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Everything posted by Luciferish

  1. Sleven broke it again....   I should qualify the statement.. I was given notice, by a credible source, that if I blame Sleven for everything I will be correct more often than not... :) <3
  2. Yes, Joe, I like that option, but we'll have to see if we can get the Devs tinker with it.. Thanks for including the link.. Hopefully the webdevs see it..
  3. Liucee is from a long long time ago.. in a galaxy far far away... And it derives from an RL nickname I have had since I was very young.. Lucy - Luci - Liucee (Derived for EnB for an Asian feel to match my Jenny hull)    I have had others over many games, but this is one of my first Online names, dating back to 1989 and an old MUD called EotL. And I have other toons that are not named Luci at all.. all incognito to everyone because I am sneaky like that.   K-thanks-my-2-bits.  ;)
  4. As for the level of the device.. I have seen it suggested to have a lower level of these items then possibly upgrading them later.  Would it be possible that this "Specialization NPC" could check for OL of the player + has XXX item in the hold.  if XXX item < level expectoed for player OL then offer to exchange it for new item at upgraded level? Perhaps even require the player to have a level specific component in inventory in addition to the item so the item build can be done?  Just like we do with a PM object now?
  5. I have not found a good way to hide sections.. perhaps we can just create a "SPOILER" document that contains exact steps to a mission and such, then link it out of the overview document that is just a start pointer for the mission. 
  6. The gates to the newbie starter sectors were always locked to the class/race that started in them.  Each of these sectors had a link to the SOL home sector (Mars, Jupiter and Earth) and then had a second gate to the "Newbie" area designated.. for JD it was Swooping Eagle.. JE it was Kailaasa, TT it was New Edinburgh and so forth.. If I recall it has been like that since Original Beta..
  7. See, this is a man with the right priorities... <3
  8. I would say that the SECTOR that they spawn in is OK.. and even perhaps the location if it is a Raid location... However the idea that information that players have should be kept secret will lead to someone publishing it someplace else anyway and with effort can be found.  With the sector surveys I am working on it will say what MOBs spawn in the sector, but not necessarily which nav or the exact locations... What the mobs drop is no secret really... If you ask on New Player channel, for example there is a fair chance someone will just tell you where it is... what drops it and what the spawn rate is like... There are some issues with some missions (Agrippa) in which the Dev that authored them has threatend to change them every time a full walkthrough has been posted... I have no idea as I have refused to delve into the Agrippa content... The Devs can edit this Wiki as well as we can.. If they don't want the data there, so be it... If you don't want the "Spoiler" then don't go looking at the Wiki... simple as that.. Some of us don't care about the "Spoiler" aspect, we just want to know about a mission and how ugly it will be, before we start it and get up to our eyes in something we can't do...
  9. And the devices used for Call Forward.. those are used up when ANOTHER player executes a command.. can't be that hard to retool that, is it?
  10. Oh, I agree 100%.  But there are many that are on devices that they swap... this could be reduced, freeing up cargo capacity for ammo/loot and reduction in the PITA aspect of Progen Warriors.  PS/PP don't have anywhere near the problem as PW does..
  11. Some thought needs to go into Progen items created in the future... Due to a lack of device slots on PW, they need to get activated buffs from other items, so when you design new items intended for PW use, consider the needs of the activated patchs.  PWs have to haul a number of devices and swap them out periodically.  They have limited cargo slots, limited device slots and needs of several buffs due to the fact that they pull agro from half way across a sector.  Please keep this in mind for their sake. 
  12. I will continue to tinker with it... Just a bit of a perfectionist and that can be detrimental at times.. :) Thanks for the info though...
  13. We can create templates and set them up, but we can't lock them in easily (Protect).  But a kind message to devs and they can do that for us... I am just not very good at MediaWiki Templates so I have not managed to design any yet.
  14. Taking these kinds of issues to public channels for more than an initial complaint is more of a detriment to the game than the suspected KS offense.  There are ways in game to handle abuse and problems via the help system.  Screenshots, posted or PMed to a GM via this forum is also a viable option.   Continued and incessant argument and complaint on a public channel to which the offending party is probably not listening to, ignoring or getting their rocks off because that is how trolls and griefers operate, is not going to help anyone and causes a general feeling of negativity toward the person making the complaint.  It is just not a good idea.  Yes, we all have to vent, I am not saying a gripe now and then is out of line.  But having fights in public channels, especially New Players or Market channels is bad for everyone.  New or returning players may get the sense that this is acceptable and either quit playing or repeat this poor behavior.   Gripes -> General -> Forum -> GM/HGM via PM or Forum PM.   If the offender is in a guild you may want to request a discussion with a guild leader/officer.  Often they will intervene because they don't want their guild associated with that kind of thing.  When I've had problems with specific people from a guild I always inquire around and find out who runs the guild.  I get two things from this... The person offending gets a talking to and if I am polite, articulate and not a general pain the butt, the guild leader may even become someone I can call upon for other things later on.    There are mature, generally adult ways to handle these issues.  Most of the people playing EnB EMU are adults, most of us well into our 30s and 40s.  If you approach a problem with a cool head, maturity and good manners you will often find it comes out very well in the end. 
  15. I've been working on it!  Just pick a project and go with it.. once we get the core put together we can start to get specifics.. just don't waste much time with things that are avail in the DB.. missions, drops, etc.. lets get all that stuff going!
  16. wow, everyone is showing theirs... Did someone have a tape measure? Oh, never mind a small ruler will do.. :P
  17. I think there are a few people who feel strongly that guilds have a strong hold on all of the upper level eq and hunting spots...   It stands to reason, the big guilds have a lot of people, some of whom are very well setup for raiding and super-uber solo playing... They camp things and others feel out gunned...   Now we've all had the odd incident where people jump into a spawn we've been camping, or arrived at a popular spot and gotten started just to find out someone just ran to get ammo and came back, or something.  In most, if not all, of these cases a quick discussion can lead to a resolution...   Guilds are organized, they have goals and ambitions, it is all about resources and sharing/hoarding in equal measure...   I dislike guilds, but not for those reasons.. I just can't stand the internal politics and being forced in some cases to deal with people I'd rather not... So I solo play...   Hours upon hours upon hours of me messing around with my toons and my in game projects keeps me quite happy... I have friends that are in guilds and even some guild leaders that have helped me out from time to time with things I can't do with out a guild... there are ways to find plenty of Post 150 things to do without raids and without the super-uber equipment... Yeah I'd love to have a GoD beam on all of my Jennies.. but for what I do it is just a "Would be nice" since I don't raid I don't need that extra 10% damage output...   It is all about perspective.. The solo player game is different than the small guild game and that is still different from the Big Guild game... Playing solo and thinking like a big guild raider will lead you to feel unsatisfied... You want the raid goodies, you want all that.. join a guild that raids.. and with that you have to accept the guild and all its glory/headaches... it is the price you pay for all the toys...
  18. Well from the way I see it, there are only a few resources left that are well maintained.. those are closed systems that only one person or a select few can update... This Wiki is open to all and part of Net-7 so it won't go away as long as the EMU is around.. so... It makes sense that we start to consolidate some info.. ENBMaps.DE is not going to be able to be reproduces, but we can certainly link out to it.. as long as it is there...  61cygni has a great deal of info, but it is Shea's baby and not easily updated except by her.  There is a great deal of info out there that just plain needs to be updated... and we are soon going to diverge from the "Live is holy" mentality and the new things need to be documented SOMEWHERE.    If you can plug info into a WIki, pick a project and document it... Evenually this will be the most up to date resource for info that isn't already available on Net-7 main site.. i.e. Item info youc an get from the DB is not needed in the Wiki...
  19. WH devices... Single Use, would allow any player to WH to various sectors that are not on the normal JE WH skill.  i.e. Nostrand Vor Planet.  The use of this WH would have the same effect on trade goods as the JE skill, so it would not be useful for trade runs.. 1M credits a pop seems fair, L5 Devices to keep them in the mid-range of player levels. Also not able to WH to sectors that are secured by Faction/race gates.. i.e. a WH device to Io would have to be Jenquai Explorer only..   Nostrand Vor planet. Ragnarok Earth Sector Margesi, Proxima Zwihander Mercury   Others may be added, the point of the devices is to get access to content in those sectors but not be overly convenient. The current gate network and WH wefts are fine if you are a JE and really know your way around, but these would make it easier to access missions in those areas and use of the content.  Many players do not even explore these sectors because they are so remote.   Some additional thoughts... Make the devices unique.. so a player can't fill their hold/vault with them.. one WH device per and it is individual WH not a group object... (Like RTB)   Level of the device can be used to restrict the level of the player able to use it.. up to L8, for obvious race/class restrictions.  i.e. an L8 device can be made for Cooper.
  20. Not being fully aware of the limitations of the system it is very easy to over reach possibility... Then the only other viable option would be an external system, perhaps meshed in with Net-7.  One of the tabs on an avatar could be "Missions available" or something like that.    The missions themselves must have some kind of table or database entry by which the system can check for missions completed and a table entry of which missions an avatar has not completed would be easy to extrapolate.  A couple of small queries should be able to spit that info out on the Avatar pages easily enough.   Personally having leveled up several 150s at this point I can say there are aspects of it that are tedious, but I don't think 150 should be easy, it should take work.  The easiest routes are not always the fastest but it is often very tedious.  The fastest routes involve grouped efforts and skipping a great deal of content.  My idea here is to setup a suggested path of development that is a mix of missions, jobs and good old group combat, tours and trade runs that will just diversify the activities of a developing player rather than accelerate their growth.
  21. In response to Darkk's post... Missions (Quests) that are level appropriate... Why can't we have an NPC, or a racial NPC at each of the home stations, that can direct us to content... If you query the NPC it checks to see if you have run X mission previously, if you have the minimum required level, faction and pre-requsite missions and then tells the player simply.. "NPCx on station Y has a mission for you" or similar.. not new missions, just a guided push in the right direction... if you ask the NPC a second time immediately after accepting or refusing a mission he selects another that you are capable of... Ideally when this NPC runs out of work for you to do, you've done every mission possible, at least once, for your class, race, level, faction ratings.    In cases with faction it would also be nice if the NPC could inform the player "If you had more x faction you could perform x job for NPC y at station Z" or similar, so the player would know he has new content available if he raises a particular faction.    The point of this being it would be great for when a new mission is made available as well as the dozens of missions that no one even knows about.  It becomes tedious to go to each station and talk to every NPC over and over in hopes of finding something to do. I would love to be able to level a toon solely on mIssions, it would take a long time, sure, but it would be fun...
  22. I think these are valid concerns.. deserving of their own posts.. being a comment on this one probably is not the best way to be heard.   The OP had a concern and an idea to solve that concern... He posted it.. it is a great idea, but you are right, there are other concerns.. there always will be... But I am glad the OP posted, it shows people are always looking for ways to improve things!   You should go down your list, make a post and put in some ideas how the devs can correct them, they may or may not be able to do them, but at least the idea is out there for debate...
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