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Everything posted by nimr0dbbow

  1. Capture the Cargo has Temporarily been made repeatable. The code to make it repeatable is valid and in game and works for other missions. There is a possibility you no-longer have the requisits for the mission: 1. You need to have (a Basic Progen Optional Mission Token) at all times for this mission. The Token is spent at the PAX Decima Gemina. 2. You need to be Combat Level 50, Have a Maximum Hull Level and Progen. The Symbol gained is Temporarily providing access to Brimstone gear. Eventually it will allow access to Agrippa Technology Stage II development and hopefully other (Progen) events in the game. --- I have just checked / amended the mission. It seems a reward of Credits and XP managed to creep in from when it used to be part of a mission line that required you to deposit 1 million creits originally to start it. I've made sure it now only rewards the Symbol, as you no longer now have to pay to do the mission in credits. THE BRIMSTONE BALLISATA MISSION NO LONGER GIVES A TOKEN AT THE END. Tokens will have to be obtained via other sources. Version 7.1 is repeatable.
  2. You still can do your hull upgrades, these are separate to the Promotion Master mission. The master mission awards token(s), Experience, Faction and gives a help as to where to go next. It does not provide any further means of upgrading your hull. Please see patch notes for who to see for your hull upgrade.
  3. The promotion mission is not needed to obtain any hull upgrade beyond level 10. It just gives an indication as to what is needed on the next stages of your hull upgrade. For information as to where to go for your hull upgrade please read the patch notes under Progen. Progen Hull uprgrades no longer start with Kerr, they end with him and the Shipyard.
  4. Good catch. It wasn't the text although that has been changed - a simple copy/paste has been done for a lot of the token missions - get the code correct and the rest can be fleshed out. It was a condition in the mission that was not working, but that has been amended in version 2.1.P Amended in play and dev server. As to the mission it was orignally a hull upgrade option so once past this stage it should run smoother. You token should be taken from you now. ** NB Until skill @ level is implemented, most of the Build Missions have a requirement to analyze an item on the mission itself. If you have already analyzed this blueprint, the code doesn't automatically update until you are at that stage and analyze something new. Best to save a couple of 'keepers' for when this code is used
  5. Many of the Progen missions were not just written by one person for your information. Some of the missions are mine, true but most of the early missions have not been touched in respect of the developers who originally wrote them. I suspect the quote you made was written by a developer from continental Europe whose main language is not English. Myself, I tend to use UK/English (original) and not USA/English (modified). I'm also running the missions now on the Developer server database through Microsoft Word spell-checker. (UK English). Missions ending with *SC* have been spell-checked. Words related to the names of items have not been changed. For your information if a mission has ended in [Version] then it may have been a mission I made OR ADOPTED. If it doesn't end in [Version] then it is not one of mine. While the text of the mission may be lacking semantics, hopefully the code will not! Be patient during these stress-testing times. However, should the eloquence of a particular mission not be up to standard, then you should use the correct part of this forum, namely the text bugs forum. *SC* !! https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/forum/77-text-bugs/
  6. In answering this: Symbol can only be obtained by doing 'Capture the Cargo Mission', or by some other (hard mission). The only one available to every Progen is the 'Capture the Cargo' mission. This currently requires you to defeat a single mob of Combat Level 66. Currently... It is creating some buddies shortly. Also: 1. When hull upgrades had optional to pay or do an optional mission did you: a) Do the huge mission for the level 100 upgrade that required killing Chavez / took 8 hours to do Do the option mission for the level 100 upgrade that required you to locate the PAX Decima Gemina 2. If you paid for your level hull upgrade when it was optional to pay or do mission options instead of paying then you will not be eligible for the Symbol of Loyalty from the old mission style. 3. The new mission style currently includes Capture the Cargo as a Token mission. However, this eventually will be a high level mission unlock on a Token mission early on, meaning that currently if you have a Token you can obtain this mission. 4. How do I obtain a Token: a) Currently pester a GM for one 'tradable token' which you take to the NPC in Arx Magister. Ideally if you were to purchase this on Market from another player, you would expect to have to pay atleast 100 K credits (infor for when it works properly). Wait for the Master Promotion Mission stage code to be fixed, then everyone gets their tokens. c) Wait for another player to be able to trade an unique token over, this will require them to be level 135.
  7. Mission Token are Grey/White Coloured Tradable Token are Gold Coloured and need to be converted using the NPC in Mars to a suitable Mission Token. Make sure you have the correct Token. Capture the Cargo: - Speak to Var (with Mission Token) - Requires Mission Token in cargo on speaking to the salvagers aboard the PAX Decima Gemina - You have to pay this over (give up) in order to procede. - This mission rewards Symbol of Loyalty Brimstone (Temporary) Mission - Requires to pay over (give up) a Symbol of Loyalty - Speak to Gatekeeper Memnon - Temporarily obtain samples of Brimstone (for up to next 2 months) - Temporarily obtain a Mission Token. For players currently with their Symbol of Loyalty, don't visit Var, visit Gatekeeper Memnon. Completing his (temporary) mission will (currently award) a Mission Token as well as the Brimstone Gear.
  8. You need to have a Mission Token in your cargo. It is removed at this point.
  9. Old fashioned trade is: "Get given token" by ingame means ie "market" or currently "Friendly GM" but Tokens given shouldn't amount to more than 7 per player.
  10. I've given the GMs a lot of details on their part of the forum to assist players currently in this part of the stress test. This is why one rather 'on the ball' one has been able to release tokens, partly probably if it was the same one I had TeamSpeak discussion with. However, returning to the topic in hand. The old Level 100 mission had an option that lead to the Capture the Cargo mission. If you just paid for your Level 100 hull upgrade, then you will not have been able to do Capture the Cargo before. This will be one reason for not having a Symbol. The other reason is the Symbol is destroyable and you could have spaced it. Brimstone Ballista Mission is also Temporary. Gatekeeper Memnon is worried about stocks of the Brimstone Ballista launcher, he doesn't feel they will last for next month's server update. Ammunition resources may take longer to deplete. Happily, he has come across a nice field of: Raw Flawless Ruby, Stygian Blackwater, Apollonite and Discordite To the rear of Endriago while hunting Renegade Progens and may be willing to let about 10 of each go to the descerning Progen Hero when stocks of Brimstone Ballista ammunition run dry. THis is likely to become more popular ------ Mission Tokens are to be awarded from the Master Mission. This has stages to be code fixed.
  11. Try the far side of Endriago Space. I put in a ore field for progen in there, trouble is the Renagade Progen have got their first so cunning may be needed to attempt to clear this field.
  12. Its not the fault of the mission. This mission has been in the game for 3 years and you can't select mobs less than CL 0 anyway (because they don't exist). What is currently being done by a developer team is MOB AI etc. This is potentially the reason why these mobs now are harder. Its not a fix for the mission that is required in this circumstance, so can't be blamed on missions.
  13. Its something that Tienbau needs to look at. The way mission work is that we get to use message_code with set range of arguments. We (as content developers, this includes myself and others) currently don't have access to the code that creates the message (well I don't - there may be some who are dual code/content developers) so missions tend to be a 'send message_code' or 'use code_header' in the mission that will then run the code that a Code-Developer has made. Tienbau is the Code-Developer who made the code to allow the message_code "advance once hull equal or after" {this level}". In that mission there are two stages together, one that looks at overall level (in order to allow a hull upgrade) and the following once that looks at hull upgrade level (which is the one currently not working). However, he is also busy on a lot of other code, and this may not be an immediate priority. I'm not removing the stages with this code in it, because that defeats the purpose of a stress test. Tokens may have to be obtained through old fashioned trade means. At least this way we will know when the code works... as your mission should automatically update.
  14. Great idea Prom and in fact it is one I had and implemented as part of the current patch (been in development since August 2010)! I hope this was independent thought from your part! (and not plaguarised) It is already being implemented by myself as part of the token missions for the Progen (Arx Magister / See Patch notes). I put it in as an alternative method to keep updating the players as to any new mission content, and to see if this method was a better means of doing this task. Arx Magister (where you go and buy drinks) has 3 NPCs 'Collegia Nota' 'Centuriata Nota' 'Sabine Nota' All are who Progen players should view / speak to to see what Token (non-storyline, secondary 'flavour' missions) are in the game. When I'm putting in a mission, I now update the talk tree of the Progen Class NPC to state what is needed for the mission, where to go and who to speak to as part of their talk tree. It is a lot easier to update the talk tree on a NPC and also have the mission in the game. These NPCs can also be viewed by any class or race, but only the respective Progen Class can use them to trade Tokens. If the NPC could interracted with like a Trade Goods with a scrollable mission list rather than set responses then that could be better, but I suspect it would not be possible.
  15. odd... I'll jhave a look at mission, the code should have auto advanced you, I'll ask Tienbau to check the code again for this requirement. The code should (as I understand) advance you if you are of that hull level or higher to the next stage of the mission.
  16. I know, There is meant to be a code that updates when you achieve a hull upgrade. This code currently is not working (but when it does that stage will complete when you get the hull upgrade). At the moment it just advances, and this requires the attention of a code developer. The master mission though does auto-update on reaching a level. It will be intended that the master mission will be for information purposes where to go for your next hull upgrade, while awarding xp and faction.
  17. To my knowledge no one was told the mobs would be in yet. I know the CFB drops of the Mordana in Live, the fact that this mission has been withdrawn ( https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/2346-progen-hull-mission-style ) does not automatically mean the Mordana are in the game! It has been stated in game Progen chat the CFB originally came off the Mordana and the BB came off high level Bogeril. I thought it is a little wierd that players complained about the removal of the BB mission and not the removal of the CFB mission when both were removed. Just to be clear, removal or reassignment of any Progen Mission reward should not be interpreted as the mob that originally dropped it is in the game. This would be inaccurate. While the mobs eventually will be in the game, and will have those loots, don't expect them to be in the game if a mission that rewards the item has been altered/reassigned. It just means that a mission has changed. If you want to check what will be in the game on a next patch, use the PTR server as a means of 'recon'
  18. That has been changed to Nav Promethius 3 which exists.
  19. I know. But I'm currently concentrating on Progen missions and trying to streamline the earlier ones. There won't be any high level Progen Mission for a while.
  20. Go and see Anjuren Khan in Aganju. He has been assigned to the Warship Genesis. --- This is as close as memory to the live mission, Anjuren Khan was on the Warship Genesis. Of course it doesn't help that he's physically normally found in Moto too. Aganju and Moto are both in 61 Cygni. For this mission purpose he is currently on the warship, and the warship avatar should update to his profile.
  21. You are correct with the number of tokens you would have as a Progen at your level. A GM can remove a specific mission ID from you and re-implement it but this may then bog down in the early stages of the mission when it attempts to give you a level 10 hull upgrade. This mission will then auto update to your level and gift you the neccesary tokens. However, this would only be correct if all you did up to here before, was to pay for your hull upgrade (when there was a choice). The current missions assigned to Token missions (complete/available and incomplete/not-available) have been created from the old HU 50-135 missions and respective option bonuses. Which could mean that you already may have completed the mission ID for a Token mission. This is true for Agrippa Technology (which currently is the only Token unlocks in the level range you are currently at). Agrippa Technology Token Missions at that level range @100 - 135 require build (skill) 5 also, and have not been modified otherwise.
  22. Check Master Mission- If not check August Patch Notes when you log into the Server. These should be read for a reason.
  23. Tokens are awarded on the master mission, you could ask for the master mission to be reinstated but this may bug. Otherwise wait until tokens become available from other players or kindly ask a GM for one.
  24. Exactly. However. Players who are past hull 135 can only use tokens on 2 mission trees - One of which is Capture the Cargo - One of which is the old mission that could be done from Nostrand Vor (Scientist Rescue, that has already been derrided as a waste of time by Lot) There are no other missions available from Tokens for high level characters (there will be but expect +9 months at least). At 100 the token missions are derived from the old option mission components. This means levels 135+ have already bypassed these missions already. The same is for some at 50. Content currently being worked on is for lower level characters. Creating a new character in order to make a trade token may also not help. This is because you have to get past the HU 135 before you can trade mission tokens for an unique tradable token. So there will be some wait. However, all is not lost. Anticipating this about 2 weeks ago I posted the ID of the Tradable Unique Token on the GM private forum. The item can be given to players who want to have the Tradable Token. Unlock in Arx Magister. Everything has been thought out already. Erasing your Promotion master mission and reaquiring it currently may cause problems due to inability for you to reaquire the first hull upgrade. If I am on the server I'm willing to erm, make some mission tokens, convert them by the NPC and then legally trade the unique token onwards. Will only cost 100,000 credits.
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