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Everything posted by fuulishone

  1. Tienbau announced in game that a quick restart was coming to fix some bugs. Should be back up shortly.
  2. Dunno, someone mentioned those. Would be great for faction and post-150 skill points.
  3. Keep in mind the bright side of today's downtime... There's someone actively working on the problem. They know it's a code issue, which takes time to diagnose and then fix, so that's a good thing. And once everything's back up, level 135 and 150 jobs will be working!
  4. This thread has lost it's way... The key issues with the contest event were: 1) The rules were changed from game start to award time, probably due to CL50 Terrans whining about lowbies showing up to grab the hellbore. Unfortunately for Tasha as well as those Terrans, the original stated rules were that any could show up and they could do what they wanted with the prize, use it, sell it, give it away. There was no level restriction stated, nor ability to use level 9 missiles required. This changed the game dynamic immensely. Some folks went off and made level 1 Terrans to fly to Earth to find her after she announced she was hiding in Earth. Some folks had switched to their closer alts to save travel time. If the original statement had required ability to use the item, it would have solved things a bit. 2) Somewhere along the way once a ton of folks showed up on Tasha's doorstep, it seemed apparent that she was getting a ton of tells and getting frustrated. At that point she started telling Jenqs and Progens to go away as well as lowbies. There were folks that wouldn't leave, and for good reason since this was an obvious change to the rules that was unannounced. It was at this point that she started threatening players with using GM powers to send them away. Someone on General chat was mouthing off a bit and in response there was a generic statement made by Tasha along the lines of "piss me off and you'll wake up to a level 1 toon". I don't have the chat log, so I don't have the exact wording. 3) Contests that involve a disparity of rewards will always cause drama. It shows a particular lack of common sense/sensitivity to hold a game where the prizes were Hellbore, Asperity of the Master and Reaver, and think that's reasonable. Regardless of how folks want to defend it, Hellbore is not currently available to players and should NEVER be used in any game/contest no matter the justification. It doesn't matter if a GM/Dev looted it themselves. It's just going to cause drama. The AotM and Reaver are fine since they are on the loot tables and currently available to the general public. Perhaps it would've been better to award a mappable bile ml instead of the Hellbore. There wouldn't be the imbalance in terms of rarity/quality of the loot. Or better yet, awards could've been the three tradeable weapons from Blackbeard (Black Streak, Spitter, Caster). At least they would come from the same source and are all equally available or unavailable to the public. I think GM events are great things. They just need to evolve. Mistakes can be forgiven, but one has to learn from those mistakes and move forward and improve so the next one will be more fun and rewarding, for both the players and the event sponsor. I can't help but feel that Tasha is now going to be shy about running games and for good reason, when all that was needed was just a little bit of planning and common sense prior to the event. Anyways, sorry for rambling.
  5. @Op - I think for emu purposes the current state of analysis (while frustratingly streaky) is pretty good. Again, I can understand the pain of finally seeing a Spite drop and then failing the map, or some other rare mappable drop, but as with most things in this game, *it will drop again*. In live we had the benefit of the Ego matrix items, Terminal Controllers, Duct Tape, station faction, and according to some folks, grouping bonuses. We don't have those right now, but we'll get there. I think all of those, once implemented, will naturally improve the analysis process such that there wouldn't be a need to do any sort of one-time IWIN analysis mission.
  6. I wanted to clarify my previous statement about "not all the code is in the WebSVN" so as to remove any negative connotation that I may have inadvertantly conveyed. From the SVN, I don't currently see such things as Unix style start/stop scripts, database load scripts and things of this nature. Anyone not fully versed with starting a server process would need to build these themselves or ask for them in order to run their own private server. This is not the sort of thing one would expect to exist in an SVN, so I apologize if I accidentally made it sound like something was hidden on purpose. That was not my intent.
  7. IIRC, back in live, EoD was a random drop in FB similar to the Bile weapons. DG drop rate in live was reasonably *high* in that at least one would drop every 3-4 raids. There were droughts of course, and there were odd times when two would drop, so YMMV. (Again, all this is coming from swiss cheese memory from several years ago...)
  8. O.o does this mean "read between the lines, these are now dropping"?
  9. 1. Add a feature request to implement custom channels. 2. Once it's in, create and join it. 3. Invite all your friends to join that channel, and subsequently turn off all the others. 4. Win. Alternatively, as has been stated elsewhere, just walk away. Or in game terms, turn off the channel. Imagine you're at work near the water cooler/lunch lounge/whatever. Co-workers are discussing random things (religion, war, sex, politics, whatever) so what do you do? Walk away? Tell them to move the convo elsewhere? Or tell them that it's inappropriate to talk about anything other than work in the workplace? Seriously...
  10. Anyone happen to know the amount of plasma debuff from a lvl 9 chim at 200%?
  11. In a nutshell, all public documentation regarding how to setup a private server disappeared a while ago. I believe it was when the forums site blew up and had to be rebuilt. Also at that time, the code base for private was for an empty universe with no code to spawn mobs or anything like that. Now... If you want to basically bring up your own Emu-verse of current stuff, you'd need to actually get a copy of all the code (including the database info). As far as I know, the WebSVN doesn't currently have all the code base in it, so you'll need to obtain the rest of the stuff from someone intimate with the inner workings. Having said that, it's quite an undertaking to bring up a live private server, and there's already a splinter group doing that. If you truly desire to bring up your, you may want to try and ask around and see if the splinter group is willing to help you out. P.S. Personal opinion here, I don't care for the further fracturing of the community base that would result from having private server. But I won't give you the run around either, so good luck with your endeavors.
  12. That only works if you're a solo builder. And even then if you don't time it exactly right you'll end up with a run of 143% CFBs (just ask Aly ). I found a better method tho... 1) Find a couple other high level builders and group them. 2) Get someone in the group to preload RNG and randomly build 10 items to flush out the bad rolls. Don't use a max build category (so anyone that only has level 1 devices in addition to a level 9 build should use devices). 3) Now... right as the click of the last level 1 item is clicked, immediately follow up with the click on your analyze/build button. Oh one last thing, if this is on a Friday, make sure you do the synchronized voodoo dance in the Joves disco room first. Good luck!
  13. What is your VM guest's network setting? NAT or bridged connection? Also what is the host's network connection? Wireless or wired and how many different networks do you have on that machine?
  14. Assuming you're a JD, you currently have the following beams to choose from at level 9 (these were available all through ST4, though some drops may have changed in the last week or so, YMMV): Non-manu: Asperity of the Master - 90.5 dps, Energy, 6.0 reload (FB) Black Streak - 216.67 dps, Energy, 3.6 reload (BBG) Eye of the Dark One - 78 dps, Plasma, 3.5 reload (FB) Eye of the Fang Field - 85.87 dps, Plasma, 7.5 reload (Desash) Glare of Devastation - 139.55 dps, Plasma, 11.0 reload (FB) Manu: Emerald Devastator - 133.89 dps (200%), Plasma, 10.8 reload (Controller, no-trade, player PM only) Golden Dragon Laser San - 129 dps (200%), Energy, 4.0 reload (drop from CL50 Bio-Extractors) Orange Dragon Laser M9 - 124.13 dps (200%), Energy, 4.0 reload (Joves vendor) Pitbull Sr. - 99.83 dps, (200%), Plasma, 9.0 reload (FB/PM) Purple Dragon Laser M9 - 124.0 dps (200%), Energy, 6.0 reload (Joves vendor) You have 5 different non-manu and 4 true manu beams available to choose from. The one additional manu beam (Emerald Devastator) can only be rebuilt by the player that's going to use it. Good luck and enjoy mixing them up for buffs and such.
  15. Rip duct tape from an item from the level 5 comp vendor at Somerled. Also, nix on the guaranteed analysis. Chance of failure is a good thing. And yes I understand how it sucks to fail an analysis (especially back in live when you had to win/loot at least three DG's before you could map and build a 200% one), but I think the benefit of having chance based outweighs the loss of the item. It's a driving element and keeps the game interesting.
  16. I wasn't referring to you specifically, but was just making a general comment about those folks that chose to pipe in with irrelevent comments about things that have no bearing to the original question. Look at it like this... If a group of Static members (and you guys know how to play, and are quite well geared) lose a mob kill credit to a solo player, no matter how well geared he is, wouldn't that make you sit there and ask yourself, is there something wrong with the system? If it's a solo 150 PW with max gear versus a mixed group with vendor lvl 8s/9s, then yea maybe... But applying a little bit of common sense to it... A solo 150 shouldn't be able to get the credit kill on a contested mob if he's up against a full group of lvl 8+ weps. Just look at the gear. Some of the arguments for why it might happen completely gloss over the fact that is smells like a broken mechanic or game/skill imbalance. I just think the issue bears looking into objectively as it may affect others on the server in adverse ways.
  17. Some folks in this community care way too much about what others are doing (right or wrong) and not enough about moving forward and creating a stable, reasonably bug-free and enjoyable game. Folks... please ask yourselves honestly. Do you harbor any ill feelings toward certain members in the community? If you do, will this cloud your ability to communicate and post objectively? Again, if so then please just restrain yourselves from posting in direct response to these people. The worst thing for everyone is to have threads that may actually serve some bug tracking/fixing purpose cluttered with personal attacks and drama. Regardless of the conduct of the players involved, if this was posted by anyone else in a different context, I'm willing to bet that the responses would have been a lot less heated and a lot more constructive.
  18. Don't think he's killing BBG in 15 seconds or less, but he's probably doing more dps in the time BBG is alive than any *SINGLE* player that's also attacking him. If this is the case, then that means kill credit isn't going the group that did the most damage, but simply the player. This premise would make it reasonable for a single player to outdps several groups easily if any of the groups don't have a single person that's got top level dps. I may not be expressing my idea properly, but it is a possibility.
  19. Seems a lot of personal tension and bias in this thread... At the end of the day, the better question to ask is, are there server logs of any type to determine the objective truth of the situation? We all know the UI doesn't properly show every single tick of damage on a mob, nor are ticks filtered in anyway (so you could be seeing your own or someone else's). Visual *proof* on screen or via FRAPS or whatever isn't sufficient. The only truly correct answer is to ask a GM/DEV type to see if there's anyway to track the actual damage taken on a mob and to verify 100% that the kill was credited properly. A more constructive way would to maybe schedule a time when a GM or DEV could standby and monitor a live kill to see if there's a bug in the crediting code.
  20. @Tienbau: Looking at the SVN update it looks like the minimum field respawn time has been hard set to 10 mins for lvl 1-3 fields, 12 mins for lvl 4-5, 15 mins for lvl 6, 20 mins for lvl 7, 30 mins for lvl 8-9 fields? Is this correct? Am I reading the code properly? If it is indeed what's intended, then that seems to be going in the opposite direction of unnerfing mining and making it even more onerous. Certainly a 5 min respawn on lvl 8/9 is bad, but 30 mins? With as few lvl 9 fields as there are out there (as well as many of them not containing any lvl 9 ore at all) why would a minimum 30 minute respawn be a good thing?
  21. Do you currently have the tools to do triggered or escalating spawns yet?
  22. It's a hidden nav ENE of the station. Come out of the station and freewarp in an easterly, slightly north direction until you get the nav point revealed on your map.
  23. Personally I'm looking for fields that fall into these three major categories: 1) Very safe, afk-able fields just to relax in. I don't care about the spread of level or rare-ness of the ores or the respawn time. These are just for kicking back and enjoying the life of a miner. These fields are appropriately contentious since many leveling miners will want to go here, and quite frankly, that's alright. 2) Solo or duo-able fields (duo by a miner and one other class, not necessarily a warrior type) that require pre-clearing of guardians before one can mine. These would be the equivalent of folks that go to Cooper/Antares to farm. They farm mobs, I farm guardians and ore. I would expect mob respawn to be reasonable, maybe 3-4 minutes delay after the last guardian is cleared, or perhaps escalating guardians. I would expect a narrower band of roids and levels, and a moderate amount of rare ores. Some level appropriate rarely spawning hulks would be nice. 3) The concept of a group quality field where a dedicated warrior and healer is required to clear the guardians fast enough for mining. Guardian respawns should be reasonable, say 1-2 minutes after last guardian is cleared, with appropriately difficult guardians. (A field with 20% level 9 roids should have CL52 guardians, a 100% level 9 field should have CL60 guardians as a guideline.) These fields are meant for multiple miners and a protection team working together to effectively mine them. They should also have a very narrow band of ore types as well as a high *drop* rate of some of the rarest ores.
  24. @Bowling What you say is true, except that the mechanic of regging somewhere and then suiciding to shorten the return time is available to anyone that wanted to do so, so thus it was balanced. Engines and warp and what not make no difference. You're only shortening one leg of the trip and really, what's the point of slowing everyone down other than to make a grind game? Again, if the issue was shortcutting trade runs, there's ways to deal with that that doesn't require auto-registration, and I've posted those before several times already. At the end of the day I don't care all that much, but I do feel this is one of those "could've been approached differently" type of things. *shrugs*
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