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Everything posted by Brixunslore

  1. make sure ur print screen button isn't stuck! i have no such problems when i log in and play!
  2. its ok i remember phor from st4 times! i made my pw already! shield leech is 45 seconds now so its a bearable time restraint!
  3. 20 angels went to heaven! my deepest heartfelt sympathies go out to all those families! 
  4. has the PW been un-nerfed from 10-12 months ago? (when the PW's had all the silly timers put on them) just curious to know if the JD is still the powerhouse fighter or if the ultimate warrior has his space back as the best fighter in the game?
  5. i still don't understand why a cloak would allow u to take half dmg. it bends light around your ship to make it invisible, not increase damage mitigation. any shots fired before cc engages should give full damage and in the event of a critical strike it should interrupt the cloak and leave u visible again.
  6. also with the 1 second firing rate being minimum the progen would see no benefit in the turbo thus bringing other classes even closer to its dps rate! before we know it the so called warrior will just be shelved entirely
  7. i've got to say i'm against the pvp concept! the game was never intended to be pvp and as such any implementation of it will only add more "nerf this class, nerf that one" posts in the forum! this will have a detrimental effect on the overall enjoyment of the game! if u wish to have pvp in a space game there are many out there to choose from! why try to change this one to satisfy the ego-mongers out there that want to shout "Pwned" all day?
  8. after trying to create an account i am informed that a email will be sent to me. i've checked my email and its there, however, the links to complete registration DO NOT WORK! Plz help! Brix
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