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Everything posted by Shaddex

  1. I modified the TE Ship up to a Higher poly count and produced higher res maps for it a few years back. Looked well and detailed. Not sure the client could display it due to the poly count but ill dig it out and post it. Trekker, did you model them in 3d or are they photoshop drawn ? Also, wasnt there an issue with adding/modding MIX files ? I thought it crashed the client ?
  2. Ive said it before and I'll say it again, Dance while the record spins ! OR Make sure you only have ONE active network connection. The Client CANNOT work if you have more. Ie. LAN Plugged in + Wireless ON. Let me know
  3. WOW... Why are you NOT on the Content team ????? Very interesting read with more detail than I can assimilate. I think this would be a very good idea to incorporate into the game, as Post lvl 150 SP's usually go into some skills you are never gonna use. It will be interesting to see how the general public react to this and whether we could actually add this in into the LIVE server. ::waits::
  4. Im sure this was on the old forums but...... Earthandbeyond2.com and Earthandbeyond3.com are both owned by EA.....
  5. Its got ntohnig to do wtih the emlautor at all. Jsut a ltitle bit of fun. Ejony !
  6. Got a few of the old LIVE guys back. Wolfram Xedelit KTA Welcome back all... Just need to find Chance Maf Dudious Mr Voodoo Ashira Chix Francissandow to name a few
  7. if yuo can raed tihs, you hvae a sgtrane mnid, too. Can you raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! Now tahts amzanig !!
  8. EA didnt shut down the servers due to lack of public interest in the game..
  9. WTA Looted Zet. Starting at 10:00am Channel 2. OR Out off game website to accommodate auctions. (Wouldnt be that hard to code) Simples...
  10. List your abilities here on the forum and an area you would like to work in. Im sure one of the department heads will contact you..
  11. http://www.net-7.org/ Look top right at the N7 logo. Red = Offline Amber = Starting up Green = Online Sorry its still off though..
  12. I love the idea of extra mounts BUT.... Wont this unbalance ALL the classes in the game.. Only reason it was discussed on LIVE was that EnB needed a Creds sink hole. Too many ppl had TOOOOO many Credits, this was EA's way to reduce the amount of credits in the game. It would also be unfair to the "poor" normal players in the game, with them not being able to afford extra mounts.. Nice idea, but I think not.
  13. Back in the days of "Live" Enb, there was always a number of groups camping the big drops. The philosopher and the warder are prime examples of this. 10 full groups of players all waiting for the think to spawn... Who ever got the shot first got the prize.... It was fun camping them... Yes it sux when you dont get it and I suppose the "solo" ppl or small groups are not gonna get many of them due to the camp size of epic drop spawns.. I never got the warder drop in all my playing life, and I still would turn up when the warder re-spawned. It was a good laugh. Killstealing does not exist in the game. Bad players do.
  14. Nothing to do with the lvl of char. RD base firing range = 2k Basic TE = > 3k Maths is Maths...
  15. Good to know stats !!! Give us MORE !!!
  16. Not a Prob. Thats what we are here for
  17. Make sure you have no other active network connections. Ie Wireless, Lan cable plugged in. I can only get on when I only have the one active network connection..
  18. Welcome to the forum ! Setup your play account Download game Here Download game Patch Here Download NET7 Client Here Read the Code of conduct Here Run Net7 program and it will auto update to the latest version. Click PLAY and you are away ! There is no offline version at the moment sorry.. btw. Your English is better than most English people lol.
  19. Decided to go exploring and after mapping all navs in the known universe I found myself in Aragoth by the Old Red Dragon Gate. I then thought I would go and see if the RD Base was still there, just for a laugh. Heading north-west from the RD Gate I hit the grav well and saw the Dragons Breath defenses (Which did not fire on me), a few lvl55 RD's and the Lvl66 Station. The Station turned to look at me which I though was strange and I started to look for the parts of the base which would disable it. After several minutes I saw there were no parts on the base apart from the base its self. So as any TE would, I kited it until it went POP. Hellbore for Shaddex Anyways. RD Base need A LOT of work on it. Base nodes need adding. Dragons Breath turrets need to act like a mob and actually shoot. Mobs seem to have a random path rather than in live when they had a route they would follow.
  20. /me steals thread for a sec. Wargames ? Wargames from pegalag ? Wargames the character who helped Me and Shadow Squadron get the first ID Matrix from the ONI ? if so.... Hello ! Long time no see
  21. Welcome to the Project and Stress Test 4 Ariwen All the info you require to get up and running is in the forums but if you need any further assistance just let us know Fly safe, and stay frosty...
  22. Signups should goto THIS PAGE to sign up and not the one posted in the announcement as the latter does not work. (Well at least for me)
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