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Shield regeneration


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Always wondered why shields need to stop regenerating when they took damage?

Was it because it meant you could park your high powered ship AFK in a field and act as a damage magnet while low level players could pick off the MOBs?

Whatever the reason, it means combat is limited by your shield capacity alone, and not your shield capacity + shield regeneration.

So the buff shield regeneration is almost useless. The only point of it is to allow a player to get back into combat quicker while he waits out of range and regenerates.

With the amount of items that the progen sentinel has to buff shield regeneration, it does not take much imagination to realize that it probably was not meant to go down this way. Progen sentinel is one of the more useless classes because of this...

Also, the necessity of kiting was partly born out of the lack of shield regeneration in combat. With shield regeneration, perhaps Terrans can be played a bit differently?

This will enrich EnB combat greatly imo. Not all shields or shield regen items would need to be changed to this ofc. In-combat shield regeneration could perhaps be for a special type of relatively low-cap combat shield, or an (UBER?) device.

Just trying to let it be known that no shield regen is very retro and somewhat limits combat capabilities...

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Just my own two credits on the issue but I have to in general disagree. I think the reason why the shields do not regenerate in combat could in game be explained as the shield emitters are using most of their power to maintain integrity under fire. Out of combat having not to resist the various slings and arrows of your foes they are able to not just maintain shield integrity but restore the total shield strength back to the emitters full potential.

Also as far as a mechanics stand point I don't really see the issue. No man is an island and no ship should be invincible. I think if you change it so that shield regen happens at all times then the ships that have the ability to restore shields would have that use robbed of them (in a small or large part depending on the situation) in team situations. Their use in that capacity would be less needed. Also those classes which do have shield restoring capabilities could potentially solo things far, far more powerful then they should be able to. I know this is a super low level example but my TT I started recently was CL 3 taking on CL 7's. No shield restore used and only half of her Lv2 shields were gone by the end of the fight. Once ever 1-2 battles I had to restore my shields. If there was shield regen I could've easily fought CL10's no sweat, and this was just sitting there and tanking the damage. I was alt-tabbed to my TS mining at the same time so I wasn't kiting.

Imagine a 150+++ TT kiting stuff. If they had shield recharge and enough missiles, what couldn't they solo? Or hell a JT. They're already close to immortal from what I can tell as far as Traders go. That'd just be overkill.

And buff to shield regen abilities aren't so useless. As you said it helps you get back in the fight easier. For classes that do not have shield restore abilities and cannot kite well they usually have to rely on things like shield regen to gauge how long they go between combat. If it takes twice as long to regen, then that means it cuts their combat time down significantly.

And what's wrong with Terran's kiting anyways? Sorry if I am misreading but you say kiting seems born out of necessity due to lack of in combat shield regen. I have to disagree a bit. Even if shields did regen during combat at their normal rate....if you have weapons with a 360 firing arc and can fly away faster than an enemy, why not kite? I'd rather take no damage then take some damage whether or not I have the ability to regenerate that damage taken.

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Eviticus, your response assumes that this change would take place whilst leaving everything it affects untouched.

Rezwalker, do you really think the devs are that bad that they would let kewi (© Lannister) station have nearly unlimited shield regen while being fired at?

Ok maybe Byakhee would do something like that...:))

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I guess I mean to say I don't see what the problem is with the system right now. It doesn't seem to be broke, so I'm personally against trying to get people to fix it when funds and manhours on this project are short as is. Things work as is and you're talking about a moderately huge undertaking in re-balancing shield healing, tanking, and general survival in EnB.

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Suggestions can be ignored if they are too unrealistic. But if anything, this one would be a long term goal though throwing in a few crappy shields with this ability to muck about with would be a nice run up :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

the idea is cool, but a lot of things would have to be changed IMO.

like the other idea about resist, im thinking devs will be marking this as postponed

btw for reference, in live, with my lvl202 TT, and with the best setup & buffs i could gather for him alone, i could solo anything, but v'rix lvl65-66 and high end bosses. it just took a big while and required a lot of recharging. the EarthCorps lvl55+ were some of the hardest foes for me (EMP shots).

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