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timer on devices and skills


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add timer to devices and skills

prevents double buffing by mistake (thus wasting energy) and makes the game a little harder

As far as i can remember, you could double buff in live but had to effect, maybe reset the buff timer (length the buff stayed valid)

Using extra energy 'by mistake' could be quite nasty at the wrong time, i understand, but i dont see why the game dynamics should change on this one.

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In Live you had a the cooldown timer clock display at least for shield sap/leech/energy drain letting you know you you didnt need to mash the button for it to tell you how many secs remain before allowed to recast hehe, but ya rest of skills that didnt have no cooldown didnt have any warning to prevent double buffing/casting, in live was prevented by watching the casting graphic of it around your ship, which works here but sometimes the game graphics glitch and you look like your constantly casting hopefully that gets remedied eventually though.

But I agree with Slayer there shouldnt be any change from what it was. For now though ya just gotta pay lil more attention.

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i propose this:

delay = time delay between each skill cast

casting = time taken to cast a skill

skills that interact very little, no delay, no casting:

Repair Equipment (Combat) (JD, PW, TE)

Shield Inversion (Combat) (PP, PW) (exception to rule, because in live it was instant cast)

skills that interact little, fast delay (1-5sec), no casting:

Cloak (Explore) (JE, JS, JD)

Powerdown (Combat) (PS)

(skills that mostly provide stealth, therefore need to be instant cast, but delay-able to avoid abuse)

skills that interact little, no delay, fast casting (1-5sec):

Create Wormhole (Explore) (JE)

Environment Shield (Explore) (JE)

Jumpstart (Explore) (JE, PS, TS)

Reactor Optimization (?) (JS) - increases reactor capacity and recharge rate for caster or group

Recharge Shields (Combat) (JS, PP, TT)

Psionic Shield (Combat) (JD)

Call Forward (?) (PS) - call forward a skill over target

Repulsor Field (Explore) (PS)

Afterburn (Combat) (TS) - greatly increase movement speed for short durations over caster or group

Hull Patch (Combat) (TS, TT)

Nullfactor Field (Combat) (TS) - field which counteract environmental hazard over caster or group

Shield Charging (Combat) (TT)

Rally (Combat) (TE)

(skills that mostly buff or repair)

skills that interact a bit, fast delay (1-5sec), fast casting (1-5sec):

Fold Space (Explore) (JE, JS, JD)

Summon (Combat) (JD)

Gravity Link (Combat) (PS, PW)

Menace (Combat) (PS, PP)

Enrage (Combat) (PW, TE)

Hacking (Combat) (TS, TE)

Befriend (Combat) (TT)

Bio-repression (Combat) (TE)

(skills that mostly displace targets, confuse them or attack them)

skills that interact too much , big delay (5-20sec), big casting (5-10sec):

Compulsory Contemplation (?) (JE) - confuse a single target (attacks any nearby target, hostile and friendly)

Shield Leech (Explore) (JE)

Charm (?) (JS) - converts target for a short amount of time

Disable (?) (JD) - disables skill use on target for a short amount of time

Energy Leech (Combat) (JD)

Turtle/Quick Fire (?) (PP, PW) - large shield over caster or group for a short amount of time

Shield Sap (Combat) (PW)

Self Destruct (Combat) (PW)

Impervious Haven (?) (TT) - invulnerability over caster for a short amount of time

(skills that mostly cause massive damage to targets or give big advantages over them)

no info/opinion yet:

Confuse (?) (JS) - ??? might be the compulsory contemplation or charm skill, or something else

Distract (?) (PP) - ??? might be the compulsory contemplation or charm skill, or something else

Illusion (?) (TS) - ??? might create an hologram of caster (think Total Recall movie), to confuse hostiles

Analyse Weakness (?) (TE) - ??? might display susceptiblness to damage, list of skills and other info on target

(these i remember from my studies in 2005, but we did not found back then what exactly they did, we just speculated)

hard to make this readable... opting with colors instead of larger text for titles.

and yes, i tend to edit my topics or replies a lot till they look the way i want.

gathered info from these links and from whatever i recalled from the game :=)





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