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Need Faction mobs

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Ok some one decided to enable faction great in live there were many shinwa,earth corps and centriata mobs with levels for all that dropped loot according to there level. These sectors now have few and those that remain are to huge lvl 60 centrians or so wee lvl 7 shinwa. We need these to be put back in game as I don't relish hours of beating on Chavez for faction. Also the sectors they occupied are mostly barren and empty with out them.

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thank you for the input, but saying they aren't there is only part of the task. We need help remembering where they are so anything you remember about these faction NPCs would be useful.

When it comes to Jenquai Development, there are sha'ha'dem and shinwa in jupiter. sharim will be added when NPCs are able to warp and go through gates (though recall NPCs didn't actually go through the gates, they just went in them and disappeared I think). There are jenquai listeners in ABB as well as shinwa patrol cruisers. There were some shinwa in the asteroid fields that came mid-live in swooping eagle, but since those fields aren't in yet those shinwa shouldn't be in yet either.

now here's what I remember:

the infiniticorp, getco haulers and earthcorps near earth station are missing, though they also used to warp around the area as well. I would like to see at least the earthcorps in game.

I think there were some low level centuriata next to the gate to endriago in primus.

there were traders throughout the SOL system warping around but we can't really put those in yet.

Does anyone else remember these missing faction NPCs? We need help remembering where they were.

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The Asteroid Fields in Jupiter (the ones near the Asteroid navs by the planet) were patrolled by L35ish Sharim mobs. The ores in those fields were mostly L6-L7 or 8, with a rare L9 ore thrown in. Ammo ores like Apollonite and Discordite was in those feilds. Stygan Blackwater was another ore in those fields. Demeter's Tears as well. They would attack Jack-a-roid mobs if you had good Sharim faction. There were also L40ish ones near the gas cloud navs (the L8 L9 ones) in Glenn.

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I was going to start a thread about factions, but saw this one and it will do. As to the "Best" spot in live for faction farming was in Tarsis. I do not remember the exact nav, but I am betting someone does. Each kill gave you +2 for RD faction.

Now for a different take on this subject which no wasn't in live, but I don't think everything needs to be as live was anyway. Here is my idea which will not only make faction farming less of a grind, but also split up the faction spots in the game so you don't have a bunch of players camping just a few spots. What I subjest is to make it so that you get +1 point for each lvl of mob you kill. A lvl 7 mob would give you +7, a lvl 50 would give you +50. I for one do not think getting the same points for all lvl of mobs is realisit. If you kill a lvl 50 then you should be rewarded for doing so. This way I can get both combat & faction instead of endless hours of rd farming. In live they wanted you to grind out everything because the longer it took the more you played and in turn the more money EA got. That is not the case here. With less then 5% of the total players playing as it was in live having to spend countless hours farming takes away from the more fun parts of the game.

Anyway that is my 2 cents.

Thanks, Merlin

TTYL :-)

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I was going to start a thread about factions, but saw this one and it will do. As to the "Best" spot in live for faction farming was in Tarsis. I do not remember the exact nav, but I am betting someone does. Each kill gave you +2 for RD faction.

Now for a different take on this subject which no wasn't in live, but I don't think everything needs to be as live was anyway. Here is my idea which will not only make faction farming less of a grind, but also split up the faction spots in the game so you don't have a bunch of players camping just a few spots. What I subjest is to make it so that you get +1 point for each lvl of mob you kill. A lvl 7 mob would give you +7, a lvl 50 would give you +50. I for one do not think getting the same points for all lvl of mobs is realisit. If you kill a lvl 50 then you should be rewarded for doing so. This way I can get both combat & faction instead of endless hours of rd farming. In live they wanted you to grind out everything because the longer it took the more you played and in turn the more money EA got. That is not the case here. With less then 5% of the total players playing as it was in live having to spend countless hours farming takes away from the more fun parts of the game.

Anyway that is my 2 cents.

Thanks, Merlin

TTYL :-)

There was a good one in Primus (next door to Tarsis), I think it was called Nav Construct Area. Not sure, but it's NW of the gate, and there are loads of PW factioned construction drones. Killing them in Live gave a faction adjustment of -6 PW, -2 PE/PT/TT, +2 RD/V'rix/JE.

Edit: corrected a faction adjustment. Was IC rather than Psionics

Edited by Terrell
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Here is a rough gathering of some of the mobs i remember from live. i'll add more later when i think more deeper on the subject.

Audrinne (sp):

cl 30 Sha`ha`dem explorers used to be a random mob running around

Audrinne Planet:

Earth corps captians (cl32) and warrent officers (cl 24)(these were the guys who asked for your mining permit)(i believe there was also a few turrets here)


@ gate to audrinne: More earth corps lt.commanders(25??) and captians (cl32)


There used to be about 30 earth corps npc that floated around the navs by the station, most were group linked, cl 18-36. they were spaced out in groups of 3 and 4.


At the nav consutrction site north of the station, there was a group of 16 centuria drones, cl 24-26. (i rememebr this because pw's could go here and SI for rd faction, 16 npc's at a time, and when i was a nub pw, i got powerleveled in trade and combat xp here (pre-live pl nerf)

Xipe Topec:

cl 25 Shinwa Patrols - spawned in groups of 3, prolly two different groups of them by the station

i'll add more as i remember them.

Cia :D

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