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Everything posted by Bleakend

  1. Have you guys watched the Walking Dead? Its an awesome show. Season 2 is now available for streaming if you wanna put up 22 bucks, oh crap my donation! Worth it though. God that show is awesome. Oh yeah the combat cloak thing.... well, combat cloak isn't what's making JD's invulnerable, its this insta cloak thing we've all seen, which I think is an ancient bug. Algaron's right about the skills as well, once Kyp obliterates the insta-cloak, gives mob's properly working skills suchs shield recharging/see cloak/hacking, getting those working again along with balancing/beefing up the damage mobs dish out and players take. Well, not only will people not be soloing much but it might take 3 or 4 or even 5 groups to complete this stuff, BBG/Controller/Fishbowl/DT stuff. Not objecting, will be a metrix tonne of fun. Funny thing is I never really soloed anything, maybe 3 or 4 times lol. I've always worked in groups, from the beginning. Cooperative play is where its at other than all the trauma I suffered from playing RTS games competitively for seven years solo lol. As a side note: I was wondering what the optimal goal for a JD character is, as in whats the ideal for a maxed out Defender with regard to the role this class is supposed to play. I know when I and a few buddies had our Controller and Fishbowl groups running on the regular we a) always had a JD with us and the Defender's role in our group(s) was to summon/reactor buff/ DPS/ scan blind/ occasional energy leech (despite its brokenness the skill still had marginal value)/ along with psi shield, primarily on the tank and healers. After many experiences with this I came to the conclusion that the JD, as opposed to the PW or TE, was the sort of support warrior class what with the level nine devices as well as being a damage blanket, making up for what the TE/s and PW's lacked in terms of DPS, along with the highest level of debuff possible.
  2. Most games have a rule of conduct, or some kind of conduct. I guess if your friends left due to the chat in this game they've never played a blizzard game, or counter strike... or any other game that requires you to interact with other people.. It gets hairy man... and not in the "your a man now" way... lol. Sorry they felt that way I guess... Still plenty of people on to play with though! Woot!
  3. Alpha, as we now know it, has been going on since late 2009, its 2012 now, so something like 2 and a half or three years. My guess is that there is no time frame for Beta but a sort of "as long as it needs to be" type of time frame. Could be months, maybe years.
  4. Everything I eat is tasting better now for some reason. Oh I meant, "tasting BETA now for some reason" ! lolol Woot! Looks like the emu got a whole lot more interesting. Not that it already wasn't, but I'm very very very excited to see where this goes.
  5. Getting the same thing. I chop you! I chop you so good login server!
  6. I can't believe no ones locked this yet lol.
  7. Hey me too! lol. Looks like we have something in common.
  8. Nope, and I knew you were gonna go there rofl. You just haven't provided any evidence, none, just talk, not even any witnesses lol. I'm not sure if you know this, but in a court of law there's a defender and a prosecutor (at least in the criminal courts) and each is burdened with a task of providing evidence. The prosecutor has to prove that the defendant is guilty and the defender has to prove his client is innocent. The logic here is Claim--> Evidence--> Conclusion. So far, you can pick whichever you'd like to be prosecutor or defender, you have provided no evidence supporting anything you have done as a JD besides personally attack people. I, on the other hand, have provided detailed photographic evidence of my experience with said mobs, Mordana and GoBB minions. Also wasn't the only JD who tried mordana, they all failed too. So I dunno, yeah you got lucky, you have made the claim that you did indeed kill all 7 or 8 waves of Mordana, but you have provided no evidence. So your claims, therefore, are baseless.
  9. Look you just got lucky, i tried it three times actually and got to the 4th wave, so yes, without screens or anything I honestly believe you did not do it.
  10. [img]http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5853/screenshot14or.jpg[/img][img]http://img715.imageshack.us/img715/3202/screenshot11ro.jpg[/img]W[img]http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/9674/screenshot12qb.jpg[/img] Soloing mordana with just one JD is not possible. As you can see, down to almost no hull after the third lvl 44 killed. And this is coming from a JD who has done fb/gobb solo with top level gear at 100% or greater and with a cloak buff. Maybe it was magic?
  11. Wher.... where am i? Who are you people and where's my horse?!
  12. Thanks for the response kyp
  13. I went up to the rock today on my JD and took some screens which im surprised no one else has lol... Youd think itd be common sense that if your gonna make all these claims you might as well back it up with some photo evidence. Anyways heres mine! As you can see below, I am not using cloak buffs of any kind device or weapon. The next photo is me shooting the minion after having summoned him out, theres also no summon buff so he is well within range, but notice the direction the minion is facing; he is facing away from me which does not allow him to shoot his beams. The third photo shows him hitting me for a substantial amount of damage, now imagine trying to take 3 or 4 of these on with a JD without summon, or even gobb's group, if all 6 of em hit you your dead period, either that or reduced to 300 hull even with psi shield up with a psi shield buff. Notice he is FACING me. The fourth photo is the death of the minion, notice my shields, I am at less than half, he managed to hit me quite a bit, and if I hadn't summoned him out I would have died for sure or not been in quite as good of shape. [img]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4166/screenshot01ss.jpg[/img] [img]http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/4958/screenshot03ir.jpg[/img] [img]http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/7426/screenshot06p.jpg[/img] [img]http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/732/screenshot08t.jpg[/img] The point here is to show that it is not the fire-cloak or cloak bug, or exploit, or whatever you want to call it, it is a matter of having the mobs SEE CLOAKED, SHOOT MISSLES, or STAY ATTENTIVE to the situation, and also the fact that yes, if i stay cloaked long enough two things happen my shields regen AND THE MOBS and the mobs shield recharge is much higher than mine. If i had a suggestion I'd suggest making JD's shield recharge half or less shield recharge rate when cloaked. There will be more evidence streaming in over the next few days. Time to put this poppycock to rest.
  14. [img]http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/663/gobbminionste.jpg[/img]
  15. You can also do most of that stuff with a TE excluding the mordana, which requires a TT in tow.
  16. Martyr's heart has no restrictions, any race can use it.
  17. Kenu was on, then the discussion, then went down, perhaps there will be treats!
  18. Somebody please lock this post! Its a peepee contest at this point lol. Help! Please somebody!
  19. Bleh people are still talking about this crap? lol Geez guys.... If we had posts about this for new content maybe we'd have it by now instead of all this talk about "fixing" cloak, which isn't going to matter much once mobs can see cloak. As far as I can tell its not what players are doing, its what the mobs are not doing to stop the players. Also, since this is pre-alpha I don't think this topic deserved six pages hahaha, so yeah, just gonna kick back and keep laughing, theres enough material here for a full 5 minute set at any open mic.
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