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  1. They can sometimes befound in hulks... I found a level 5 in there the other day.
  2. Yep it does, I hope that rest of the dev team will also support it, and we can find away to implement it. TBH I would help out alot of people in the game, as well as reduce server load, and remove alot of the time waste from the game. Just who wants to sit at a terminal for hours on end making stacks of components for example...
  3. We all know, that when you refine you have the option to refine 1 or the entire stack(s). But when you are building you only get an option to build only one at a time. Would it be possible to make a new slash command so we can build X amount, when we have the component/weapon/ammo build selected? Example, say I wanted to build 240 Blackbox X93.. (make sure that all the resources to build 240 Blackbox X93 is in the hold and then) issue /build 240 after you have selected the revelant reciepe. ??? Of course if you wanted ten stacks of ammo, /build 10 would build ten stacks of ammo, same for guns etc. What do you guys think of this?
  4. Yep, that was my fault, sorry about that guys. Take full responsiblity...
  5. I log in, then crash out, then I get INV-300 errors, even with local-cert. Others cant log in, they keep on logging in, then immediately get a crash to desktop no matter what they do. Then they get 20-30 INV-300 error screens when trying to log in. I've had one person in a guild try to log in on multiple PCs and each time, it crashes to desktop and then INV-300 errors.
  6. You will find it at the following address in your drives directory structure (if you used default installation paths for the game installer). C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\release\client.exe
  7. You know Slayerman, your gonna be the brunt of every think thats known as 'blame' for dropping the ball on this one, for quite a while. If anyone else that feels that Team Dufuss (AKA Slayerman and C Del) has short changed you, put in a petition with details to the GM team (http://support.net-7.org) and they will be happy to help. And Slayerman, the word your looking for there is........
  8. For you wimps that vote for American beer, clearly you have a) never had a decent beer in your life, and b ) have no taste. Edit: I do love that each and every one of Magoo's test results shows that each and every weapon from the Keui station, be it hellbore or in this case the Tractor Repulsor is shown as, well... the worst of the worst
  9. added a new zone to my dns server I host locally, net-7.org and added the ip addresses relevant to play and local and dev to it...
  10. TLDR version: Mobs (inc. Boss mobs) are under-review, just because they used to always drop end-game items, does not mean they will now or in the future. Chance is a fickle, just because it failed to drop this time, does not mean they won't drop. End-game items are supposed to be rare, and highly coveted. ---- The Ghost of Blackbeard and the various other mobs in game, are under review, around 10-15% of them currently have been reviewed the rest are on going (theres over 2,000 unique mobs in game, so its a large list). Now I'd love to say that such end-game boss mobs such as GoBB and the Controller should have a 100% chance of dropping something from their rare-loot table, such as a device or a weapon. The amount of effort that some of you guys put into killing these bosses should be rewarded. But if we were to guarantee something would drop of value 100% of the time, we would seriously have to look at increasing the spawn timer of the boss mobs from (in some cases) 45 minutes or 2 hours to 24/48/72 hours. Why? To avoid flooding the server with such rare devices and weapons etc, which is what has happened during Stress Test 4. End-game mobs should be hard to kill yes, they should also drop end-game class items; this being the fact, their drops of said rare items should be restricted. A Black Caster, a Black Spitter, Elite Dred Mail (Skull Shield) should be a rare drop. the chances of getting it should be set to a reasonable level where getting the reward is worth the risk, but not to such a level where a player expects (or in some cases... demands) a highly-valued item to drop. Limiting the drop of end-game items, keeps them rare end-game items, something that holds value both in its resale value, but also 'cool factor' of using such an item. Stress Testing, stresses the server and the code, which holds positive sway, it allows the developers to test code in such away a closed beta would not permit, it also allows you the player to experience everything the game allows at its current stage. But, as the game progresses from Stress Test 4 to where it is now, there lies the problem. The code is being tweeked, the mobs and the AI, the game environment as a whole has grown, and progressed, to such a stage where end-game mobs are now being finalised, out from their 'lets put this in and see how it works' to a more finely tuned and appropriate development level. This is great, this is good, this is what the developers what. Especially the developers working on the mobs (Everymore, myself) and other independant devs (Hexergirl et al). When a mob moves from dropping everything it can, to such a stage where its loot drops are limited, are rare and the like, is when we (developers) are happy with the spawn, the mobs and their abilities, and drop rates, and we feel we have the mob at a stage where we can call it 'done'. So yes, during Stress Test 4, alot of the end-game mobs were/are dropping everything they can, you the player have thought this normal and adjusted to such. But as the mob evolves, changes made to it are worked out, all its bugs are sorted, and how we see their loot distributed. We then adjust, tweek and prune the mobs in such away where they may be harder to kill, do more damage or in this case drop less in the way of 'end game loot'. It has its reasons.... Mainly to keep some loot that is end-game class; RARE. After all if everyone has an item, its not exactly rare, or thought of as an 'I WANT IT!' item.
  11. for adverts, can always use google's adSense No viruses, trojans, and aimed directly at the player base
  12. Bah server crashed, so much for me hunting down Santa
  13. Did someone stop feeding the hamsters or something?
  14. the new database wont work with the safari browser, not easily anyway. Its too large for the screen, even in landscape mode, the frames are also a problem.
  15. ohh now that would rock, one for the iPhone would be nice too
  16. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will review the above mentioned offence and deal with it accordingly. Please in future though as well as screenshots, submit the chat log, either on here, or via the support ticket system. The chat log file which is locked when the game is active can be found here: (adjust for 32-bit OSes). C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\Earth & Beyond\release\chat.txt Now the file can only be a certain filesize and is overwritten when needed, so if you wish to report something, grab a screenshot of the offence, but also (in order for us to gain the full story) post up the unedited chat log from the chat.txt file. It logs all open channels and the 'log-in/log-out' status channel.
  17. Actually as I have stated before, my comment to take the chat out of General was directed at no SINGLE individual, but to the whole group. Sorry if I specifically did not say 'Could the whole group who is bickering at each other, move to the OoC channel'. I shall remember next time to do this. Again, sorry if you feel victimised in those whole affair or you think that I solo'd you out amungst everyone else when I said '9):17: 7: 3 [General] RankoPW [GM]: right, take it to OoC please or better yet to a private chat channel where you guys can bicker, snipe, and whine all you like... Just not here, thanks.' I feel, that everyone involved in the arguement are adults, and should be able to resolve things such as this between themselves, hence the OoC move comment. If you think this was wrong and I should have stepped in and put a stop to what essentially was playful banter, but out of the general topic area of discussion for the channel that I shall do so next time I see a topic/discussion of this nature reveal itself at a later date.
  18. I'm going to presume that you are talking about me here? Actually I did not specify any individual to keep quiet, I actually asked the whole group to take it to the OoC channel or to a private chat channel. ----- 9):17: 7: 3 [General] RankoPW [GM]: right, take it to OoC please or better yet to a private chat channel where you guys can bicker, snipe, and whine all you like... Just not here, thanks. ----- As you can see, no mention of any individual names, mentioned. Then 3 minutes later you conv'd me with the below message... ----- (3):17:10:48 Psio (private): this is BS man, I didnt start any of this crap today and people are jumping me... this is ridiculous (5):17:10:56 You have left the group (0):17:10:56 COMPUTER: KasumiPS logged out. (12):17:10:57 [Market] Picky: wtb L9 heart shield pst (0):17:11: 9 COMPUTER: KjeroJD logged out. (0):17:11:11 COMPUTER: Kjero logged out. (0):17:11:13 COMPUTER: KjeroTT logged out. (0):17:11:26 COMPUTER: Amixia logged in. (16):17:11:32 To Psio: that may be, but I've asked the both of you, to take it out the channel, I presume the both of you can resolve it like adults. ----- At this point my clients CTD'd and I'm even now still trying to get into the game. If you think that the above was victimisation, then I apoligise as it was not meant in that way. Either way, to answer your question on who monitors the GMs, Blacklung is the head of the GM team, your welcome to talk to him via the forums or private messaging system, failing that, you can shoot for the head-honcho.... David who is the owner of Net7 Entertainment, the development house who brought back EnB Emulator.
  19. Yep I too am now having this issue... INV-300 after the client crashed. Rebooted the PC, got the INV-300 error, tried forcing a Net7 update, and it redownloaded everything again, and still INV-300
  20. I too like the older edition of the database, mainly because it is faster, I can use it on my iphone with ease, and various other aspects, such as maulti-tabs. Could the database from the newer one, be linked or used to update the one you wish to remove? Thus allowing us older-timers who like the older version access to the newer information?
  21. You cant just run the EnB client shortcut, you need to run the Net7Proxy... This will start the game, but direct it to the Net-7 server. You can download the Net 7 Proxy from here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/sg9xep
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