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  1. It's very sad when my toons are locked in a machine very far away, and all they want to do is play! Servers back up!
  2. Just highlight that box and type it in, or highlight the word play and type sunrise...
  3. Is it just an oversight it's not updating automatically, or do we need to d/l something to move to 2.01? Thanks!
  4. Put me down for $200 per year!

  5. They updated last night, so I would assume this is the debug for that update. But I did see Ranko online, it's probably his fault. You know I'm jus' messin' Ranko...and while I'm at it, could you keep this up for the rest of the weekend? I have pneumonia and need something to do. Thanks!
  6. This has worked for me... If everything is turned to run as administrator, and you can't login from within the game: Click the button on the launcher called Local Cert Login When you logout make sure to uncheck the local cert option as it should correct the issue.
  7. Ouch, I'm assuming it's down for the night. Guess I should check status before setting up the 3 workstations into 1 chair... Now what do I do? lol
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