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    British Space Corps
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    Orsini Mining Platform
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    Sneaking around

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  1. Hi Scorp,
    I saw E&B Network Multiboxer coming soon on gearlist today. Any idea how soon, soon is?
    I’ve been looking for a better way to multibox since HotKeyNet  is no longer around. Looks great
    so far.
  2. Will see if i can sort it out this weekend ?
  3. an update on mineable locations for L4 Dark Matter Enriched Cobalite would be nice if u got time

  4. was wonder how goes the Network Multiboxer project?

  5. Happy to support building the Nexus, sign me up when you see me online
  6. Hi all, Looking for any of the following from my wish list: Devastating Gaze Eye of Destruction, Eye of the Fang Fiend Black Streak, Black Power IX, Black Speed VIII Plague's Bite Have a couple of feathers and a pile of cash if your able to spare any of the above.
  7. Should be fixed now, anyone can access to view. If you want edit access, then please request it.
  8. No its not intentional, i'll sort it out this evening. Sorry all.
  9. EnB Gearlist website has had a lick of paint. New homepage put in place.

    Might if I can find the motivation fix the rest of the site to be properly responsive so it works on Mobile & Tablet.



    1. Babylon65


      Hi I just noticed the new front end & was wondering are you still updating gearlist as there are a few errors now the devs have moved drops. Also is there a way that normal people can update it as & when we find new drops for these things?

    2. scorpiomidget


      Yep, i still update it from time to time.

      I started looking into how the community could update the info, not made much progress on it recently though. Who knows what might/might not happen over xmas though :)


  10. Thank you both for the replies. Astro, i'll look you up next time on and Zarg thanks for the tip on the feathers. Not interested in raiding myself, but the Feather idea is great.
  11. I'm hoping to get a Devastating Gaze for my JD and although I don't raid i'm hopeful someone might be in a position to build and sell me one or sell the component I cant get my hands on Terror's Gaze . If anyone is able to supply one or other of the above, just let me know how many credits I need to part with or any other activity (apart from Raiding) I need to get involved in. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer. Scorp
  12. Couple more old school have joined us: Otis and Dragon + a new recruit from our WoW Guild: Nige (hi pal) ... now to work on the rest of them Next target BM (Bloodymary), sure i've got his contact details somewhere ...
  13. /wave *cloaks*
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