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Everything posted by alurra

  1. *facepalm* Quietly ushers Canman out of the room shaking her head
  2. Right click on Spybot, the blue and yellow shield. Exit the program. Confirm any 'are you sure you want to do this' and then try running the game in admin mode again. Spybot may be stopping the ability of the game to run. IF that is the case, you will need to make sure spybot is shut down each time you run the game or put an exception into spybot for the game. I will leave the directions on how to do that to another to give specifics on since I dont' use Spybot.
  3. Check your antivirus, Cin. Sounds like it might be blocking it. If that is not it, check any kind of malware program running as well because there are a couple of those that will block the program as well.
  4. No offense meant to the OP here, but I am still seeing no reason for bleating about the raids. Yep, I am one of the "Big 3". I wonder; how hard have you worked to get where you are right now? You have barely been registered on these forums for 3 months. Do you have a toon that is 150 yet? Have you ATTEMPTED to be included in a raid either by asking one of the "Big 3" or even gathering your own group?   I noticed a question someone asked about how long a 'trigger' is left up before the raiders begin. Well, the answer to that is however long it takes us to gather enough members to complete the raid, whether it's 10 minutes or 10 hours. Do we leave it for days and days for others to 'try'? Nope, surely don't and I think to assume we should so others have a chance is pure BS. If you want a chance at a raid, know the spawn timers, be ready, start gathering your teams together before it spawns and be there when it does. It really is THAT simple. If you don't know the timers, then sit, watch, learn, listen. We ALL did that. It isn't knowledge that is just 'handed' over upon guild creation. It takes time, teamwork and communications to get this information together and just as much time, teamwork and communcations to get the raid completed. If you get your stuff together and beat us to the trigger and begin, congratulations and good luck. If you do not, don't blame us because we got organized first.   To complain about the "Big 3" or ANY guild, for that matter, I find absolutely ridiculous. I played alone, single, by myself for most of the ST's. I decided right toward the end of ST 4 that I didn't want to play alone anymore. I didn't choose a guild based on who could get me to the raid the fastest or the most uber gear, I chose it based on the amount of players that I interacted with from that particular guild who had the same views as myself. I communicated and stil communicate with multiple folks from other guilds. Just because we don't all share a guild tag doesn't mean a damned thing. I think sometimes that information is overlooked by players that aren't 'hardcore'.   Wireclub, you specifically stated that the only folks who come to this forum and who shouldn't be 'counted' are the hardcore players. So, because we love our game, we watch the forums, we participate in the conversations, we listen, we watch, you hold that against us and claim it is not the right 'playerbase' to be asking. If the others are in and out that fast that they can't get enough steam together to visit the forums or communicate with the rest of the playerbase then how are we to be held responsible? Obviously they don't have the same love of this game, they didn't take the time or the effort to learn how to play, to see the mechanics and how they work, to really sit back and enjoy all that this galaxy has to offer. They went straight to 150 and when they didn't get immediate gratification of what they thought they should get at that level they left. You say that our player base will continue to dwindle and to that I say NOPE! There have been many before that raced to the top, got bored, got fussy that there wasn't an "I WIN" button and left. Then there were 2 more to replace that lost one. It is cyclical. There will always be those who come in, don't get what they want and then leave. Then there will always be us 'hardcore' gamers here day after day, tribulation after tribulation and still standing at the end. We might loose a few new players along the way, but we usually pick up a few that just love this and do everything they can to support it even with the 'crap' that goes on, so at the end of the day, it does even itself out.   I challenge you, Wireclub, to actually SEE the game. Not the end game content, not the raids, not the uber gear, not the guilds, any of the guilds. See the players, see the community, stop whining about what you don't yet have and look to see what you can actually get. You aren't being excluded from game content by anyone other than yourself.
  5. As Aru stated above, this is true for Static as well. If you and your groups are doing a raid that Static is 'scheduled' to do that week and we come and find you there, we will wish you luck and leave the area to let you finish what you started.   Never would a group of Static members walk into a raid situation as stated and try to steal it from them. The rotations are ONLY in place to keep the big 3 from stepping on each others toes. There are a LOT of feet running about with those 3 tags so we came up with something for those of us wearing those tags to alleviate the problems.   For those of you who aren't wearing those tags, those 'rules' don't apply to you so no worries. If you can do it, and want to do it, then do it. Don't point fingers at those of us who can and call us 'evil' because we can.
  6. You can't minimize in full screen mode, only bring up the taskbar. Only able to minimize using windowed mode. Just thought I would point that out ...
  7. :huh: I don't think he was criticizing your english as he is not a native english speaker either.   I don't quite understand why everyone is so shook up about the change in patch days. Yes, it's a Saturday, yes, you might have the day off, so do a lot of those 'Yanks' that you seem to think have preferential treatment.   I would say a vast majority of the dev team is of European descent. Do you suppose they chose Saturday because they too are off from their regular jobs and therefore more readily available to deal with doing the patchs and downtime?   Naw, there would clearly be too much logic behind that reasoning, right? </sarcasm>
  8. prototype reorder ... check it then try again
  9. Well, I am EST and am -4 GMT, so maybe it's due to daylight savings time, which we do observe ... current EST time 6:59 AM ... according to GMT clocks  10:59 AM ...that'll change again in the Fall lol ... either way, not a topic about time shifts and changes, but did want to point out that I haven't totally lost my mind ... I should also point out I can't vouch for tomorrow or even later today and my mind being in tact :P
  10. Eastern time is -4GMT, therefore, if Prre is stating 8PM GMT, that would be 4PM EST .... Overt states 5PM EST, which would mkae that 9PM GMT. I wasn't at the meeting, so it's ONE of those 2 times, I am sure .....either way, it's neither Midnight EST nor 8AM GMT...
  11. I have seen that one before, but dang it, still made me laugh hard and loud ... it's 5:30 in the morning ... my husband wants to know what could POSSIBLY be THAT amusing .... he made me laugh even louder ... *clamps her hands over he mouth*
  12. if this is ISP related, count me in for the change because this is harsh.
  13. I am also getting that same response on all of my accounts/toons.
  14. Or some of us DID read that particular item and THOUGHT it might be a good idea to let them know the issue is still occuring, so they don't just ASSUME since nothing is said that it is working absolutely fine. I would hate to think they can read my mind through my tinfoil hat ......   I worked so dang hard on that hat too ..... o.O
  15. Yeah, something terribly wrong. There is no less than a 30 second delay between action and reaction, IF you can log in at all. Also there are numerous amounts of 'null' items all over vaults and holds. Me thinks something is not quite right. ;)
  16. You want to know what the greatest part of my 'suggestion' is? Is that it can be implemented and used by those of us who feel we MIGHT want to do that, or NOT used by those of you who feel that it shouldn't be. It is only a function that is already in game in other places. For myself, I would like to see it implemented within guild chat.   As for what you have to say about it Klyde, you are absolutely right, sometimes people need to vent. Other times it is the responsibility of an officer to calm a situation and THEN determine if that person should be removed or retained. To just boot someone from your guild because they got obnoxious I feel would cause the EXACT thing that you are speaking of. It would spill into regular chat about how guild x is y and so on and so forth. I have seen that happen before on many occasions.   My thinking was strictly for those moments in time when tempers flare and things escalate beyond the point it should. If a request is made by an officer or other member that it be toned down or taken private and it is not, I think it would be fair to have the ability to 'gag' them until they do take it where it belongs or they have sufficiently calmed. If a guild is clear about the rules and the results of broken rules, then being gagged shouldn't cause an offender to drop guild out of frustration and vent all over the rest of the servers channels. If someone should decide that is the appropriate reaction to a broken rule and resultant consequence then nothing is going to stop them, neither gag nor boot.   Again, this is not a function that I would say should be available to all members of a guild, it is something that should only be available to officers and above. I can only assume that each guild has a way of choosing their officers and if your guild has officers that would abuse the 'gag' function, then perhaps you should take a look at your choices of promoted players?
  17. Or, it could just give someone the right amount of time they need to cool off just a little bit before they say things they don't really mean ....
  18. Today, after a few things that happened, I thought perhaps a "gag" ability for those of rank within a guild might be a nice thing. I know you can 'gag' someone in a privately created channel, how come that feature is not available within guild chat? Just a thought ....
  19. No, that is not what i'm talking about here, Duvel . I have already gotten an answer, and the mission really does start in Menorb. I have also done the 'warder' mission which is completely different, but thank you for your answer.
  20. Or Magoo could realize that the big 3 have already had such a meeting and tentatively come up with a solution .... but hey, why let an undisturbed pot simmer, we should stir it, it's been hours since the last flare up ....
  21. Hey, I have an awesome idea!!   How about all the arguing and bickering and name calling and pot shots and and and keep on going until finally  everyone is tired of the crap and just never logs in again .... yeah, that's a fantastic idea ....   I am part of Static. I don't have to agree with everything everyone is doing regarding these raids.  This is a damned game. It is supposed to be fun. I am not finding it fun. All the damned drama. If I wanted more drama in my life, I would delve deeply into my teenagers lives.   Will ALL of you folks that are here constantly pointing fingers and trying to one up the next just give it up already and figure out a way to be an adult, if in fact that is what you are, and just get on with it.   And yes, I am directing this to any of my guildmates that are also involved in this ridiculous conflict.   I know we all want triggered raids, so on and so forth, blah blah blah blah, but at what cost? Is it REALLY worth all of THIS!?  Personally, I think not.
  22. because it will shoot you into what you describe as old westwood.  YOU need to read the entirety of the install directions and you would have the answer to all your questions/statements and more.   If you run the enb config from the game file, as administrator, and UNCHECK the 'window' mode and then save the file. I am quite sure you will find you are not running in the upper left corner of the screen ....   Also, if you use the Net7 "something or another" as the launcher (also pointed out in the directions) you would realize that is how you get to the game to play ....   So, in conclusion, if you are left not playing, the fault lies squarely on the shoulders of the user ....
  23. What are you talking about Uban? We did the Troller, and got interfered with when we were killing the Troller by VGE and BI both, then we triggered gobb and both bi and vge showed up again. We gave up when we could no longer keep steady connections as we all got multiple server connection losses. How did we become the griefers here exactly? And I am talking this specific instance.   I am not crying, nor am I complaining. Simply asking you to state for me the reasons for your particular conclusion that somehow, Static and it's leadership is at fault for the incidents today?
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