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Everything posted by Knight05

  1. I can't even get past the ammo fee kenlz mission :/ I barely made it past the introduction quest to turn my coins on. Now he wants 15 refined astralite fine. But the ammo stuff has me stumped and confused. He wants purple and green which means Chem and plasma ammo I'm guessing but I can't figure out what kind and I refuse to spend millions guessing as far ad the yellow bile resin. I'm guessing impact bile pl ammo? I've bee. Asking in game for hours but very few have done these missions and don't know and the ones who do play mind games and say well what do you think it means etc? I'm a content dude but not a rp'er. I don't care about the lore or dialogue I just want it done and the eecipies as cheap and fast as possible. You can argue that defeats the purpose if someone tells me everything but different strokes for diff folks. I don't care I just want to finish. So of anyone is willing to just tell me spoilers for it I would greatly appreciate it as I'm stumped on the ammo stacks
  2. Thanks for poll :). Didn't think this post would receive this much attention.
  3. awesome tyvm zackman for claryfing. So what the disk currently isnt dissapearing when u finish the problem is that the issue atm?
  4. Wait why non tradable still? I thought whole point of making it non tradable was a temp solution to fix the exploit. Now that Zack's done that why can't the item be returned to tradable as promised above? Are you still unable to make the mission take the item as stated above? Is that the reason? If so any eta on this fix? Sorta counting on the tradable thing here. Is there any way to set it to its account bound meaning it can only be shared via accounts on the same email etc?
  5. Forgive me if I'm ignorant here and it's not the ISP but it seems to me like 1&1 sucks. Their fb page is littered with unhappy customers and people who call them scammers etc, and the server this past month have been rubber banding, lagging, and been borderline unplayable for a good portion of time which results in like 20 restarts which also push back raids etc. With as few players as we have on enb it doesn't feel like we should be experiencing this much lag? Forgive me if im being ignorant as I know nothing of coding and internet tech speak etc. I know the common person thinks everything is as simple as get this and it all goes away and its not always that simple so I may be out of my depth here but.....   1) Any chance of a change of ISP if thats even the problem or are you locked into a contract?   2) What would the cost difference be for our monthly donations to switch to a diff/better isp? I think most people would be cool shelling out an extra 5 bucks a month for no lag.   3) If no different ISP can be had what can be done to remedy lag in the meantime? Why is this constantly happening and how do we stop it? If we even can.   4) What can we do to fix raids so if we do have to do like 20 restarts a month for login servers being down and major rubber banding issues etc it doesnt mess up the timers for guild doing troller, gobb, rd base etc? Alot of guildies are getting frustrated. Can they not be adjusted to continue doing the timer through a restart ? Or is that a client side issue?   Any info would be appreciated. Not sure if this is the right thread channel for this if not please move it. Thanks!
  6. What is the feather drop rate if i may ask out of curiosity? 1% while probably insignificant in the long run is 1% more than was there today so thank you for that. While I do wish you could go alittle higher since its a raid that inst utilized by many anymore i can understand your reasons and I want to thank you for looking into it promptly and for making the change.
  7. Is 2% the best you can do? I was thinking 5% was fair hell i'd even compromise for 4%.  If raising the percent isnt an option is there any way to add the drop to both the daeva 41s and the wraith 45/50?  Because im not fully convinced its on both loot tables atm. My brother said he only got one from a wraith one time in his history of playing and seeing as the item says daeva on it i would think it would come from daevas. Not trying to make demands just trying to compromise and make this worth doing. Because atm its not and im close to passing on it all together.   Also did that change you make take place already or does it require a restart?
  8. Are atrociously bad...   I'm sure many of you have seen me spamming market for a week or so now asking while farming. This is going to sound like a QQ post it can't be helped. I've farmed this single mat for a week now 4-6 hrs a day every single day for 7 days and have yet to get one.   i've killed every 45/50 wraith and 41 daeva ive seen. I'm told it drops from both. Nada on either. i've got a dozen+ of the other ingredients but 0 looted daeva photon emitters.   I know some are going to tell me they probably found one in 10 min or an hour or like 4 in one day etc. But i'd be more curious to see the data on daily drop rate amounts. Or have a dev test the farming out and see what their luck is like.   I'm fully aware its a raid item and thus shouldnt be super easy to get but let's be real. The loot is more or less "meh" minus maybe one 2 things that are so-so to decent at best. It's an obsolete raid with obsolete loot and people do it like av for so so items because its relatively quick and its fun and a welcome change/break from constant fish bowls and gate raids etc. And there is a few cool maps to get.   But the amount of effort to make this thing is INSANE. The people i know right now who have 5-6 stored etc got them long ago before supposedly drop rates were nerfed. And they also since then have found very few if any.   I hope im not alone in this. I'm not asking for a freebie here or for it to be easy mode, just realistic. I truly feel at this current juncture and time that this thing is harder to farm than the fishmaster 2000 a 10x better raid.   I found 4 aa's and an ursa 9 before i have looted a single one of these things. That to me seems "off".       Is there any possibility the drop rate can be revisited and reviewed?
  9. I have to type this fast as im headed to work but.....   My idea was to take the tado-o and fb gate raid that already exist and dumb it down for the smaller guilds so they can do content weekly and it spread the raid love around to the little guys as well and doesn't force them to join a top 3 guild. I use this idea to make my point easier so don't crucify me for saying this heh but think of it like world of Warcraft for those who played.   You've got the big 12-18 man raids for big guilds. And then the exact same raid scaled down to say half strength or what not for the small guilds. You could keep everything exactly the same just reduce either mob count or mob strength so that one group could complete the raid sort of like mordana is now. It would be the equivelant of wow's flashpoints (for groups) and then raids (for big guilds etc).     I haven't figured out the trigger part. Where it would drop or if they would build it like a normal tado o. It could drop off a new mob once per 24 hrs. Or it could be the same quest but with maybe slightly easier to obtain rare mats.   As for loot you could either reduce it to 1 uber item per raids end with small mordana status type items in between or you could scale the loot to something thats on par with say mordana or a tad above.   That would let small guilds raid and also learn the raids for when they do it on a larger scale without giving them uber loots or other spoils only a big guild could get.   It was just an idea floating through my head. It's not needed but it would probably add a level of fun to the game for small guilds and you wouldnt have to code much from my standpoint. You would just have to take what is already there and scale it down and then figure out the trigger and loot table.
  10. Rev can you pm me in game on "Transcendence" next chance you get. Wanted to chat with you on something.
  11. Thank you for fixing this zack exploit wise. I hope kenu can change it back to tradable soon now that its resolved :)
  12. I do Agrippa solo multi boxing with 1 of each class. My only player interaction so far has been asking for help.
  13. Pardon the typos and words that don't make sense. Auto fails from my cell :/
  14. A simple buy/sell trader thread. Is it necessary? No. Would it be cool useful? Maybe. Think of it like a forum auction house. Rant #1 don't turn this into WoW. I'm not. Comment #1 we have a market channel so why why why? It would allow people to trade when they can't be in game due to work, or on their cell phone etc. They can't still access net 7 and mail items even if they can't play. In doing so they can also COD stuff. It would also allow people looking for hard to find rates or special trades more coverage to find the trades they want because more people would see it and also sometimes when you ask for stuff in game the person who would trade you may not be on. But they see your post later or from work etc and track you down in game later or pm or cod/mail you from net 7 or the forums. It could be another way to make players interact and trade and provide another level of entertainment etc. Like I said just a suggestion. I have a feeling most will see it as unneccesary and pointless but I figured its worth throwing out there and it would take very little time to implement. As johnny blaze once said "flame on!"
  15. Is there an eta on this? I looted this last night and am screwed ATM because its on a toon that has no build skills since I thought I could trade it to my TT therefore making it worthless as far as I can tell ATM. I tried to bring my tt when I seen bit didn't want it to pop. This is super annoying for me since I have wanted this recipe bad and always remembered it being readable and there like a dummy "assumed" it was. Yes I could keep trying on my TT now that I know but uhhgg. I'd rather hold onto it and pray some day less than 6 months from now it becomes tradable again.
  16. =/  what would jesus do?   ^_^
  17. I have to say I agree with points on both sides of the argument. I personally don't feel its a big enough issue to bother with adding myself even though it would probably be like a 30 min or less thing for devs to add (purely guessing as a non coder total inter-dweeb). And yes its a feature in other channels but truth be told if someone wants to bad mouth someone they are going to find a way to do it period.   Using myself as an example most people know me in game as Transcendence or possibley Supremacy. I can be annoying or say controversial things sometimes like anyone else but generally keep the peace. One day though about 3 weeks ago a week after first getting the game someone said the wrong thing on the wrong day and I blew up into a cussing fest, first in guild then in new player chat.  I DO wish smeone would of gagged me then because it might of spared me from saying what I did to get banned but at the end of the day it was still on me 100%.   I'm always in favor of more tools/features. I feel this one is more "fluff" than really needed though. If people annoy you block em, if they annoy the guild tell them to chill. If they don't chill kick them for 24 hours and say they can reapply to the guild again tomorrow and this is a warning. If they are a repeat offender ban them from your guild etc.   If people wanna trash talk your guild to the public they will find a way like I said, regardless. Only a GM can gag them for good and knowing Black he doesn't put up with that kinda BS and will usually just temp ban someone (trust me i know i got 72 hrs fr a first offense). So ya. Would it be cool, sure! Is it necessary at the moment, no.  If dev's are up for it and its a quick add I'd say go for it. Otherwise it just takes away from other things they could be doing.   TL:DR - Good idea maybe down the road but not needed right now unless its a quick add and devs/players vote yes which i doubt they will imo.   P.S. And that's my unbiased opionion from both sides. Sorry if I repeated myself, or rambled, or you are sitting here like huh? I'm an old man 31 and I just woke up :)
  18. For flying nerds look up "war thunder" also free mmorpg flying game ww2 etc. For mech nerds lookup "mech warrior online"   Nerds of the world unite!
  19. Agreed if the devs have any controll over this. We havent raided in almost 2 full weeks now at the main 3 raids due to restarts and timer refreshes. Its made a few people take a break from the game till i t gets resolved due to frustration. Any mutual gound that can be gained on that would be appreciated =/
  20. You find yourself a nice little inmate and start a life together :)
  21. Wow that k you so Mich for all the info this helps tremendously guys especially pak :)
  22. Which ones currently respawn on restart? Some seem like they do and others don't.
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