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Beta Tester [BT]
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Everything posted by Terrell

  1. Welcome back to the game.  We can never have too many players.  The missing classes that weren't in the original game are here now, there are 3 new systems, one for each missing class.  There are other sectors that weren't in the original.  You can find instructions here if you want to play as a Terran Scout, Progen Privateer, or Jenquai Seeker.
  2.   The idea has some promise, and may make the reactor lines less confusing.  Solar Flare or something star related for the Nova line sounds like it would work.   For the Unicorn II you would probably need to pick a different name, but the idea makes sense.  Pegasus is already taken by a line of Sundari engines (pretty good travel engine).  The Cooler / More Cooler thing is something that Tada-O uses in it's equipment names, but the reactors in question are by Good Earth Trading Company.  
  3. Agrippa on my PW, doesn't seem too hard, yet.
  4. Had an E&B dream last night. In said dream the Christmas mission came out in August, because it was that long & tough you'd need then until Christmas to finish it.
  5. No it doesn't actually raise the JT's psionic resistance.  I don't know if it's an error in the device's description, or in the device's buffs, but good catch, Stevinium.
  6.   Interesting, I agree with the concept.  Would like more description on what those items do, and who gets to use them.  I do think that for the support classes, each bringing things that are unique & helpful for any group content, is a good thing.  So I do think that like the JE & TT, the JT, Scout, and PT should have some unique buffs to bring.  Also the PT is still missing a L7 skill, don't know what they should get for that, but definitely something that's nice & PT only.   I do think that over time alternate equipment does increase interest in raids, and the equipment in most cases shouldn't be spectacular.  Common buffs, for the character in question (race, profession, class),  that allows different equipment combinations, to set up a character to do what you want. I'm thinking of players with mediocre to good equipment, but not awesome equipment, have more than one way to set up their character effectively.  I love the Good Earth Trading Company's Jaguar line for this.  A few awesome things, but mostly things that are merely "desirable" or "good".  Things like the GoD or DG would qualify as awesome, while the Jaguar line would be "good" or "desirable".  Except for the awesome things, I could also agree with them dropping, albeit rarely, outside of the raids.
  7.   If it were a device effect, where she had to bring one set for say the Controller or Mordana, but a different one for the Fishbowl or the Tada-O gate, I'd understand.  But what's the point of adding a skill to the JT that only helps her go to one type of raid, but not others?  Doesn't make her any more likely to be able to get the non-tradeable loot from those raids where said skill doesn't help.
  8. The Psi Shield that the JT had up to the end of ST3 was no different than the JW's skill.  I do think that a ward for the JT that makes her, her & the group, or who she targets is fine, especially if it stacks with Psi Shield from the JW.  Before they would not have stacked, since they were the same skill.  I strongly doubt that the developers will remove Scan from any Jenquai class, since all Jenquai get scan on the basis of their explorer racial traits.  I think giving it as a device effect would be better in that it doesn't cost the JT a skill to be able to do this.  If it's a replacement for Reactor Optimization, where Reactor Opt becomes the JT's L135 skill, I'm okay with that, but I think it's better if they get something else there.  (it would effectively give the JT 2 more things to do, counting the ward, single or group with an unknown improvement to the class.)   I thought Dispel worked as a JT device effect because it's a type of heal, remove debuffs from affected players.  With Hacking taking your skills offline, Dispel would put them back online as soon as the JT used it on you.  It would be unique to the JT so no other class can bring the effect.  It's not something that stops Mobs from casting skills, that would be Disable (Silence in D&D type games), which I agree fits the Scout better; however, I think that the JW will ultimately will get Disable as their 135 skill.
  9. I do think that the JT should have some offensive skills (and debuffs) but anything w/r/t hull damage would be useful in more situations if it were defensive in nature (would also fit the PT more than the JT).  An offensive skill that targets enemies hulls would only work against mechanical opponents like the Controller, in the Fishbowl it would be useless.
  10. Check the sector maps on the N7 portal.  The sector maps list any starbases or ships you can potentially land on, which terminals are available, and who owns the station.  It's possible that they changed it on the Portal but not in game, or the other way around, in which case one or the other is wrong.  I do like the idea of Jove's Fury being owned by the Sharim. 
  11. I was thinking in terms of devices, as that's one of the ways that the JE helps, with various JE Only devices.  The reactor transfer devices come to mind first.  One of the HtM rewards, that was purchasable through passes was the power augmenter devices, JE Only, that increased reactor cap.   The problem, w/r/t skills, is that there is a limit to what can be done.  Unless the JT is going to be allowed to have more than the 17 skills the other classes have (counting the Techs as skills) plus 1 L135 skill, she can't add another L7 skill without losing a skill.  The JT currently has 17 skills and is only short her L135 skill.  The PT is the only class that's a L7 skill short (the Scout has his 17 skills too, and is only missing a L135 skill).  Hence the idea of JT only devices with new buffs to make her more valuable.
  12.   It was originally Sharim, they changed it to Sha'ha'dem.  There were people who killed many RD, not realizing that killing either RD or Sharim, cost standing with both factions (was the same in EnB Origins). These players could no longer land at Jove's Fury.  At the time of the change, they also changed RD/Sharim interaction so that killing one doesn't lower the faction of the other.
  13. Thinking of the ideas mentioned in this thread, I could see a way to work with the JT.  Some combination of the following:   Potential equipment for the JT (not necessarily all of the equipment)   Based on Reon's idea:   L3-L9 device with a damage ward (activated).  At L9 with 200% quality, the device would reduce incoming damage by 10% for 10 seconds with a cool down comparable to the Martyr's Heart.  Energy use would be a little higher than a debuffer of the same level.  As the device quality or level is lower, the degree and duration of the buff is shortened.  Device would pull minimal to moderate agro.   Device would have a 2nd buff at L5, Device Damage Control (equip), and at L9 Device Energy Conservation.  The debuff at L5, L6, and L9 would be increase mass 10%.   Based on Phorlaug's idea (though I think I've seen others with this idea as well):   L3-L9 device Hull Regeneration.  The device would slowly repair hit points to the hull of a single target.  No group restriction.  The amount of hull restored per second and the duration of the buff would increase as device level & quality increases.  Not sure how long the L9 one should last.  Cool down would be about 5 seconds longer than existing debuffers.  Device would not pull as much agro as a cast of Hull Patch, but wouldn't be as effective.   Device would have 2nd buff at L5, Reduce Signature, and at L9 Improved Reactor Optimization (duration increased) Debuff at L5, L6, and L9, Beam Friction (10% more energy consumption for beams)   My Dispel Idea as a L3-L9 line of devices:   Dispel device would remove debuffs on a single target, would have a cool down & energy use comparable to existing debuffers of the same level.  Debuff for L5, L6, and L9 would be weapon damage magnification (10%).  2nd buff would be Improved Scan, 3rd buff Increase Reactor Cap.  There would be a failure chance on debuff removal, but the chance would lower as the device level or quality increases. Device would pull moderate agro.    L3-L9 device buff Skill Efficiency.  Would do ONE of the following, Increase skill range, increase skill chance to hit, or decrease energy use by skills.  Cool down, energy use, and duration would be comparable to an "animal skin" device of the same level & quality.  (animal skin devices being those explorer only devices that give activated deflect buffs) Device would pull very little agro.   Range on all of these devices would be comparable to a Coma device of the same level.  All of these devices would be manufacturable, tradeable, and unique.   All potential devices have activated primary buffs.   Possible skills: (one of the following)   Confuse:  L1 skill Makes skill use by enemies less efficient.  Increased likelihood that skill will fail to hit or be interrupted.  (could be redone a L7 skill while Reactor Opt becomes L1) Pulls agro comparable to a debuffer.   Distract: L1 skill, makes enemy weapon use less effective (less damage or less accurate, but not both).  Decreases damage or accuracy of enemy weapons.  (Can also be a L7 skill, where reactor optimization becomes L1.) Pulls agro comparable to a debuffer.   Salvage L1 skill.  5% chance that mob will drop 1 more piece of equipment, if JT is in group credited with kill.  10% chance of 1 additional junk item, if JT is in group that is credited with the kill.  One or the other can occur with a kill, but not both.  (percentage chance may need to be lower)  Passive skill, pulls no agro.   These things could also be divided between the JT and the Scout.
  14. Any idea on whether it makes a difference, during the quality grind, if you're at a base where you're well liked, as compared to a base that you can just barely use?  Dismantles, do they have an effect on either build quality, or dismantle success?  Anything you've noticed on these fronts?  I understand that once you've got your build quality up to where you can get 200%, but aren't so good that you can get it almost every time, regardless of faction or parts, I could see how going to Jove's would be my JT's best bet, since my Sha'ha'dem faction is above +10K.
  15. Need to work on build quality for TT, Scout, and PT. Finish off for JT.
  16. Thanks for the information Magoo.  I've built 1794 L1 Jupiter reactors, and 484 L2 Gallina reactors with my JT. I can currently build the L9 Jaguar at 200% with PM parts with some inconsistency on her.  My guess is that beam likely has a fairly low difficulty of build stat.  Will do the same with Scout, PT, and TT.  I'm hoping that the Gaze of Amah won't have too high a build difficulty, so I don't have to make 2000 low level reactors on my JE.  On the Jupiter reactors I dismantled each one that I built.   When doing the build grind, did you use a base where you faction was good, or where it was poor?  I built the Gallinas at Jove's Fury, and most of the Jupiter reactors at Queen Anne's Revenge.  QAR is the lowest faction (+3206) base I can land at that has both Build & Analyze terminals.  (Progen Combine & Terran Alliance are lower, but don't have both terminal types)   Jove's Fury is one of my best faction bases.  Sha'ha'dem +15298, Shinwa +14825, Sharim +14059.
  17. Or the Reactor Optimization could become the JT's L135 skill, and another L7 skill to replace Reactor Optimization.  Kenu first mentioned that as a possibility but I can't seem to find the thread where he did.   Edit: Found it.   If Reactor Opt was the L135 skill, then it should have the effect it currently has after the player has spent 21 skill points on it.   The question, that should be addressed here, is if we move RO to the L135 skill, what would be a great support skill to replace it with?   On the issue of JT improvement I think that it will take both some skill change & some new JT only buffs.
  18. The JT did have Psionic Shield back in ST3, at the end of it they removed the skill in favor of Build Reactors.  I agree that the JT needs something to bring her up to speed.  I think that a new device effect called Dispel would help on a JT only line of devices.  The purpose of such a line of devices, is the removal of debuffs from players. I'd give it a cool down period comparable to our current debuff devices.
  19. Not so sure about that one, but beware of being hacked.  Mob's hacking of players is more powerful than the original game, as it can also take your skills offline.
  20. Saturday was a great day. Got a Scientist's Data Cube, recipe for the Destroyer's Gleam, and a Critical on the Made to Live (first try)
  21. Thank you Ralen.  Looks like I can be happy with my PT as well.
  22. I don't understand this either, so I'll break down what I'd like to know into a few questions:   I have a OL74 PW, who has received her L50 Hull Upgrade, but hasn't done the Agrippa missions as of yet.  Is she still able to do the mission, including the ones that you have to turn in tokens for.  She's very close to reaching OL75, will she lose any ability to do Agrippa or Token missions if she makes that level but doesn't do her hull upgrade.  The mission "who turned out the ..." would be an example.   I have an OL84 PT who has received her L50 Hull, but hasn't done her L75 hull upgrade.  Can she qualify for all the missions, token/Agrippa related missions that she would otherwise qualify for, despite having passed OL75?  If she only qualifies for some of them, what's lost in her not qualifying for all of them?  Could she still do the mission "who turned out the ...", as an example?   Does being unable to do some Token missions, put some of the technology prints that would be obtained through Agrippa permanently out of reach?    Are the Agrippa missions prerequisites for future non-Agrippa missions?   I'm not going to re-roll any of my Progen characters for Agrippa.  I'll do without first.   My PE is sub OL30 so it's not an issue for her, yet.
  23. For items that are intended to be rare or awesome I would also have to agree with Efialtis.  I do think DGs should drop more often than GoDs, but I don't think it's unreasonable that you have to do the fishbowl several times for a single DG to drop (assuming you didn't get lucky & have it drop quickly).  Same for the Tada-O gate raid.  For items that are good or desirable, I could see in some cases, increasing drop rates.  Really depends on both the item in question & the current drop rate.  I do think that for every raid, major or minor, some things that are wanted should drop, but it doesn't have to be the best of the best items or say 1 or 2 of the best of the best per raid.
  24. I'm not sure how they did it, but on the JE the side mounts weren't even.  If you used the JW as an example with the points from left to right being.   1,2,3,4,5.   The JE looked like the points were.   1,3,4   Now the JE looks like the points are:   1,3,5   In EnB Origins the points were likely 2,3,4   Before:    I don't know how the devs did it, but the one on the right, they moved outwards so that the distance between each mount & the center was the same.   Here's a current picture of what a JE with all 3 mounts looks like.
  25. Can we please balance the TT's weapon mounts at the rank of Merchant Prince?       Moving the center mount over some would help, or putting both under the wing.
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