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You may like it, but i am the person that spent well over a month building it to begin with. ( Actually longer since Tbho and I argued heavy on the why's, where's and when's of the seeker and thier systems in general ) So why should i spend anymore of my time helping this project, just to have it all changed. There really was no justification to change it at all, it was done, save for missions, it had room to grow, and was laid out in a way to play into a storyline plot & future expansion. Not even gonna mention the orbitals. All i have seen is alot of overkill in sectors, not just Castor. People dont think before they do, just do and make it look cool, 4 or 5 times over.

There is no structure, only people getting new improved tags. Actually multiple tags of percieved power.The way has been lost, too many changes made to original game. The project needs to get back to original goal, EnB back as it was in live. This would include the new class's put on hold. Since im sure most of the players have no clue how they actually collide with each other thanks to EA messing up the TT back in live. Once that is achieved, improvements could then be made.

But , eh, whatever, ill just go play instead of build & rebuild and so on. Kinda like my carrier its a sexy solo pwn mobile.

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My team did change Ishuan, and I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted, but we weren't going to wait for you to come back and actually contribute to the team again. You went missing for weeks and months at a time, coming back occasionally for one or two days only to throw a fit about us changing what you had in mind but never got around to completing. We had to work on Ishuan in order to continue our development which involved adding content because the sector was pretty barren and uninteresting. We also tweaked it for playability. We changed things as we saw fit and will further improve it in the future.

The sector was not done, and it is still not done. We will always be looking for ways to improve our work. We did not step on your toes, we were just filling in the gaps while you were missing.

If you had a problem with what we were doing and wanted it to change, you should have sent a PM to me and stayed in contact on the forums. It only takes a few minutes every day or two to be present. Developers must stay in contact with the rest of the team, that's just part of the job. Plus it's never a good idea to insult the work of volunteers in a place where everyone can see it.

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I think Ishuan looks awesome as it is, both with your original contributions and from more recent stuff as added. While I do agree that the game should be kept as close to live as possible, I would personally consider the addition of the new classes to be a sort of bugfix more than anything else. Any new content that's put in, either new classes or new sectors, is going to have to be tweaked all over the bloody place before it's done--I'd take that a given really.

Once I get fully operational and back on the team I definitely want to get into location-building as well as the writing... so I hope to follow in your footsteps. To everyone who contributed on Ishuan, I think you did a great job. I'm sorry I didn't get to see it earlier in the process. :P

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I think Ishuan looks awesome as it is, both with your original contributions and from more recent stuff as added. While I do agree that the game should be kept as close to live as possible, I would personally consider the addition of the new classes to be a sort of bugfix more than anything else. Any new content that's put in, either new classes or new sectors, is going to have to be tweaked all over the bloody place before it's done--I'd take that a given really.

Once I get fully operational and back on the team I definitely want to get into location-building as well as the writing... so I hope to follow in your footsteps. To everyone who contributed on Ishuan, I think you did a great job. I'm sorry I didn't get to see it earlier in the process. ;)

Oh, your starseeker? I was wondering who this "know it all" was! :P Just kidding. Welcome back. If you like writing "Talk Trees" I'm sure I can find a use for you at some point in time. I despise them the most, since you really need to get into "character" and I'm bad with that Jenquai Yoda talk. :P

Obviously, I'd never make it as a "hardcore" Star Wars fan.

- Marco

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