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Everything posted by Whitelighter

  1. Hate to say it Muhir but if the reward hasnt changed it'll be the bile print. If it has changed, Byak has stated the mission will reward a 'Progen Weapon Print' (IE it will be Progen Based, like Mortar/Archos/etc). Considering how many times Byak has hinted at the difficulty of making new items, I doubt they will make an item that is exclusive to this mission. I argued the same point (the reward should equal the CFB reward, since the CFB makers will profit insanely from that) and was told more or less "tough shit, what till I get around to giving it a better reward before completing it'. Eventually during that questline you'll receive a Symbol of Loyalty reward as well. The Progen Force in Moto asks for it in exchange for missions, but they dont see it if you have it. So that is pointless also.
  2. Even if you have the Symbol they won't give you anything Seeker so dont worry, you havent missed out on anything.
  3. Went into the Bowl last night to tank/dps for Alyseria and Cia. Max-lvl PW, Max deflects (140k shield with buffs, and max HDC) I was one-shot 3 times by the master. The rest of the time he would take around 3/4 of my shield per hit. Sometimes all 140k of it, sometimes I'd have ~40% left of it. With his roughly 2-3 second 'reload' time on damage, if he took 3/4 of my shield 95% of the time, I think it would be balanced. A few "oh crap" hits of more than that would be ok, but not every other fight. That would balance it and require 2-3 healers depending on who was tanking. Also if it is going to remain in this difficulty range, they drop rates need some adjustment. Something good should drop NO LESS than every other kill. And all the drops should be there to make it fair, worth-while for all classes to go.
  4. Xxiled I don't know what the hell your problem is with me, but stop telling lies to try and help your claim. There is no way ANYONE can solo tank BBG, much less kill him solo in 15 seconds or less. Most of the time I run with the same people. Now if someone else has aggro on a mob, yes I will get in close and go for MAX dps. But you cannot tank a cl66 solo lol. So whoever your "witnesses" are, and I doubt you even have any since usually the only people after BBG are Static or Voncorp, tell them to talk to me. I'm kind of sick of this shit to be honest, I log in and start getting tells of either "Grats on showing Voncorp!" or "You exploiter!". And to the poster above, that is the only reason that really makes sense to me as well. I would bet someone in that group had the mission to kill Blackbeard, and it bugged the kill-credit like it does most missions. In short, stop claiming I do crap I don't, stop sending me tells saying I exploit, asking about me gear, asking what all mobs can be exploited and shit. I had no idea what happened on that kill and I still don't. And I assume since a 'fix is in the works' you guys could come out and say what the problem is/was and help end this crap.
  5. I dont care what anyone does, until it affect my experiance in the game then it becomes of interest to me. As for the your next question, I dont keep it a secret that I dont like the majority of Voncorp. I've had too many bad experiances with their members personally. And even though it sounds childish (even to me) I knew this thread was coming, but I actually expected it to be started sooner, and I took precautions so I would be ready. I knew they would try to turn this into another Voncorp is wonderful and never does anything wrong, and some jerk exploited to take our candy. Voncorp openly tried to bash me in-game last night, whined on the forums (lets face it, that is all this thread is over) and STATIC was brought into it. Any guild worth its salt is going to post to defend its members when they know the member didn't do what he is being accused of. Bottom line though, I'm done discussing this with them. Had they ASKED me instead of telling the server I cheat/exploit, I would have given them SOME info about how I did it MAYBE. they can sit here and make all the wild accusations they want, I know the truth and the other guys in STATIC know the truth. All that matters to me.
  6. It has been looked into once already, and makes BonBon look even more stupid. You did not have him to 20% so stop lying. BonBon and 2 of your TEs werent even in range to fire at him. When I opened up the only other shots were from that PP (and I think the JE had fired once too). Also there is no need to lie about your group make-up. You had a PP, PWx2 (Bonbon and Bell), a JE and a TE grouped I know. There was also 2 other TEs there, so one of them wasnt grouped but the other one may have been, he wasnt with you guys initally so I dont know for sure. But before you guys take off on a crusade, here is what happened - Ive been killing BBG on and off for a week now, trying for a Spitter or Castor of course. I cleared all the minions but one, one reset while I was kiting and I assume you guys killed it because I never saw it again. I got back to the nav and saw about 5 Voncorp sitting there. I thought "Damn I cleared for nothing. Ya know what, Im not clearing and just giving away the boss Im atleast gonna pump a few rounds into him. Maybe I'll get lucky and they are all afk or something lol". So I waited, got a laugh from that poor attempt to use cybersex to distract me. Blackbeard spawns, the PP (and maybe the JE) fire. I rush in guns-blazing. BonBon, Bell, and 2 TEs start DAMAGING the boss when it was at probably 80% or so. He dies, and I was shocked to see "You gain blah blah amount of combat XP from Blackbeard's Ghost". Check the corpse and find I have the loot. INSTANTLY you guys start screaming in local that I cheat/exploit, then you go to general with the same thing. I get some tells over it. I laugh at you, guild is laughing at you. TLDR: Learn2Play your classes better. All that free loot doesn't mean crap if you don't know how to use it properly. Have a nice day! And honestly, I would not come to the forums and bring attention to the fact that I suck so bad 1 person can out-damage a guild group of my "best geared players". Doesn't look good on you.
  7. Actually, you guys went OFF after it happened. I dont care if you name me or not, I found it comical watching you guys nerd-rage over it to be honest lol. And apparently it is not impossible, because it happened =p PS. BTW, tell your JE Itchystarr or whatever that they suck at trying to cyber-tell people to distract them.
  8. By now, anyone that visits the forums knows the what rumors are circulating. Whether or not they are true is anyone's guess. That said, reguardless if they are true or not they have done one thing: They placed the seeds of doubt in players minds. Sometimes that is all it takes to set off the chain reaction. I've been talking with some players, and thinking it over to myself on what could be done to curb this and prevent such accusation from starting again next week, next month or next year. The best solution I have came up with is this- The players, not all mind you but I'd wager close to half, are not sure who they can trust now. And this is not a shot at any Devs/GMs, but saying "you can trust me!" carries as much weight here as when a Politician says it. So what are they supposed to do if another player is harassing them? Or they find out someone is exploiting or cheating? So I sugguest we set-up a type of player-controlled Democracy. Players can nominate other Players to sit on this 'team'. ** Players cannot nominate themselves, or their guildmembers. The Devs/GMs will not have any say-so in who is chosen, it will be completely up to the players. This will prevent any accusations of 'Well so-and-so only got on there because they are friends with that Dev'. The players with the most nominations can be put in a poll and votes cast, the top 3 or 5 are on the team. With perhaps someone ready to step-in incase someone has to leave for RL, etc. ** The team would need access to the server logs, assuming they are atleast temporarily recorded, to check chat logs and item trades and such; and to use them in conjuction with player submitted proof to come to their decisions. Verify the complaints and such. HOWEVER the team would NOT have the ability to create items, credits, or grant levels to anyone on the play server. This ensures they cannot become questionable and abuse their position. The Devs/GMs can then "give up" the hassles of dealing with in-game player issues and focus on coding, bugs, broken missions/items, blackholed characters. You get the idea. This team would still be under supervision of the Board of Directors, but the Board would not have any input on decisions made, and could not "overrule" the team's decisions. They (the team) will be able to impose marks against in-game accounts (IE 3 marks you're out or such), temporary bans, and if the situation requires it-PERMENANT bans. Some type of step needs to be taken here. There have been entirely too many rumors flying around for nothing to be done about it. Players need to fill they have a solid, fair and reliable outlet to bring their problems to. With this set-up even if the entire Devolpment staff starts abusing powers, players will still be able to have "justice" done when a situation calls for it. And who knows, maybe this is the worst idea anyone has ever had (lol), but it sounds good in my head so I decided to throw it out there and see what others think. So post your thoughts, but please - try to keep it constructive and post sugguestions to areas you think need altered with this idea.
  9. Might be interested, trying to find a guild that fits me just right. Its usually a PITA for me to do so cause Im picky about it lol
  10. Mob aggro is fishy right now. They will see you from a longs way away sometimes but still not attack you. They will just follow you around like a fat kid would if you had a slice of cake. Ive noticed it a lot out in Antares lately.
  11. This times 10-damn-thousand, its needed in a lot of places.
  12. I would have to be against this myself. I like having the option to make choices, which have an actual impact on the game. Factions should work that way. If you want one faction, you lose the other(s). Stuff like that gives the content meaning.
  13. Ok, yeah I play in windowed as a work around to the CT bug. Didn't know that was what caused the crashes. And just to be clear, I think it may have came across in the wrong sense or perhaps I misread it, I'm (personally) not talking about claims of Devs/GMs handing out items. My run-ins have been different than that issue, and to be honest unless Devs/GMs are changing graphics on items I haven't seen someone with equipment they shouldn't have lol.
  14. Reguards if you want to believe it or not, it is happening and it is becoming more and more of a problem as these people continue to get more brave about abusing it. I've had it happen twice with-in the last month. 2 Different people, same guild. Only problem is both times I ran into it I can't screenshot the chats, screenshots cause my client to instantly crash. ***NOTE*** Since the 2nd time I have started having FRAPS running so I can SS with it instead so have 'proof'. Both times the party I had trouble with informed me of the same things of 'what will happen to you if you mess with us'. The problem is there, lots of people have ran into it, and to be honest - most people believe nothing will ever be done about it due to past ways the problem was 'resolved'. It sounds a little harsh I'm sure, but that is just the truth right now. And as far as reporting it to the correct people, while they may do a lot of work - I have never even heard of half the people you listed lol. I can't report problems to people I dont know are there, and even worse is I cant report the problem when (if there turns out to be truth to their claims) I don't know who I can trust, are they the Dev/GM those people are 'in with' or is it someone else? Makes it hard to really do anything...
  15. I run Win7 64bit on my system with Win7 on VMWare also. Both run E&B in WinXP SP3 mode.
  16. Either way, both zones are open now . Just curious about the future intent of this.
  17. If the factions are ever fixed and the recent gate changes reversed, will it also include the gate in Odin's to Paramis? The announcement only mentions Moto and BBW, just wanting to make sure about Paramis. Of course any ETA on said fixes would be great, not sure how to spend my last SPs until I know more...
  18. So are we even allowed to be in Moto? I've been in there for the last week hunting, log-in yesterday and find my factions reset, which gave me -3000 Progen Combine (it had been around -1450). I could no longer use the gates and had to beg for a JE to come WH me out. Later on I talk to a GM and he said we are not supposed to be in Moto, the mission for access was mistakenly put in. Not that it matters for me, I cant get in to grind faction and I cant grind faction without being in there lol.
  19. Same thing here. Logged out around 3pm (EDT) today and logged back in around 10 tonight with factions all reset to default values. Was locked in Moto because I didn't have the faction to get use the gate. Thankfully a JE was kind enough to come WH me and someone else out. Was this a 1-time reset because of the RD gate changes or is there a bug with factions causing them to reset on log out?
  20. I see this whole "its a test, so the focus should be testing" thrown around recklessly pretty often. Its been said a thousand times, but if some certain thing needs tested just let the community know and it'll be tested to death I'm sure. Without some kind of focus you don't know what the priorities are. One week the Devs are fixing early progression quests so you think the focus is on that. The next week they fix high-end mobs so you think the focus is there. It leaves players without any sense of what is needed from us, and if you don't know for long enough you just say 'ok then I'll just go hunt/farm over there for fun'. As much as I know I'll get flamed for it, it would be great if the Devs would consider stealing a page from the SWG-EMU Devs - once or twice a month they'll throw up a very short, quick post from each Dev saying "I've worked on this, tell me if its right, wrong, broken or what". Gives us some direction for testing, and also opens up the communication here which is needed.
  21. Ya know, I've come to a point where I'm just gonna take the chance. Since I came back to the EMU I've actually been one of the few that TEST and not just show up to play a game for free. I saw a potentional problem with a mission, and since we had already discussed the mission via PMs I thought I would try to HELP YOU by pointing it out. You got all pissy in progen chat/tells in-game over it, and now in the forums also. Until now I've always spoken to you in a polite and respectful manner, it appears you are not willing to do the same so I will go into my RP mode and maybe you'll understand. Your *Censored* mission is stupid. No-one in their right mind is going to do this mission or any like it for a damn BILE PL print that can be gotten easier and faster. If you don't want to admit the reward does not equal the work then fine, but lose the *censored* attitude. I don't expect anyone to jump and do whatever to please me, I do however expect people to be able to discuss things in a calm and intellectual manner. If you truely want to keep the storyline involved, the Archos would have been the better print. Anymore half of you Devs/GMs believe you're some kind of GOD because you can write code. You are not God. You need to realize you need us (the common playerbase) as much as we need you. Just because you can do something I cannot does not give you the right to talk to me like I'm some peice of shit. Learn some respect and common curtesy or you'll be enjoying the work you done with a very small playerbase. In the last 2 weeks alone I've been talked to like I'm some undeserving peice of crap by a GM, and now a Dev for simply trying to help test the game and ask some questions reguarding that. If you don't want our help then take it off public test and let your BETAs do it, I think I've seen 2-3 in-game still so I'm sure they'll be enough for you (/sarcasm). After what I've seen lately, from a certain GM, and now yourself in this post and Progen chat last night (what you were saying to myself and Magoo) I felt the need to say my thoughts on it. I'll probably be banned over it, if I am so be it. But its time someone *censored* said what a lot of people are thinking.
  22. Yea, I was honestly thinking it would be the Dragon's Fang (manufacturable, drop chance on par with the rarity of the CFB builders, comps to build it are comparable to CFB, CFB will be PS/PP only now). I thought about the ballista but wasn't sure if the ammo was available, and the comps to build it may not be in-game either, and I know the DF ammo is available. Put it to you this way- ...Dragon's Fang/Ballista is at this level... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... mission reward is about right here... .... ...Lv9 Mortars are bout right here...
  23. Just as an update to other PWs, DO NOT DO THIS MISSION FOR THE REWARD! As it is right now, the reward is a complete joke. You can easily get 2-3 high level friends and get the same reward in about 5 minutes of hunting mobs. The mission costs ~25mil at least to complete and it is not easy (the mission set-up isn't anything out of the norm, typical get this and fetch me that). If you want to go ahead and do the mission be warned - you'll get the same BS response I got - You shouldn't have done the mission so early. Better Rewards for the PW are coming in the next version, until then HAHAHA and stop whining. You've been warned.
  24. I don't understand, and it may be my lack of knowledge on such things, but why put in the reward as it currently stands knowing it was more or less a joke reward? You've already updated (on your end, or the Dev server) the mission to reward something else, why not just put that in to start with? And since someone mentioned it, you do not actually get either item, my guess would be you get the item schematic added to your build list. I did not receive any items but was told what I had gotten/would get in the NPC talk-tree.
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