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Everything posted by lpalgarvio

  1. i'll remind that i posted this because much of Earth and Beyond (and also StarGate) background is based on Ancient Aliens theories. therefore it is relevant to the game, players and people interested in fiction in general, be it history or fiction. enb, stargate and these theories aren't meant to be fraudulent or cause massive panic worldwide. take it as interest!
  2. [quote name='RojoMuerte' timestamp='1300755207' post='36995'] How about a primary and secondary advocate, as I'm sure real life can get ahold of us at times and that would prevent a possible single point failure? Not saying Lann fails, but perhaps he gets called away the 2nd could provide that buffer and step in. Of course they would work in close coordination. Just a though, I know I try to reach out with Lann and help flow information as best we can together as sometimes we are both occupied else where sometimes. [/quote] sounds good. well organized teams work better than just 1 person, which is also a single point of failure.
  3. - try manually replacing the URL. - enforce a no-redirect. - use local hosts to change IP address.
  4. the VPS/hosting should still be accessible to admins, unless they disabled that but forgot to remove the data from it (in case the service was shut down). i've had hosting in 1and1 (single) and Godaddy (single and cloud), VPS in Goddady and Linode, and a dedicated server in Layered Tech i recommend Linode. VPS.net might be a good service too. they have very good VPS services, if not the best in the world. available for USA and Europe (UK) Layered Tech is a premium service with great support, but very expensive.
  5. my login is still active as well. 1and1 is terrible for hosting / domains.
  6. some ruins in caribbean sea floor. nice pictures Previously undiscovered ancient city found on Caribbean sea floor [url="http://www.heralddeparis.com/previously-undiscovered-ancient-city-found-on-caribbean-sea-floor/65855"]http://www.heralddep...sea-floor/65855[/url] [url="http://www.heralddeparis.com/got-ruins-undersea-archaeologists-release-new-photos/66899"]http://www.heralddep...ew-photos/66899[/url] [url="http://www.heralddeparis.com/more-from-caribbean-site-new-detail-images-just-released/65927"]http://www.heralddep...-released/65927[/url] this topic in turning into a general ancient history / ancient theories hehehe http://www.alienswerehere.com/AncientAlienEvidence.html
  7. [b]origin of Hyperia from enb? [/b][url="http://atlanteanconspiracy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=talk6&action=display&thread=106"]http://atlanteancons...play&thread=106[/url] [img]http://atlantis.haktanir.org/athanasius_kircher1.gif[/img]
  8. [url="http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_1.htm"]http://www.world-mys...s.com/sar_1.htm[/url] http://www.arcturi.com/AncientAliens/PiriReisMap.html [b]INTRODUCTION[/b] In 1929, a group of historians found an amazing map drawn on a gazelle skin. Research showed that it was a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet in the sixteenth century. His passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish navy allowed him to have a privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople. The Turkish admiral admits in a series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the fourth century BC or earlier. [img]http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_1_a.jpg[/img] [b]The Controversy [/b] The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much how Piri Reis managed to draw such an accurate map of the Antarctic region 300 years before it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline under the ice. Geological evidence confirms that the latest date Queen Maud Land could have been charted in an ice-free state is 4000 BC.
  9. AFAIK, that would be impossible or extremely hard to do, if done by hand (SQL). the forum topic ids would very likely clash with each others, for example. an export, if possible in IPB admin interface, could help. no clue if that exists. in Drupal we have a lot of modules that can export/import content, fields, views, styles, panels, features, etc... features is a great invention - it can import settings, content and enable modules based on the functionalities you choose for example.
  10. i'll nominate my self if i don't get a spot in the dev team need to shop for a mic, hehe
  11. hey caught a referrer in my server log: [code] [Sat Mar 19 00:09:47 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /************************/public_html/projects, referer: http://s147674401.onlinehome.us/forumBackup/index.php?s=********************************&showtopic=5013&st=0 [/code] relevant topic dug up: [url="http://s147674401.onlinehome.us/forumBackup/index.php?&showtopic=5013&st=0"]http://s147674401.on...topic=5013&st=0[/url] it's an old backup from the looks (dated 2009) [url="http://s147674401.onlinehome.us/forumBackup/index.php"]http://s147674401.on...ackup/index.php[/url]
  12. nice work suggestion, add the max level description or a limit the fields to a range of levels, as noted on the character builders / my document.
  13. lpalgarvio


    was suggested here, more or less: [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/4421-dps-info/"]https://forum.enb-emu.../4421-dps-info/[/url]
  14. CDel, check episode number 3 of season 2. structures were found in the sea, close to Cuba and to Bahamas (Bermuda's Triangle), close to Japan (Dragon's Triangle) and close to India, ranging from big street blocks to pyramids, as high as 60meter, and as deep as 650meter from the surface. [b]what special have they in common?[/b] - they aren't natural occurrences for sure, they were built by us or by something. - they sank or got flooded 9,000 to 10,000 years ago, and they are as old as [u]40,000 years old.[/u] human history dictates we are as old as 10,000 years old, in terms of civilization. either we didn't built these structures (we didn't had tools, organization, society or knowledge in the primordial ages) or we are actually older than that, and there was one or more declines in societies and civilizations in the past - extinctions. and from the same clip, just to note, Europe strechted into the sea in such a way, that it could fit in it not just 1 Portugal and Spain, but actually 3 Portugals and Spains (maybe Atlantis was there after all). A lot of land around got flooded by 10,000 B.C., from what they report, as much as a whole Europe and China all over the world. given that and the facts mentioned above, we are really missing a lot of human history. there could be much more we aren't seeing. perhaps we were more advanced, 20,000 or more years ago. also, the two triangle regions are also the place of high magnetic disturbances, where everything from radar, to compass and electronic equipments fails to functions, and where UFO spotting (since colombus!) are very very common, as well as ships and planes crashing and disappearing (or even just the crews) frequently. they are very odd places. that's a strong point torwards strange events that were described in the past. [b]other things to think about, but from the Pilot episodes:[/b] - the nazca lines on the mountains: it's not just the lines! the summit of one or more mountains are gone! where's the vestiges? how is it so perfectly cut? - how perfect the cuts are done in many structures around the world, in times where we didn't had tools that could do that at all or in any reasonable time? unless of course, we used to be more advanced than we were in 5.000 B.C. - why are the pyramids everywhere? why are these astronauts/visitors depicted in so many places? it's not coincidences. god/gods, visitors, prophets, well something it is, something it was, people or not. i'm inclined to believe there's much more to know, and maybe there was/is something else out there, but i'm not taking it for granted. i can't discard any or all ideas without proof first.
  15. [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1300316150' post='36692'] Ammo, as far as I know, only comes out 200%. In Live PM ammo also had Superior added to it's name. [/quote] true, to help differentiate from non-PM ammo i think.
  16. [quote name='-Seeker-' timestamp='1300076515' post='36502'] During the December content patch, the TS got a special weapon to play with (L9 Ballistic Sniper ML) which has special conditions that must be met before it can be used to full effect. I'd like to propose similar equipment for the other new classes (JT and PP) For the JT: [b]Psionic Dominator (L9 Device, JT only)[/b] - From Sundari. Effective against organic monsters, it reads the targeted monster's psionic field and upon activation, it can override a monster's hostility for a short time, causing the monster to fight against its own kind. [b]WARNING:[/b] Monsters recovering from the effects of this device might attack the user with exceptional rage and hostility. - Reuse timer: 2 minutes. The functionality is somewhat analogous to a charm effect - the MOB will not necessarily be controlled by the player, but will instead patrol near the player and aggro against any MOBs of its own kind, or against any MOB that aggros the player The success of the psionic domination roll will depend upon the relative levels of the MOB vs the player using the device, as well as psionic resists/buffs that are in effect. Typically, the effect on a MOB of the same level and resists as a player should not last more than a few minutes. Named Bosses would probably be immune to the effects of the device, and normal MOBs may develop immunity with repeated uses of the device. ---------------------------------------- [b]Vita Theodora's Sacrifice (L9 shield, PP only)[/b] - From Agrippa. This shield is specially built with a reactor shunt transducer, which in an emergency, can be exposed to restore the shields and reactors of all players in a 7km radius to full capacity, at the expense of depleting all reactor and shield energy of the user. [b]WARNING:[/b] Use of the transducer will probably attract a harsh response from attacking monsters. - Reuse timer: 5 minutes. [/quote] maybe instead, improve the Charm skill by N skill levels (thus, improve the chance or other factors)
  17. [quote name='Yuritau' timestamp='1300240328' post='36632'] Not to be a nay-sayer.. but what would this add to the game? What benefit would there be to having 200% ores instead of 100%? Component building automatically produces 200% components, so upscale ores can't have any effect on component quality. (and you can't remove the auto 200% from component building without upsetting every trader) Maybe the higher quality ores could add a % chance to have a critical build on components, and a critical build would create more than one component from the same amount of ores. [/quote] same thought i see two possible ways: [list][*][b]No quality change for any ores, simple[/b].[*][b]Ores can have quality based on factors, but [/b][b]only Refined ores can still be PM[/b][b]. the factors:[/b] extraction, ore fields, the prospected object itself, the tool involved (device bonus to skill), or other random (dismantle), etc - it could range from say, 30% to 130% quality[/list]- Varying PM and non-PM quality [u]refined[/u] materials would probably be easy to do. Varying [u]non-PM[/u] quality [u]unrefined[/u] might be easy to do too. But don't forget, [u]PM raw ores[/u] would mean a magical technology and device that could work at molecular would be needed... we don't have such magic machines yet (or at least at industrial scale) to fuse matter and transform it at will. and if we did, wouldn't be cheap, nor now, now in 100 or 200 years (high pressure, heat, etc) if implemented, bear in mind also, it's possible, but hard to turn a refined ore into a unrefined ore. [list][*]Uranium and Plutonium slugs can be enriched and vice-versa, in a lengthy and costly process.[*]Raw stones can be polished - to become raw, it has to be puckered by tools, crushed to tiny bits or turned into dust.[*]Raw metals can be melt to become refined - it's not efficient or most useful to do the reverse (add oxygen, carbon, or materials into it while being melted again)[/list]- [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1300311537' post='36685'] There are plenty of cases, if not the majority, where an ore is only refined once, it would essentially be a quality penalty on those comps that don't require multiple refines to make their ores. This may anger both Traders & Explorers. In addition it's not possible to unrefine a refined ore, so if the Explorer gets bad quality on the refined ore, he has to go out and find some more, while every other type of manufacturing, does have the option to rip & rebuild. [/quote] just noticed you talked the same =P i'm not in the field of mining, but it's common knowledge
  18. [b]Atrahasis:[/b] http://www.viewzone.com/adamscalendar33.html [quote]The seal image [[b]above[/b]] depicts the legend of the "Great Flood" which consumed mankind. Many Sumerian legends are strikingly similar to Genesis. Like Genesis, the Sumerian legend, [i]Atrahasis[/i], tells the story of the creation of modern humans -- not by a loving God -- but by beings from another planet who needed "slave workers" to help them mine gold on their extra-planetary expedition![/quote] [b]Nephilim and Anunnaki:[/b] http://www.halexandria.org/dward185.htm [quote][font="arial, Arial, Helvetica"][i]Nephilim [/i]is often translated as “giants”, a legitimate and appropriate interpretation, but one which may be only partially accurate. A better definition might be “those who came down”, “those who descended”, or “those who were cast down.” The [i]Anunnaki[/i] of ancient [b][u][url="http://www.halexandria.org/dward183.htm"]Sumerian[/url][/u][/b] texts is similarly defined as “those who from heaven to earth came”. Sitchin [1], Gardner [2], and Bramley [3] have all identified the [i]Nephilim [/i]as the Anunnaki, more specifically, essentially the rank and file. [/font][/quote] [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon"]http://en.wikipedia....2012_phenomenon[/url] some people say 22-23th Dec 2012 is the day the ancients return. i just set the flames up, lol
  19. well as i said, interesting _ theories_ i personally think Daniken is a bit, kind mad man, or obsessed, to the point of forging proof, but i wouldn't dismiss many ideas and theories. i really like the ones about pyramids, nazca lines, and other big and precise constructions. the electricity sounds probable too, and so do depictions of "gods" or "travelers". i posted it as a general interest and mostly, as it definitely relates to Ancients in Earth and Beyond and Stargate. btw, check [b]Vril article in wikipedia[/b]: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril[/url] [quote] [b]Plot summary[/b] The novel centers on a young, independently wealthy traveler (the narrator), who accidentally finds his way into a subterranean world occupied by beings who seem to resemble angels and call themselves Vril-ya. The hero soon discovers that the Vril-ya are descendants of an [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antediluvian"]antediluvian[/url] civilization who live in networks of subterranean caverns linked by tunnels. It is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being the "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy which his spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree which depends upon their hereditary constitution, giving them access to an extraordinary force that can be controlled at will. The powers of the will include the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular are awesomely powerful, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to wipe out entire cities if necessary. It is also suggested that the Vril-ya are fully telepathic. The narrator states that in time, the Vril-ya will run out of habitable spaces underground and start claiming the surface of the Earth, destroying mankind in the process if necessary. [/quote] despite the bad mojo from the nazi controversy, i'd say V'rix and Vril aren't very far in both word and intent, and could be that Vril were one of many inspirations used for creating the V'rix in the game, the "weapon" of the ancients. [b]throwing more stuff at the topic:[/b] [url="http://ancientastronauttheory.com/"]http://ancientastronauttheory.com/[/url] [b]more ideas:[/b] [url="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100506184719AAwIwlE"]http://answers.yahoo...06184719AAwIwlE[/url] [quote] [b]Have you heard of the Ancient Astronaut Theory? Yes, I'm talking about aliens!?[/b] I will fill you in. Located in modern day Iraq, or the Cradle of Civilization, from 3500 to 1900 BC was the first civilization. It was built by the Ancient Sumerian people. They were the first to build cities, streets and sewage systems. They also developed the first known writing system. Archaeologists have uncovered 22000 clay tablets from Sumerian ruins and the majority of these tabs have been translated. Many tabs go into great detail about an alien race called the Anunnaki (Sumerian for “those who from heaven to earth came”) It is said they were here to mine gold because their atmosphere had become depleted of the valuable resource. The Anunnaki viewed homo-erectus as unintelligent, primitive beings and because they needed workers to mine the abundant amount of gold they found here; they created Adamos. Adamos were created as a slave race. They were the FIRST MODERN HUMANS; created by the anunnaki by genetically mixing their DNA with that of prehistoric man. This is carved in their stone, its part of Sumerian history. Some refer to Adam and Eve, they may have been the first modern humans. But perhaps they were the first of the genetically created human beings. There are many similarities in the ancient Sumerian text and the Bible. Not just in the stories but in the language as well. Adam is Hebrew for "first man" while Adamu is Sumerian for "first man". Coincidence? Ancient stories and depictions of ancient aliens come from all over the world. From China to The Americas from Iraq to South Africa. An abandoned gold mine in South Africa was recently discovered. It dates back to over 150,000 years ago. Why believe this was an "alien gold mine"? In many African languages, the native word for star means "bringer of knowledge or enlightenment". Many cultures believe we have been visited for tens of thousands of years by vistors from the stars. Zulu legends speak of a time when the visitors from the stars came to Earth to excavate gold and other natural resources. Humans were not making metals 150000+ years ago, so why would they be mining for them in mass quantities? Heck, according to the majority of the worlds beliefs system humans weren't even around 100,000 years ago! But they were. It's a scientific fact. I could go on and on about this, but I will leave you with this. Much of this may be a lot to take in, but I assure you these are not fairy tales or far fetched fantasies but facts. There is even additional evidence of alien mining half a world away; on the American continent. Check it out for yourself. Google Ancient Astronaut Theory[/quote] [b]150,000 year gold mine:[/b] http://www.sott.net/articles/show/196147-Ancient-Human-Metropolis-Found-in-Africa
  20. just noticed it's in the wrong forum. move me to general forum please.
  21. [b]How Large is the Universe?[/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEQouX5U0fc [b] Black Holes: the Other Side of Infinity[/b] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3AfNXdg2Tk more at [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/SpaceRip"]SpaceRip[/url]
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