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Symbol of Loyalty

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Question for you, sir. My game time has been extremely limited as of late but I do try and keep up with things on the boards here as best I can.

But a week or so ago, I log in and head to Endraigo and Nord. Vor. City to see about getting the recurring mission, trying some of the build missions, picking up something new, and basically just checking out some of the newer content that has been added. But, the only NPC that would talk to me wanted me to go and get a whole bunch of L9 gasses.

It took my symbol of loyalty as a process of this mission. Now, the same guy in Primus wants the symbol of loyalty that he took from me.

My question is, how do I get my symbol back? It was my understanding the gasses gave me a mission token, not a symbol. Do I need to get a GM to restore my symbol or will turning in the gasses now give me a symbol?

I saw the thread where I could buy one, but do I really need to buy one now (after all mine was taken)?

Please give me some idea.



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For a month it gave a token, this was a temporary measure to introduce high-level players to tokens. No mission will now award tokens apart from the Master Promotion Mission. However, happily there is now another route for players.

Capture the Cargo (Currently) is a Repeated Mission.

It (Currently) requires a Mission Token to obtain.

It Rewards a Symbol of Loyalty.

Arx Magister has a Trader who will sell you a Tradable Unique Token for (currently) 50 million credits.

Convert this token (when brought, as GMs no longer need to give them out to players above level 135) using the special NPCs.

Then go and see Gratis Augustus Var to initiate Capture the Cargo.

Complete Capture the Cargo (soon you may well need friends because I may have wakened up the mobs) to obtain the Symbol.

Requirement: CL 50, Final Hull Level,

Give Symbol to start the Brimstone Mission.


Eventually Capture the Cargo will be the 'High Level Bonus Mission' on from the level 100-135 Token Mission requiring Shield Skill (6). Expect it to require Shields (9) for Capture the Cargo. Thats not build shields, thats Equip Shields. This is just advanced heads up, this change is not done yet.

This will mean that until you are able to equip level (9) shields you will be unable to do the repeatable mission for Capture the Cargo in 3-4 months time. On the plus side, as it will require an earlier mission that is unlocked with a Token, Capture the Cargo will just be able to be repeated without any tokens.

This is the aim for all Token Missions. Each mission will eventually unlock high level content but only if the skill is also at the high level. The NPCs with Nota in their name in Arx Magister give the starting Token Skill with Levels. Each of these will eventually give rise to additional high level content. Just don't expect vast experience rewards, these are secondary content to the main storyline, and will be fairly restricted in rewards.

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Byakhee I think you're missing my point here.

I had a Symbol of Loyalty for a very long long long time. The NPC, Gatekeeper took my symbol and gave me the gas mission.

Var didn't talk to me prior to the seeing Memnon (with the Symbol in my hold not in the vault) and after completing the gas mission for Memnon, I just get a ballista (which I have had printed since the day they were available) and NO token or symbol back. As a result, Var still won't talk to me.

Now I don't care about the credits or having to buy one, but my question, is this how the mission is suppose to be or is there something wrong? Was the fact that my Symbol was taken by Memnon just a matter of timing and between missions or is something screwed up?

Your response above doesn't make any sense to me in my given context and the context in which I am asking the question. This is why I am asking again.

Yes, as a Progen, I understand I can be dense at times, and this may very well be one of those times, but your post completely lost me as a response to my question.

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Correct you have no token.

The Gas mission is a temporary mission where you obtain the brimstone gear in exchange for your Symbol and some gas.

It does not reward anything else.

It does not reward a Mission Token.

To obtain a mission token you need to either purchase an Advanced Token at high cost from the Trade Vender or get a player to convert 3 of their mission tokens to 1 Advanced Token (they must be level 135+ to do this). When you receive the advanced mission token you take it to the respective NPC in Arx Magister named after your Progen Class to convert to a Mission Token (via the help of the Signifier Tubicines).

This mission token then is needed to be taken to Var on Arx Tiberius to obtain the repeatable mission "Capture the Cargo".

Currently the mobs are not firing back or using skills, hopefully I've fixed this now and players should treat this area (if successful) similar to 'raid' zone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An expansion on this, as I am unable to get anything out of Memnon beyond his default talk tree where he talks condescendingly about the "current Progen leadership" in re: Cygni 61....

... he says nothing to me about getting gasses or being a hero.

  • I have a symbol of loyalty from killing the Genetic Cargo.
  • I paid for my hull upgrades from L100 onward since my account is corrupted somehow and I cannot go to Altair or Norstand Vor, so originally, I disqualified myself from getting those "flavour missions" that gave the samples for the Ballista ammo and the Ballista PL.
  • I am well over OL 150 on my PW.
  • I bought my token from the vendor at Arx Magister, and my TT is looking to hire some RD muscle to get my PW to pay her back the 50M he owes her...
  • I received a few samples (plasma and impact) of BB ammo from a guildmate (who no longer plays) that had a few extras laying about and mapped those, and have a (not made by me, since I never got one to map) PM BB gun on my PW.
  • Upon reporting to Var after killing the Genetic Cargo, I was told I could see his friend Signifier Somesuch at Norstrand Vor City if I could build high quality stuff.


  • Am I bugged because I have maps to Plasma or Impact BB?
  • Could my failure to do the flavour missions when they were in play as related to my HU's be a point of failure for getting Memnon's mission?

I'd love to be able to build a BB gun or get the chemical BB sample. Or even just be able to do Memnon's mission, provided it doesn't involve going to Altair or NV.

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- progen

- level 150

- symbol of loyalty

(Q1. Not Required)

(Q2. No)

(Silly Q no.1, you are making sure you have the symbol in your ship's cargo when you go and speak to them?)

Yes - the Symbol of Loyalty is in my active, accessible-whilst-in-space cargo hold when speaking to Memnon on Praetorium Mons on Primus planet... but the Gatekeeper is not deigning to open the gate to his missions.

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  • 2 months later...

The symbol of loyalty is the use-once key to unlock some content (present or future).

Certainly, the BB samples are becoming scarce, as Gatekeeper Memnon is having reduced stocks.

So if they are still in game, is it bugged so I can't get it? Neither Var or Memnon will talk to me other then their generic chat tree.

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So if they are still in game, is it bugged so I can't get it? Neither Var or Memnon will talk to me other then their generic chat tree.

I had the same issue a while back, actually had to have a GM give me the mission, (then failed on 3 of the 4 prints :) ) so you may want to file a ticket.

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Do you have your Symbol of Loyalty in your cargo hold when you go and speak to him?

If the game has been recently patched, no they won't be in game. Memnon does seem to have a lot of iron eater cytoplasm for some strange reason.

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If the game has been recently patched, no they won't be in game.

Whoa, did anybody else notice this? Am I mistaken or is this a direct answer to a question? Somebody contact Var or Khan, I think the Jenquai or Terran scum have implanted some mind control device into Byakhee causing him to reveal secured data. The fate of the Progen race is at stake! Where is Dora? We must unite and destroy these inferior pests!

For the Republic!!!!!

Edited by Grendwal
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Yeah, straight replies are had to come by, even in the couple tickets I sent in. Not sure what patch we are talking about, I have been trying to get either mission since Saturday, Finally got a ticket answered, I'm guessing problems with the mail messes with tickets. Answer there was if I didn't do the lvl 100 mission I need a mission token to start Var's, I have two basic and 1 advanced, neither of them work if they are in vault or hold or split between in any combination i could think of.

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Var's high level mission that awards SOL points to a Token Mission to be done around level 100. This is the 'Equip Shields' chain and Var's High level mission requires you to be able to equip Level 9 shields (ie you have put in maximum points into Shield Tech, not build shields).

If you have not done this Token mission, you will be (certainly from the next patch) excluded from Capture The Cargo.

SOL are a means of obtaining entry into Stage II of Agrippa Technology in future. That is all they will be available for in the long term. No weapons not created by Agrippa Technology will be in the rewards for all the build line missions. You hand over your SOL and attempt to do the examination for Stage II. Failure may mean obtaining another SOL.

I cannot confirm if the SOL will unlock combat bases instances in future.

If you can currently get BB ammo samples then good luck, because these will be gone from the mission in the next patch.

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