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Raid Group Chat

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Currently when running a raid with more than one group, the only channels available are the group chat and guild chat, or a private channel. When a /random command is used it will only be shown in group and the group leaders need to post in guild chat the rolls. Private channels have no commands available to them and is not an option and best to leave private channels alone.

A suggestion would be to create a chat like Group that is only used in raids. The Raid Leader would send invites to everyone in the raid, like a group leader, but instead of only having 6 members able to view the group chat - everyone in the raid would be able to see the chat. As well set along the line of group leaders, where they have the ability to set looting rights, make it so the Raid leader has default looting rights that can be passed off to another toon in the raid. Its best not to be based on groups but individual as sometimes a solo toon can be invited into the raid and be able to read the chat.


The Raid chat should only be only available to the toons in the raid, like group chat (In live they used orange text). Commands needed for this channel would be very similar to group commands:



/raid accept - Accepts a raid invitation
/raid disband - Disbands your raid if leader, otherwise causes you to leave the raid
/raid help - Displays a list of raid commands
/raid invite - Issues a raid invite to your current target - if target is Group Leader it will send an invite to all grouped toons
/raid kick - If Leader remove current target from the raid
/raid refuse - Refuses a raid invitation (Useful when Raid invite fails due to gating)
/credit kill <playername>  - This command will allow the named player to loot every corpse this raid killed.  ***Looting rights should be set by raid leader for the entire raid. 
/makeleader - Makes targeted player raid leader if you are raid leader.
/random (x)(y) - This will generate a random number between the values X and Y specified. If you are grouped the number selected will be visible to the entire group.
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Excellent suggestion. I'll happily pass this along to the staff at Sunday's meeting.


although the /makeleader command is already being used. Perhaps /raid makeleader? to be more in line with the other commands you listed and without using a preexisting one.


Great idea!!

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Oh for sure about the /makeleader command. Basically it will be just like all group commands but raid should supercede group. I was initially also going to suggest a raid formation like group formation where whole group could be put in formation off the main tank group, but that sounds like a whole lotta work, so I didn't mention it... until now. lol   ^_^


A raid leader could invite whole groups by inviting the leader of that group, or single players. It should make setting up raids much easier.

This way as well a raid group could be set well in advance of  the raid itself, easier for rolls, solo looter toons, etc.

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Another dynamic that might be possible with "Raid group" is extending looting rights to the raid group, not the immediate group. I know often there are 2 groups. Main group is all about DPSing mobs, and generally looters are in 2nd group.  Another thing that would be amazing (if possible) is further sharing xp, so the people in group II (who probably need it the most) could get xp off the kills.  I know this simply may not be possible due to client limitations, but if it was, it would be really cool.

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