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Zeig Missle quest?

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Sentenial here.

Are you suppose to be a certain level when attempting this mission?

I was sent there by Zeig to get missle training.. Upon arrival, BANG. I done died. Had no chance to try anything..


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Sentenial here.

Are you suppose to be a certain level when attempting this mission?

I was sent there by Zeig to get missle training.. Upon arrival, BANG. I done died. Had no chance to try anything..


This mission takes a bit of skill, you can't charge in and start blasting away but... If you stay back a bit, watch them and try to pull (kite.. get close enough to hit one, then hit your reverse) the "odd man out" away from the group you can complete this mission. As I remember I did die a few times doing it, but it is early so xp debt is low. If you log off you will have to start over... Keep with it, you will win in the end. ;)

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Exit warp at higher range.

Stay at max range for your weapons, and kill them one at a time.

OK, I'll try that.


Amazing what you forget when you haven't played for so long.

Worked perfectly.


Edited by BuzzStPoint
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