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Everything posted by Kyp

  1. Kyp

    lost levels

    We are still looking into it at this time. (Saving bug)
  2. Kyp

    Saving issues

    Hi guys, I am lead to understand there is a saving issue with data today and to some smaller extent for the last few days. I apologize for difficulties you've encountered, unfortunately we can't easily correct it at the moment due to the recurrence of the issue. We are working on it, and ask that you bear with us. We do apologize for lost data on this temporary issue, please DO NOT expect everything to be returned, as there is no easy way to track this lost progress. Please accept our apologies for the issue and bear with us. We'll do our best to restore normal operation as soon as possible.
  3. The challenge question was intended to be on, I switched it on with the update of the forum to assist in keeping the spam registrations down. I will simplify the answers so that it's a non-issue. I didn't realize it was a text entry because I didn't try the registration after, I assumed it would be a drop-down, most of them are (such as with PHPBB).
  4. The only registry values set are with the client itself, which doesn't control your connection, only the launcher and net7proxy do this. You jsut delete the files, there is no uninstaller of it yet.
  5. It should have only this: # Copyright © 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. # localhost # ::1 localhost nothing additional is necessary, we do not make use of this file for anything now. The above is the default with your Windows Installation.
  6. Did either of your modify the hosts file so you could play while our DNS servers were down? If so, go un-modify that.
  7. Yeah I had this happen a while back, I believe that what I ended up doing was to force it to start maximized. Unfortunately, its been a while since I had it happen, and I don't remember what all I did. Try this though: Go into the directory where you have our launcher, and run it directly from there as an admin, rather than through your shortcut. If it starts normally use that and delete the original shortcut. If it does not, delete the LaunchNet7.exe from that directory, and get a new copy from someone (ask around in team speak, or I think CDel has posted in this forum before) and replace it, then launch it. If it launches correctly go ahead and create the new shortcut. Also, take "LaunchNet7.cfg" and move it somewhere else temporarily if all else fails.
  8. Kyp


    Maintenance complete, let us know if you encounter any forum issues!
  9. Kyp


    Ok this will be commencing here in a scant few minutes, hold on to your hats for a bit.
  10. Something like that, I booted it, watched 10 people get the orange handprint (from the server side) and then called it a night because I was already up about 5 hours beyond my usual unconsiousness time I guess the server conspired against me. Looks like CDel got round and reverted it a lil bit, and the server's running now. We'll get the new patch back in soon.
  11. Actually, no, I've watched traffic to the site actually increase considerably, yes there's not as many playing every night but they're coming to look at the site. At least so our analytics package for the site tells us. Yes, some people have gone away and some have come in. We have plenty of folks who are happy with the game, assuming that everyone shares your opinion(s) is foolhardy at best. Take it for what you will, it's not like we're not trying to do things, but unless you want to commit code yourself, you'll have to wait until we can get it done. We can't make this our full time jobs because the money is not there to support us for doing so, so the playerbase will have to take what it can get until we can get it done. *edit* Also the server's up again now, good night and I'll look at this tomorrow.
  12. Could it? Yes, downside is to prevent end-game items from becoming FAR too common, we'll have to find ways to control the credits so that they are at least moderately difficult to come by. There's always a check and balance to consider.
  13. I know, you're right. We need to handle each person's issues individually. We'll get right on it, the game should be finished in about 20 years. WHy don't you try working through the advocate, now that he is there, it will certainly help get your issues noticed a little faster. I'm sure you've heard the old adage "you get more flies with honey than with vinegar." well, that's the way it is. Frankly, what it boils down to is this, we can't instantly resolve all issues and our lists cover things that are from months before your months old issues (which is to say some of our lists have things stretching back up to a year), also some issues are more important than others and outrank some other issues. The balance of skills is fairly low priority overall, even though its so noticeable for you. We're not going to hop to every time someone identifies an issue because we have infrastructure to lay to make other things work. We're getting there, but expecting that sort of behavior is a little much seeing as we're donating as much free time as we have to do this stuff. Personally for example, I spend almost ALL of my free time working on things for this project, but not everyone can do that. Think what you will, we'll do what we can. If you don't like it, then you don't. There's nothing more to it than that. I'm sorry you don't like it, but your issues are on the list, they're just not holding the same level of priority they do in your mind. Kyp
  14. If you want a dev to pay attention, provide ideas. It sucks kthxbye isn't going to get much of a response from anyone because it's not worth reading.
  15. Nope, just having a lil trouble with a code change. We may end up backing it out for tonight owing to the need to sleep. I will let you all know in a few minutes. *EDIT* Sorry guys, owing to some changes that were made to infrastructure that it looks like TB may have done, we've backed it out temporarily. We'll put the patch in properly soon. The downtime was unfortunate but we do have the groundwork laid for a few of the advocate issues that were brought up. Brought it up as it was for now, off to bed, have a good night. I'm up way beyond my usual time.
  16. Yes we're flexing some dev magic on it at the moment.
  17. Doc, Earthandbeyond.ca is just a partner site, it is not the forums that you need to register with, this forum is the required location.
  18. Kyp


    Hey Guys, I'm going to be taking the forums offline for a bit while I do a backup on them and update the software a bit. The forums will be restored as soon as possible. I just wanted to let everyone know. I will be taking them offline after this, no posts after this point are guaranteed to remain due to once I get the software downloaded I will be starting the backup process. Have a good one, and stay tuned, Kyp *edit* This has been delayed until tomorrow due to our meeting and some server problems. I will let everyone know. Please try to report and/or overlook any forum spam until then. We'll address it asap.
  19. Huh, well I'd forgotten about that thread. Very good.
  20. Seeker had a vision for this? lol Believe it or not this weapon came from something Byakhee said on the developer forum. He was suggesting something for Progen, Tienbau had some ideas and wanted to run with them, and I made the launcher and ammo for my class.
  21. The only other thing that came to mind as I was laying down last night was perhaps the ports are being blocked somehow, did you run a cmd, "netstat -ao" and make sure nothing was chewing up 443?
  22. Post the details we've discussed so far in Tech Support, C Del may have some ideas to help you, he happens in and out a lot.
  23. See if its a DNS problem for you locally, type the ip address in the blank where it normally says "Play.net-7.org" on the launcher.
  24. And you get a normal response to the ping?
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