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Everything posted by x0rc1st99

  1. From Beta until Sunset, I really only played two toons consistently   TE - Wednesday 150 JE - Hierophant 150   Both were on Andromeda and I recall starting in Founders Federation before migtrating the two toons into Static.
  2. Question about the multiboxing, this game isnt exactly taxing for most newer systems but is there any forseeable issue running 2 or 3 accounts using a very middle of the road setup?
  3. After having been out of the EnB community for such a long time, realizing this emulator existed youll have MY full support and future donations to keep this running as long as it can! Soon ill be a 150 JE again and cant wait for the storylines we always hoped to see.
  4. Thank you, ill put this info to good use!
  5. 2 more days w/o the interwebs at home...
  6. The net 7 portal looks very empty but again probably due to me bowsing on my phonewith its terrible browser. I will check on my computer later on. Thank you for the info!
  7. So i was reminiscing on this game and started reading old reviews when i caught wind of an "in the works" emulator. I am super curious but cant for the life of me seem to find any information about a downloadable anywhere even on the portal site. Maybe because I'm on my phone but can anyone shed some light on this for me please?
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