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Everything posted by CheezeBaal

  1. i may have missed it but could anyone tell me about the "glowing" roids? I havent been mining in awhile but passing through a field i noticed that a roid had an added glow that switched from roid to roid. Is this just a flashy effect? should I mine them in that order for a bigger bonus?
  2. server jut hit the poo i think. doesn't seem to be my connection. N/m connection burp somewhere.
  3. didnt show up for me until i left the team i was on.
  4. I thought there was something out there like that already but ok, thats an option. I know very little about setting something like that up so if anyone wants to jump in let me know. right now it's just sitting there.
  5. I have an unused website with unlimited traffic. do we need anything hosted or mirrored?
  6. i've noticed that while gating i miss anything thats said (at least in guild chat) and was wondering if there is a chat buffer.
  7. i had it frozen on map screen but it logged in after 10 or so minutes. and dropped right back out trying to dock.
  8. I run boinc on all my machines, seti in particular. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a team as there isn't an EnB Emu boinc team yet.
  9. i was thinking random timing of something like this whenever the vrix sectors are soon too go live. (with vrix of course.)
  10. i dont remember manes spawning for the OCD, juswt the zen and the oni protectors. but i do remember there being high lvl manes there protecting the ore fields in the bottom right hand couple of navs.
  11. i spent tons of time there. i was the second on Orion to activate the OCD and iirc the first was a guy named Hamlet. (who i helped acquire parts for the OCD and in return helped me with the steps needed to get a working device) My fondest memory was my Sentinal getting KS'd for a few days by a TE there. I assembled a computer outta some parts i had laying around and borrowed a buddies acct that happened to have a high lvl JD. I can just imagine his/her face when the JD decloaked and started firing as well. that person did not have a good time for the next few days in XT. It was the beginning of my dual boxing.
  12. this happened at the end of the original beta and i was wondering if you guys could do this around the end of the ST. [IMG]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk270/CheezeBaal/22.jpg[/IMG] and i actually LoL'd when i read the chat screen.
  13. alot of trusted toons at F7 are available to swap your gear/cash. or load a second acct....or make some friends,join a guild etc,etc.
  14. what % of your processor is being used when your not in the game? in the game? also i'd download malwarebytes and run a scan with it. (update it before you scan) i use that as an "on demand" scanner and avast. both are free.
  15. [quote]- obscure some contents of hulks (mystery item, only revealed when you pull it in). - large stacks of ores in hulks (good explanation too). Gonna be a killer on the reactor ... - chance for hidden hulk to be revealed once you've cleared the field (was somehow obscured from scanners). Chance for AA in said hulk. - buffs in hulks if they pop. - increasing chance of AA's dropping if fields are cleared? This kinda happens by default although the AA placement code is still needing a few tweaks - I want it to work so that the server maintains a constant number of AA's throughout the galaxy rather than just having a very low drop chance.[/quote] I like all of these altho instead of just a chance for an AA i'd suggest that the server rolls for field lvl specific, high end loot item instead of [b]just[/b] AA's. also [quote]but hulks didnt pop with mobs, just random buffs[/quote] hulks and roids all had a chance to pop iirc and also weren't discernible by color. (also iirc) i seem to remember the phrase "if it looks too good to be true, then it probably is..." passed around quite a bit when discussing how to tell if something was going to pop. I also seem to remember guardians spawning from roids as well as hulks and if you look at my sunset vid you'll see me pulling a L9 device from a L9 roid, not a hulk.
  16. carrot or stick scenario idea. just a thought, while i like the field clear bonus, i was wondering if the field clear bonus could be tied to a 50/50 chance of either a level appropriate hulk or mob spawning (50/50 chance). i was thinking that perhaps you could re-use the job mob code for this.
  17. saw this and liked it as much as your original. [img]http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk270/CheezeBaal/keck-laser-825.jpg[/img] [url="http://news.discovery.com/space/big-pic-keck-observatory-laser-show-110604.html"]keck laser show[/url]
  18. i was thinking more along the lines of a despawn timer and lowering the respawn. once you open or pull from a hulk the despawn timer starts and you have say 5 minutes to pull what you can from it and it then despawns or perhaps even pops like a poproid. (anyone for an added element of danger while mining? ) I would also lower the respawn but give it a bigger "window". L9 hulks i think are currently set around 24 hours iirc. i'd like to see the respawn on those anywhere from 4 to 12 hours set randomly once they despawn.
  19. lol @ kyp. and keep up the good work you guys. sometime around the beginning of st3 when i was a beta i posted the youtube link for you guys to look at whatever info you could pull from it. i had thought you had gotten what you needed from it. my apologies. yes, some things are different, some fish look off,(color,size, etc) buff window,and like you noted jobs term but i think it's outstanding progress so far. notice the mash tactics in the fb? btw who should i be reporting bugs to when they're exploitable? like the mob that hits for 0 damage? someone drop me a mail i didn't want to post it.
  20. the original sunset vid i did with the original music (youtube removes it). for anyone interested. [url="http://know-tek.com/EnB/Earthandbeyond.avi"]Sunset vid[/url] *explanation of the last text in the vid. [url="http://archive.gamespy.com/fargo/august03/autorpg/index.shtml"]farglic[/url] pretty damn funny
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