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Everything posted by Oxymorron

  1. Not sure if it's the same thing sunvillage but I had a similar problem when trying to land on Norstrand Vor. It did not matter what toon or account, it never worked and I got stuck. At the same time I had noticed some item icons missing (on all toons and all accounts) and someone suggested my install had been corrupted. I did a fresh reinstall of everything and after that I had no more problems. Might not be the same but try to do a clean install and see if it helps.
  2. That is one impressive cat you have there Bryon 😁.
  3. I'm not even close to LVL150, let alone maxing my gear after that - but from my limited view that sounds like a fun timesink alternative for endgame.
  4. Update - after connecting the dots with some other issues (a few missing icons on items on all toons etc) I got the suggestion that I might have a corrupted install. After a reinstall everything seems to work fine, Icons are back and i can actually land on Norstrand Vor . Thanks everyone!
  5. Thanks again Woodstock, much obliged 🙏. I agree, it seems likely its on my end or more people would have reported it also. I just have trouble understanding why a particular planet and not all planets (I assume there is a difference loading planetary assets from a station but could be completely wrong). If it was a general network or ISP problem i would have thought it to be more general and not specific to a particular place in-game. If anyone has any tips on how I could narrow down the problem and try to find the root cause I would appreciate it. Are there any logs on the client side that would log that type of errors (with relevant information)? Any on the serverside that might be helpful to check? It's not the end of the world as long as its just one planet, I will just avoid the place going forward. Plenty more space to explore and play around in .
  6. Hi, I get an immediate CTD when trying to land on Nostrand Vor planet, have tried multiple toons on different accounts. Those characters get stuck there as i get CTD when trying to login again. I have logged tickets to get the toons moved. All other content (so far, I'm a newbie) including landing on other planets work just fine. I was hoping to do some traderuns between Fenris/Nostrand but I can find another no problem. I just worry if I get a quest to go there. Any ideas what might be causing this issue? If its any help I've tried it on the following toons/accounts: Acc Oxymorron: - Dorsvenabli (currently stuck) - Bluepirate (ticket resolved, no longer stuck) Acc oxymorron2 - Nostrandtest (currently stuck, no ticket since it was just a test) Let me know if there is any other info I can provide that would help. Thanks in advance!
  7. I'm also on a laptop with Win11. As stated by several - you install it the same as for other versions of Win - I had no issues.
  8. I'm happy and grateful for all the work that has been done before and still going on, but equally happy to have missed the drama to be frank. Diverse opinions and disagreements can be an important part of making thinge better but it sounds like it has been toxic at times (hopefully for short periods). I have only made a small dent in reading the old threads (with the server going up and down currently it's something to do ). What I can already summarize from reading quite a few old threads dating back 10+ years is this: Look at far you have come! The persistence, tenacity and sheer amount of time and effort that has gone into this venture is nothing short of extraordinary. From devs to playerbase, the passion bleeds through - I salute you all. You are my new heroes. Looking forward to hopefully sticking around abit longer this time and get to know both new and old people.
  9. Was up for a few minutes but now down again I'm afraid.
  10. Thanks Woodstock - much obliged . Do it when you are able, no rush. I was mostly worried the ticket went into the blackhole, never to be seen again. Great to know it works as it should and I'll be more mindful of the ticket number next time. Thanks again, to you and all staff that put your free time into this for our benefit.
  11. ...I'm uncertain my ticket went through ok as I've never used the ticket system before. Trying to check my ticket status i (of course) forgot the ticket number and havent gotten a confirmation via mail (not sure I'm supposed to). Trying to login but unsuccessful - not sure which credentials to use. Problem: Account Oxymorron, toon Bluepirate. Had a CTD gating to the Nostrand Vor planet. Now the charcter is stuck there as i get a CTD everytime i try to logon that toon. Other toons on the same account are fine and playable. If I could get a boost off the planet that would be great General question so I dont have to post here for tickets in the future: - Do I need to register separately for the ticket system? I tried logging in with both forum and net-7 account credentials unsuccessfully. Or did I mess it up? Thanks in advance and sorry for posting this here (but I'm itching to playthat PP so maybe not that sorry after all) 😄.
  12. Unfortunately down again - connection to global server failed. Thanks for all your hard effort, very much appreciated.
  13. I also played EVE for a couple of years (but very long ago now). I found the mechanics quite fun but have never been into pvp in any game so ended up restricted to high sec. Got tired of griefers (in my mind, they where just enjoying the game, especially my frantic escape attempts before dying i suspect 😀). I eventually moved away to other games.
  14. About the same for me - tried killing time working instead but that did not entertain as much
  15. Thanks so much. Working as its supposed to now and no ingame issues that I can tell.
  16. Login server down for me so can't get back on. Was actually in game but distances and warping was completely off - could not loot mobs or freewarp. looting complained about to large a distance to mob when i looked to be beside it and freewarping reset my position to the latest navpoint I had warped to (even though I had moved away from it). Heard a few in chat having simliar issues.
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