than you think with a high cap reactor, reduce warp cost buff and an engine that is a lower level than your reactor.
  23. No need to apologize and don't stop making suggestions either. You know it is really not that hard to freewarp with the same effect.One trick is using a sticker and cutting it into a very small dot of about 1-2 millimeters. You stick it to the point on your screen where you warp at (takes a few tries at most to get right). Then you just use it as a cross-hair for free warping across sectors very accurately. Dirt easy.
  24. Not sure if a guild vault is feasible but it would be nice. It would need quite a few options though, to suit the different types of guilds. Smaller established/tightly knit guilds may want usability for everyone. While large 50+ members guilds may not want to let a L5 new player raid the guild vault of L9 equipment. In this case there would need to be an option to assign items to a particular player, by a senior guild member. Probably something for another thread.
  25. I think that just sells one item of a stack?
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