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Login within Windows 11 23H2 PRO

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I have installed the client "eandb_demo.exe" then "Net-7_Install.exe", launched as admin the client and then after launched the emulator as admin.

The emulator as made few updates and then launched the netproxy v2.46 as admin also.

The client.exe as admin is asking my name id and password, OK, then ACCEPT button give me square message of "EA.com is temporarily unavailable.... (INV-300)".

I have made the firewall access for in/out for "Detours.exe + LaunchNet7.exe + net7proxy.exe + client.exe"

The only trouble is that with this Win11 revison 23H2 the compatibility mode is only from Vista not WinXP SP3 anymore ?

I've tried to "modify" my register all-users and current-user to "force" the ~ WINXPSP3 RUNASADMIN in those executable, but no change.

I have tried this far none of this works:


2) Flag in registry "~ RUNASADMIN WINXPSP3"

3) Flag in registry "~ WINXPSP3 RUNASADMIN"


BUT, I have installed the client-game in the NVMe drive D and the emulator in the SSD drive C, is it OK ?


Any Help is welcome, Thanks in advance.




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Last time I tested in win11 logging into game had no issues.

INV-300 should indicate connection error and thats from client trying to access https://sunrise[.]net-7[.].org/AuthLogin url.

Not sure what firewall you are using, but most of them nowadays do mitm packet inspection and might block connection.

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Fixed my own INV-300 with info from another post:

Press Win key and type CO and select Control Panel, from there click on Network and Internet, then click on Internet Options, then select the Advanced Tab and scroll down to the security section and uncheck the "check server certificate revocation*" option and then click apply.

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Hello, thanks for your help.

"Karu" Do I have to modify something in my network card's ? (jumbo, rtp...)

"W3g" I've tried this with no success.

But, when I launch the game for the 1st time, it never show me the choice to install any certificate ?

I use the default firewall provided by default in Windows (aka defender)


Is the server for the game AUTH right ? (


I've tried 1PC with Win11 revison 23H2, with only this game, with the firewall deactivated, still blocked, I have launched the game with debug mode and I find this:


01/05/24 17:42:07 Connecting to Authentication Server on
01/05/24 17:42:08 Attempt to register the Sector Server failed
01/05/24 17:42:08 SSL Response:HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain

Server: AuthServer/2.5

Content-Length: 50


Port number must be 3500 or above

01/05/24 17:42:08 Local master port is 50673
01/05/24 17:42:08 Listener unable to bind to socket on port
01/05/24 17:42:08 Local sector port is 50674
01/05/24 17:42:08 Connecting to Authentication Server on
01/05/24 17:42:08 Attempt to register the Sector Server failed
01/05/24 17:42:08 SSL Response:HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain

Server: AuthServer/2.5

Content-Length: 50


Port number must be 3500 or above

01/05/24 17:42:08 TCP Listener unable to bind to socket on port 50673
01/05/24 17:42:08 TCP Listener unable to bind to socket on port 3805
01/05/24 17:42:08 TCP Listener unable to bind to socket on port 50674
01/05/24 17:42:34 TCP connection on port 3805 closed gracefully
01/05/24 17:43:22 MVAS thread running



It seem's some port are closed by default in my PC ?

Maybe I would reinstall my old PC with windows 7.


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