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  1. Oh... my... God... Don't even remind me about dynamis lol. Played that game for 4 years, 3 of those years I did dynamis twice a week. I would rather have a rabid squirrel claw my eyes out than go through another of those 3-4 hour snoozefests. It really was stupid though how BLMs were so OP. Boss too tough? No problem, just throw more BLMs at it, while the rest of the classes just watch. Almost just like terrans here though right?
  2. God I feel sorry for all you guys in the US, having to deal with those awful wireless carriers. Especially after all the stuff I hear about AT&T. Makes me glad I'm up in Canada. Maybe I'm just lucky, but Rogers has always been good to me... (knock on wood) But yeah, definately will be upgrading from my Blackberry to the new iPhone4 whenever it gets launched up here.
  3. What is Live? Baby dont hurt me. Dont hurt me. No more.
  4. Not sure if this has been asked before but is getting a search function for building lists completely out of the question? Either that, or maybe having the terminal see what comps/ores you have in your cargo, and then customizing a build list based on what you could build with those things. Would make things infinitely easier for all the builders out there.
  5. Given the state of the game, as it is still a work in progress, I dont think they really need to spend their time and resources into worrying about this kind of stuff. There are many other things that still need to be hammered out and done. As well, like Terrell said, there are still quite a few sectors that have yet to be added that could potentially have high lvl content in them. IMO, let the devs do their thing, they are doing a bang-up job so far. Great things are still to come, that you can be sure of.
  6. I notice this as well. An interesting note to it as well, it seems to change depending on what sector you're in, not sure why. For me I have always chosen flat colours, even back in Live. Not sure if certain sectors use different coloured lighting or whatever, but you can see for yourself. If you choose a flat paint job, go to Swooping Eagle or Xipe Totec sectors, there you will see your flat paint in it's more "natural" lighting. Then go to almost any other sector and you'll notice that for whatever reason it becomes a lot more glossy and shiny. Not sure if this is intentional or not, again it could be related to the ambient lighting of the sector, but it's interesting to note. Maybe a dev can comment more about this.
  7. There are L135 jobs from F7 that ask people to go Menorb(sp?), and L150 jobs from Prasad Station that send people to DT(the bogeril place).
  8. I dont mind arenas being brought back, as long as this game is never, EVER balanced around PvP. Back in Live so many people cried about this skill, or that class being overpowered in arena and tried to get them nerfed or buffed. This game will always be PVE orientated, with classes and skills to have fun with that. If you want to PVP or take your toons to arena, fine so be it, but realize it will never be balanced. Just my 2 cents from someone who was fed up with all the pvp crybabies in Live.
  9. I like this idea, would make things a bit more interesting for those without faction. Not sure how hard it would be to set it all up, I think the devs don't have the tools yet for all those scripted encounters. I remember in the early days of Live, the RDs would set up grav well "toll" stops in various sectors. You either payed up or they opened fire. Was always scary when you were a newbie lvling up your first toon lol.
  10. I always thought that the stuff inside hulks was randomly generated just like normal roids. Ah well, keep up the great work!
  11. please no... we already have more than enough stuff to fill our cargo holds(equipment swaps, ammo, loot, etc). It's an interesting idea though.
  12. Progens have had the CFB shield and Ballista added in through a HU mission chain, which otherwise drop from the Mordana and Bogeril respectively, though correct me if I'm wrong. It's not a lot, but it's nice. Are the device issues easier to fix? I'd give up one of my kidneys for a working Coma...
  13. First off I just want to give props to all the devs and other team members working on this emu, not to mention the amazing community, who make EnB a blast to play again. It's really amazing that even after 6+ years, this same group of fans and players still have this much love and devotion to a game. To get to my topic though, from playing both a JE and JD here, it seems like we are kind of at a disadvantage at endgame levels. I think the reason for this is two-fold: Jenquai have a lot of key equipment that is missing from the current content(mainly Mordana), and as well some great devices are currently not working(Coma and the one that buffs Psi Shield, forget its name, to list a few). Jenpies have always relied on their equipment and skill more than the other races(cough) Now dont get me wrong I know the emu is a work in progress, and even from the start of ST4 things have greatly improved. I was just wondering if there were any plans to implement some of the missing equipment through missions/quests/hull upgrades, or what the status on some of the bugs were. I see Byakhee tirelessly working on all things good and progen, not sure what shape terrans are in. Is the Jenpie dev currently away/on vacation/hiding in some distant corner of the galaxy mining? Anyhow, just a few thoughts I'd put out there on behalf of all the other peanutheads who enjoy the cloak and dagger life. Keep the good times coming though, I see this emu only getting better and better.
  14. I for one cant wait for these changes to get pushed to play server, mining was like a drug addiction on Live lol. One question I have for Merlin though: what is the status on getting ruined hulks back up to Live standards? They were always like flipping a coin and I cant tell you how many times I almost threw my keyboard out the window when they blew up with lvl 9 goodies in em So far it seems you are really doing a bang up job Merlin and I tip my hat to you. On a sort of related note, do I dare mention AA's...
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