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Everything posted by Codemonkeyx

  1. I was curious about this seemingly odd choice and wondered if they just copied some example code and foolishly didn't change the name, etc. That may well be what happened but I also learned some NT and OS/2 kernel history I didn't know:
  2. Thanks @karu, that definitely explains some things, may I suggest UuidCreateSequential() instead of GetTickCount()? I guess my bash script takes a little longer due to launching everything through wine start each time and the AHK script I published takes a little longer due to running the launcher and checking for updates, etc. It wasn't until I started launching the net7proxy.exe directly from inside the wine prefix that things were fast enough to cause an issue.
  3. Yeah, I know all about semaphores and mutexes but typically those are for synchronizing threads, not processes. There are IPC mechanisms like shared memory where you can allocate these things on *nix and I'm sure windows has its own version of them, but a mutex that is system-wide based on name only is a pretty weird thing (what if some other unrelated process happens to choose the same name? bad things©®™). I didn't look too deeply at your code but thought they may have done something smarter like incorporate WM_CLASS into it to hedge against that. Maybe the underlying API they're calling does that? Or perhaps it's actually implemented with a file lock and the CWD is relevant which would explain why pointing them at different directories helps (but not why LaunchNet7.exe does unless one of the things it does is launch each client in a separate CWD or remove such a file lock after launching it?) Anyway, still a bit of a mystery here!
  4. I've been trying to figure out what happened here and I think part of it is that I don't normally run the Launcher, I've just been launching net7proxy.exe directly and passing it the right params. Somehow when that is done quickly enough and all of the clients are running from the same install directory, it results in that error about half the time. If you either: Use LaunchNet7.exe Run each client from a separate install directory it doesn't seem to have that problem. I can't reproduce the issue in the AHK script I uploaded because it uses LaunchNet7.exe. I also can't reproduce the issue after getting all of my clients using their own install directories again (which I was doing before with my bash script, but hadn't setup in AHK yet). So perhaps there is something important about the LaunchNet7.exe launching of net7proxy.exe that was part of solving this?
  5. Well @Huron apparently your instincts were good... oh the irony. I've literally never seen this error before (and I've been playing pretty consistently since September) and now mere days after pointing out @Zackman's post and declaring confidently incorrectly that the "unlocker" portion of the unlocker is no longer required, I get this today: That is very strange indeed. I changed over from using my tried and, well, not true, but serviceable bash script to the AHK script I posted and somehow that difference in launching things seems to be responsible. One possibility is that launching everything from the Run function in AHK results in the processes somehow being associated with one another whereas launching them from the bash script did not. In my environment that is the difference between launching them all from an application already running under wine (AHK) to launching them separately but all inside the same wine prefix. They all end up using the same wineserver instance either way (which is what I would think would matter for something like a mutex as you described that is across processes). Another possibility is that this somehow depends on the Window's WM_CLASS or classname. One of the other things that changed between what I was doing before and what I'm doing now is that I'm starting all the processes up first, then going through and changing all their names rather than doing it as I go. I have to do this twice on Linux, once internally to change the WM_NAME that applications that think they're running under Windows are using to identify one another, and again to change a "leader" process that is used by wine to make processes running under wine show up on the taskbar, etc. which requires changing the WM_CLASS (which normally never changes under Windows) because for some reason wine chose that as the value to display on the taskbar rather than WM_NAME (??? probably a bug). Anyway, I just wanted to offer a mea culpa and say that there is clearly more to the story of exactly how this works and when it manifests vs. when it doesn't.
  6. As has been mentioned earlier in this thread, the "unlocker" functionality of the unlocker is no longer required: https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/8349-running-multiple-clients-simultaneously-multiboxing/&do=findComment&comment=98815 As a result this tool is now exclusively used for launching and positioning clients. @TeddyZ77 as another alternative for that you might want to take a look at the AutoHotKey scripts from @wolfie and more recently @Doctor in this thread: https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/12050-ahk-and-multiboxing/ I also created a more generic AutoHotKey v2 version of the login portion of Doctor's script to replace the awful bash script using xdotool that I had been using on Linux as it was extremely flaky. I posted the new AHKv2 login.ahk to GitHub here if you are interested: https://github.com/ciphersimian/enb-ahk/blob/master/login.ahk This might be an easier option for what you're wanting to do than trying to wrangle Visual Studio, get a C# project working, and then modify it.
  7. I have no idea what that means, but I hope it means he got what he deserved!
  8. Wow, thanks for those screencaps... that guy is absolutely unhinged. I second fearing running into someone like this irl. 🫣 So many lols at getting YOU banned. My only regret is that he banned himself so Woody couldn't. To be fair, I called it from his first post... I was pretty sure he was full of it. 💩 Somehow it was worse than I thought though! Wild! Ultra Troll material. 🧌 This guy is the troll all the other trolls report to!!!
  9. Personally, I would have tried a little harder than that. 30+ years going on 4. If this is your general approach to resolving the smallest conflict I can imagine I suspect you are going to find endless conflict whereever you go. Best of luck to you and sorry you didn't find what you were looking for here! - Codemonkeyx
  10. My initial reaction is that this sounds like an overreaction on your part. I also know that there are two sides to every story, so I'd be curious to hear what @laracraft has to say about this situation as I believe Namhcir is one of their characters. FWIW I've never experienced anything like this and I rarely ever encounter anyone out in the world outside of stations. It's a big galaxy and as you say, not many players, and most are running multiple characters so that "50" is more like 15-20 actual players running grouped together. If you are a 30 year MMO veteran you probably know that misunderstandings like this are common and your attitude doesn't convince me that you were ever even open to the possibility that maybe you were "at fault", maybe they were there first, etc. As a newer player you probably don't have the scan range so perhaps they could see you, but you couldn't see them? Generally this is a mature community and assuming good intent will get you a lot farther than assuming someone is trying to troll you or take "your" spot, etc. Being entitled and making accusations like the many in this post are far more likely to create the very situation you're asserting started this. Of course, I could have it all wrong, but.... That is not how that works. Are you sure? See "worst nightmare of another player" Sending a group invite is rude? Are you sure you want to play an MMO? Perhaps Starfield would be more your speed. All the mobs are yours. No "worst nightmare" other players. Arrogance, jumping to conclusions, ... Or perhaps it's a reference to the StarCraft II player https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/NamhciR - maybe even Richard Chembars himself? Who knows? Hmmmmmmm Next you're going to tell us how he cried like a little !@#$%, right? I'm not so sure. Maybe you should reconsider the possibility. It may be worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the term "narcissist" as well. If you do, there is scant evidence of it in this post. Is it "we" already? You are awfully new here to start demanding that new rules be made for a community that has been here longer than most other games have existed. This post is a very strange way of demonstrating that. Look, I'm not trying to drive you away from the game, I'm relatively new myself, but I've been here a lot longer than you have and I've had a very different experience. I'm coming down hard on you because there are a LOT of things in this post that rubbed me the wrong way and very much make me doubt your point of view, your integrity, and your analysis of the situation. You seem determined to find fault and assume the worst. I would encourage you to take some time, think really hard about the situation, and consider your response carefully. Even if things happened EXACTLY as you describe, your post is not a good way of addressing the situation for all the reasons I've laid out. Welcome back! I hope you can learn some things from this and that your future experience in-game is a more enjoyable one. I think you will find that most of us are also here to relax and have fun. That has certainly been my experience so far. - Codemonkeyx
  11. We were talking about device icons in-game (i.e. how many devices re-use icons from various Ore's or Junk which opens up the possibility of mixing up your devices with junk) and how more unique devices icon's are sorely needed, e.g. Power of the Elements Ward of Living Stone Crystal Force Emitter (I'm sure there are many more, but these are just some recent examples I'm familiar with; perhaps someone could provide a dump of all the items which share an icon?) Anyway, @laracraft mentioned having worked on a game that was trying to emulate EnB's style and having some unused device art which might be applicable as well as a general ability to create device art in the EnB style. I just wanted to mention it here and put them in touch with you @Kyp as this would be very cool if we could get more unique icons, especially for very widely used / desirable devices.
  12. Anyone have any idea what this blue swirl means?? I found this on two different hulks in Aragoth Prime but neither one had any notable loot.
  13. @Kyp I wanted to create an alternate thread to discuss server status generally that doesn't notify you guys every time someone replies. I was just curious what the status is after last night? Your last message said not to try logging in but that was 16 hours ago and there were 30-something odd people online so I figured that was no longer applicable. Things seem to be working OK atm so I'm assuming you restarted again? Were you able to find/fix the root cause? Thanks for the support!
  14. Hmm, that's odd, the VPN should just start and create a VPN tunnel connection on your computer that should show up as an alternative like wired or wireless connections and typically ensures that it is used by priority (while it uses the underlying wired or wireless connection itself). So the goal is that it funnels all the traffic over the VPN. Which VPN did you get? Not all VPN clients are created equally and the free tier may not allow certain kinds of traffic (i.e. like the kind you need, TCP 443 for initial connection and UDP 3800-4000, etc.) One thing to try is when you have the VPN enabled, try opening a command prompt (Win+R, ps, enter - I'm not a windows guy, but I think this will start powershell, otherwise find it in start menu) and try running (note this is because sunrise.net-7.org is configured to not respond to ping, probably for security, though any port scanner worth a damn will rapidly turn up 443 anyway): ps> tnc sunrise.net-7.org -port 443 which should give you some indication of whether it's allowing you to connect to that host on that port. If it fails while connected to the VPN and works when disconnected then that's the problem. Try to find a VPN where it works.
  15. I was on discord (along with @Sinjen/Dahaka/Cartog (what do I call you man!) and @Woodstock HGM) trying to help debug this. Once we worked through his other issues we came to the same conclusion. We did add net7proxy.exe to the Windows Firewall but that didn't help. The current suspicion is that his provider/router/access point is to blame (currently a T-Mobile Hotspot, with an imminent upgrade this Sunday) so if there weren't any other suggestions before that we were hoping that would solve it. Based on some other posts I found it may also be worth trying out a VPN (e.g. ProtonVPN has a free tier) as that would get around any provider imposed restrictions (assuming it doesn't block the VPN tunnel itself).
  16. Mostly because I find the idea of necroing a 13-year old post amusing, but also because I found this thread once and mistakenly thought this was the JE mission as well before I corrected that information on the wiki, here is a reference to all the Build Reactors training mission info for each profession (which contains links to the relevant missions, the precise NPCs and locations, and levels at which you can begin): https://www.net-7.org/wiki/index.php?title=Build_Reactors just in case anyone else finds this in a forum search later as I did. As an aside, I also wholeheartedly agree with the others here that it's crazy that the Jenquai Tradesman profession (Seeker) gets Build Reactors later than the Explorer!!! That's completely backwards. It's reasonable that the Progen Tradesman profession (Privateer) gets Build Reactors first as reactors are kinda their thing. I wouldn't argue that JE's should get them any later either as Build Reactors is already way out of whack with other build professions in terms of how late it can be acquired overall. If anything I think the PP should get Build Reactors earlier (e.g. OL20), then JS at e.g. OL30, and leave JE as-is at OL40. OL60 is extremely late for the JS; they should really be the 2nd best reactor builder and they should be able to get started much earlier.
  17. Hi AZ, which page are you referring to, specifically? Do you have a URL? I was trying to guess what you might be referring to and I think I see the problem! It looks like the vast majority of drops are no longer being picked up by the "Drop Pages" category, so perhaps you were referring to this page? https://www.net-7.org/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Drop_Pages I've corrected that issue and as the background jobs on the wiki run that page should repopulate (I will also help it along). Aside from that, generally the most useful information about drops on the wiki is found on the item pages themselves. If you know what item you're looking for just search for that and there will be a section listing any known drops for that item (or other methods of acquiring it, depending on the item). EDIT: This should be resolved and the link above should be showing all the drops once more.
  18. This was an impressive necro UthorX... 4 years later... lol. Looks like the wiki already has the location you describe, though it's given relative to "commerce nav 4", I wonder if that's supposed to be "commerce lane 4". But that's a good call since it's apparently the only option that doesn't require RD faction. https://www.net-7.org/wiki/index.php?title=Yum-O-Rum
  19. Always try sorting your inventory or moving the item around, sometimes that will kick it into realizing you have it.
  20. @Winlander https://www.net-7.org/wiki/index.php?title=Missile_Launchers_-_L1_Comparison I couldn't figure out any other way to attach a spreadsheet (can't PM it, and can't attach to wiki) so starting a thread here. I validated that all the values you have match what is shown on the Net-7 DB with the sole exception of that 19.50 Dmg 200% value on the Brown Dragonfly Ichi; that shows as 19 in the Net-7 DB so I corrected that in my data. I think I understand where the values are coming from now, but it's still anyone's guess as to which ones are accurate. But the 200% DPS value shown is precisely the average between the DPS you got calculating based on the shown Reload/Dmg, and the Max DPS value you get by using the min Reload and max Dmg together after working backward to get each from the other and the shown DPS value. I attached a spreadsheet showing the details. It doesn't look like an obvious rounding or truncation issue. My best guess is that only a subset of those values are actually provided by the game, and the others were calculated externally (and likely incorrectly). It's fairly telling that the Reload values are to 1 decimal place and the Damage per shot values are integers. Those are probably the only values provided by the game (as properties on the weapon and ammo respectively), and the DPS values (which are all to two decimals) are probably all calculated. I can't quite explain how the convoluted averaging I've shown would come about, but if the game stores things differently that may explain it. I suppose the only way to be sure is to to actually test it in-game and verify no resists or weakness on the target (i.e. yellow damage text with no modifiers). Ideally on a low level character so you don't have equipment or skill bonuses throwing off the numbers. My gut feeling is that the calculations you were doing are correct (i.e. trust the Reload and Damage per shot values from the items themselves), but it's hard to explain how else those DPS values could come about. It's no coincidence that the values are exactly between the base calculation and the max. Since the N7 DPS values are the average, in the absence of testing, using those directly might be the best way to hedge your bet! Overall I agree with your assessment though, something is definitely wrong with the Net-7 DB numbers! DPS.xlsx
  21. I'm here! Welcome back to another fellow Pegasus native! Maybe everyone else is on a trip abroad? I haven't even been around for 6 months but it seems it ebbs and flows and quite a few people just seem to log on for raids so you'll see spikes of activity from time to time. Multi-boxing being the order of the day, I think there are both fewer (because a lot of them are the same person) and more (because people are largely self-sufficient) people than it appears to be.
  22. I've started using passphrases which tend to be far longer than passwords but much easier to remember. I discovered that the game account management on net-7.org will allow you to set a significantly longer password than the game client will accept. The game client seems to be hard-coded to a limit of 20 characters. As a result the net-7.org account management should disallow any password over 20 characters (and should definitely not silently truncate it to 20 as I've found some sites to do!)
  23. It will, but probably not like you'd expect / want. This is an old game which is fixed at a 4:3 aspect ratio and was not designed to vary from that at all. If you use one of the config applications: Program Files/EA GAMES/Earth & Beyond/EBCONFIG/E&BConfig.exe or Program Files/EA GAMES/Earth & Beyond/EBCONFIG/net7config.exe (I recommend the latter) you can set it to 3440x1440, but it will be horribly stretched. I think most people play the game windowed at a fixed 4:3 aspect ratio (both for multi-boxing which is extremely common, and because of this issue). I did discover that the game has FOV settings in the various cam*.ini files under: Program Files/EA GAMES/Earth & Beyond/Data/client/output but I have not yet experimented with changing those, nor do I know what the numbers of each correspond to; I was guessing characters, but that doesn't seem to be a 1:1 correlation.
  24. Thanks for the confirmation and the response. I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing anyone is interested in taking care of at this point but I was trying to follow the process outlined under the user-facing wiki contribution guidelines (I understand if this isn't something you control nor endorse) here: https://www.net-7.org/wiki/index.php?title=Contribution_Guidelines that definitely seems to be a bit out of date (and was perhaps more than a little aspirational from the start): (Yes I can appreciate the irony of the author of the above hyphenating misspelled/misspelling.) I've been following the above (#2, specifically) on my wiki edits, but wasn't sure how to determine if there were already bug tracker tickets for them or not and whether it makes sense to create one? I've found quite a few, a lot of the same words being misspelled in quite a few places, you can find many of them here (note that I have not gone through to verify if any of these have already been corrected, they aren't all mine): https://www.net-7.org/wiki/index.php?search=sic&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=1 e.g. from the above: in-game misspelling => corrected Missle => Missile Aquire => Acquire Dessicated => Desiccated Dessication => Desiccation weaponary => weaponry reinforcments => reinforcements ceromony => ceremony These are mostly in Missions and Items so I don't know how much control you guys have over these things or how difficult / problematic they are to change. If you guys are looking for someone to pitch in to help doing the busy work of fixing these things I'd be willing to help out. Not knowing how things are implemented it seems to me that a dump => spellcheck => import could go a long way to fixing all this since these are all obviously misspelled. I realize there is quite a lot of, lets call it stylized dialog from NPCs, which would be difficult to spellcheck, but I think it would be fine to explicitly exclude those NPCs from consideration (looking at you Sergeant Jones!) I realize this is probably not a high priority so if this is something unlikely to change then that information would still be useful to take back to those wiki contribution guidelines and get them changed so no one else comes along asking about this in the future! Thanks!
  25. Is the bug tracker broken? When I click the link at the top of the forums I just get a blank page? https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/bugs.html/
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