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Everything posted by Kyp

  1. I believe it has been broken for some time, but I will double-check it soon. We mostly manage our issues within other systems if we see something get reported here that seems to be a bug. *edit* Yup, it seems to be a front-end display issue. I can still access the data from the admin panel but most of it is ancient issues that have been resolved for some time or something we couldn't resolve (or hidden on purpose because it was exploitable, of course) If you think there's a bug, submit a GM support ticket (or post it here). If the GM during resolution of your issue can follow your steps and run into a similar problem they will report it or transfer the GM ticket to me which will result in it getting into something for an eventual resolution.
  2. Server is being restarted and some updates applied, this may be a few minutes but should resolve any oddness like reported above. Please keep commentary low here in the meantime.
  3. Yep, just click ok again. Your version of Windows is newer than anything in the installer's script. I need to update it. The highest it went was Windows 7. When I wrote it I was trying to work around User Account Control which was a newer windows feature at the time that was giving us hell. None of these prompt windows should stop you, they are informational
  4. Additionally, the game login does NOT support special characters. It was designed in a time this was thought "too much", so alphanumeric only, no symbols. I think the page enforces that already but just in the event it does not, that may be the problem.
  5. Show the actual (or perceived) error message. I wrote that installer, as is said above that is normal. It is reading your registry to see if you have that installed/available and then saying "yup". What part is repeating?
  6. First the GMs and Devs (by and large) can't do anything about it. Only 3 of us can because it requires access to the back end, and it's all new post migration so we don't have any of the tools that made it easier for them in the past (yet). I was made aware of this just a few minutes ago. I will look in a moment.
  7. First i've heard of any odd behaviors with the launcher client in a long time (we haven't updated the code behind it in quite a long time to boot). That said if anyone can replicate it might help to capture some details if we can. Even if just procmon data from the process to show where it might have "died" or hung up without resulting in an error state
  8. It's on my list too, whichever of us is bored enough first. But yes, this is planned, the last expiration period we had was mostly due to my inattention to it after the migration.
  9. It's back. Sorry about that.
  10. Nah I announced it in the general chat channel about 20 mins ahead. Doing maintenance. Almost done. Should be coming back up now.
  11. The languages we use are C++, C#. MySQL/SQL, PHP, some other odds and ends, but no Java I'm afraid, at least not since way back in the first iterations of the project long before it became multiplayer.
  12. Back up, but i'm probably off for the night, i've attached a process monitor instance to watch the game server and see what happens when the alert I was seeing spawns. Try to let me know as soon as server is down (only once please since this pages both Zack and I). If I can isolate when it goes down I might be able to see what the actual fault is.
  13. Suspect this had to do with a new security feature from the OS vendor. I have added an exception for this service and restarted the game server. I will check back to see if we have another crash in a little while.
  14. I see it. This might be a little bit longer while I see if I can nail down what's happening.
  15. Back up again. Let's see if it crashes again.
  16. also, the maintenance is now done. I wasn't able to do it this morning as I'd mentioned last night on the game chat, but when it came to my attention it was down a short bit ago, I went ahead and completed it all before bringing things back up so you don't have to suffer *another* outage (hopefully) for a while. Let us know if anyone sees any highly unusual behaviors.
  17. I believe what happened this time had more to do with the operating system than the game. I'd pre-installed patches intending to make maintenance faster when I did it, it decided I must have forgotten and rebooted itself. At any rate, Sunrise is back.
  18. The certificate/inv-300 issue has been corrected on the server side. If you did any tweaking to 'workaround' it i would undo those tweaks now.
  19. IF you used the workaround about disabling revocation checks, PLEASE go re-enable that. That opens you up to potential bad guys to not be checking for revoked certificates.
  20. Might be some further maintenance when I get it all figured out.
  21. Some issue with the new certificate I was trying, gonna look into that, restored the "Broken" ones that everyone was working around for now. Any workarounds should be functional again, let me know if this is not the case until I figure it out.
  22. We're aware that the fix didn't work. Working on it.
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